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ESC Telemetry for Hobbywing Pro 80A HV ESC. This will be
incorporated into a broader ESC telemetry library in ArduPilot
master in the future
#pragma once
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
class HWESC_Telem {
void init(AP_HAL::UARTDriver *uart);
bool update();
struct HWESC {
uint32_t counter;
uint16_t throttle_req;
uint16_t throttle;
float rpm;
float voltage;
float phase_current;
float current;
uint16_t temperature;
uint16_t status;
const HWESC &get_telem(void) {
return decoded;
AP_HAL::UARTDriver *uart;
struct PACKED {
uint8_t header; // 0x9B
uint8_t pkt_len; // 0x16
uint32_t counter;
uint16_t throttle_req;
uint16_t throttle;
uint16_t rpm;
uint16_t voltage;
int16_t current;
int16_t phase_current;
uint16_t temperature;
uint16_t status;
uint16_t crc;
} pkt;
uint8_t len;
uint32_t last_read_ms;
struct HWESC decoded;
bool parse_packet(void);