// ArduSub transect flight mode
// Sub follows a line according to current crosstrack error supplied by XTE NMEA sentence
// Requires GPS providing crosstrack error
// Jacob Walser August 2016
#include "Sub.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "GCS_Mavlink.h"
namespace {
static uint32_t last_transect_message_ms = 0;
float des_velx = 0; // inav earth-frame desired velocity +/- = north/south
float des_vely = 0; // inav earth-frame desired velocity +/- = east/west
float des_velf = 0; // pilot body-frame desired velocity +/- = forward/backward
float des_velr = 0; // pilot body-frame desired velocity +/- = right/left
// Heading PID controller update interval
uint32_t last_pid_ms = 0;
uint8_t pid_dt = 1000/20;
// Initialize transect controller
bool Sub::transect_init(bool ignore_checks)
// fail to initialise transect mode if no GPS lock
if (!position_ok() && !ignore_checks) {
return false;
// set speed and acceleration from wpnav's speed and acceleration
const Vector3f& curr_pos = inertial_nav.get_position();
const Vector3f& curr_vel = inertial_nav.get_velocity();
// set target position and velocity to current position and velocity
pos_control.set_xy_target(curr_pos.x, curr_pos.y);
pos_control.set_desired_velocity_xy(curr_vel.x, curr_vel.y);
// initialize vertical speeds and acceleration
pos_control.set_speed_z(-g.pilot_velocity_z_max, g.pilot_velocity_z_max);
// initialise position and desired velocity
last_pilot_heading = ahrs.yaw_sensor;
des_velf = 0;
des_velr = 0;
des_velx = 0;
des_vely = 0;
return true;
// should be called at 100hz or more
void Sub::transect_run()
uint32_t tnow = millis();
// convert inertial nav earth-frame velocities to body-frame
const Vector3f& vel = inertial_nav.get_velocity();
float vel_fw = vel.x*ahrs.cos_yaw() + vel.y*ahrs.sin_yaw();
float vel_right = -vel.x*ahrs.sin_yaw() + vel.y*ahrs.cos_yaw();
// if not auto armed or motor interlock not enabled set throttle to zero and exit immediately
if (!motors.armed() || !ap.auto_armed || !motors.get_interlock()) {
//reset targets
des_velf = 0;
des_velr = 0;
des_velx = 0;
des_vely = 0;
last_pilot_heading = ahrs.yaw_sensor;
// apply SIMPLE mode transform to pilot inputs
// set motors to full range
// get pilot's desired yaw rate in centidegrees per second
//float target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in());
//int16_t xtrack_error = constrain_int16(-gps.crosstrack_error(), -4500, 4500);
int16_t xtrack_error = -channel_lateral->get_control_in() / 10;
double target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in());
// get pilot desired climb rate
float target_climb_rate = get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(channel_throttle->get_control_in());
target_climb_rate = constrain_float(target_climb_rate, -g.pilot_velocity_z_max, g.pilot_velocity_z_max);
int16_t pilot_lateral = channel_lateral->get_control_in();
int16_t pilot_forward = channel_forward->get_control_in();
float lateral_out = 0;
float forward_out = 0;
// Pilot adjusts desired velocities to maintain during transect
if (pilot_lateral > 1000 || pilot_lateral < -1000 || pilot_forward > 1000 || pilot_forward < -1000) {
des_velf += pilot_forward * 0.0001;
des_velr += pilot_lateral * 0.0001;
// desired forward and right speeds in body-frame
des_velf = constrain_float(des_velf, -25.0, 25.0);
des_velr = constrain_float(des_velr, -25.0, 25.0);
// rotate pilot desired velocities to earth-frame
// forward velocity only (maintain zero lateral velocity)
des_vely = des_velf * ahrs.sin_yaw(); // +East / -West
des_velx = des_velf * ahrs.cos_yaw(); // +North / -South
// lateral velocity only (maintain zero forward velocity)
// des_vely = des_velr * ahrs.cos_yaw(); // +East / -West
// des_velx = -des_velr * ahrs.sin_yaw(); // +North / -South
//combined forward/lateral velocities
// des_vely = des_velf * ahrs.sin_yaw() + des_velr * ahrs.cos_yaw(); // +East / -West
// des_velx = des_velf * ahrs.cos_yaw() - des_velr * ahrs.sin_yaw(); // +North / -South
// set target position and velocity to current position and velocity
pos_control.set_desired_velocity_xy(des_velx, des_vely);
// run position controller
pos_control.update_xy_controller(AC_PosControl::XY_MODE_POS_AND_VEL_FF, ekfNavVelGainScaler, false);
// get pos_control forward and lateral outputs from wp_nav pitch and roll (from copter code)
float poscontrol_lateral = pos_control.get_roll(); //
float poscontrol_forward = -pos_control.get_pitch(); // output is reversed
// constrain target forward/lateral values
poscontrol_lateral = constrain_int16(poscontrol_lateral, -aparm.angle_max, aparm.angle_max);
poscontrol_forward = constrain_int16(poscontrol_forward, -aparm.angle_max, aparm.angle_max);
lateral_out = poscontrol_lateral/(float)aparm.angle_max;
forward_out = poscontrol_forward/(float)aparm.angle_max;
// convert pilot input to lean angles
// To-Do: convert get_pilot_desired_lean_angles to return angles as floats
float target_roll, target_pitch;
get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(channel_roll->get_control_in(), channel_pitch->get_control_in(), target_roll, target_pitch, aparm.angle_max);
int32_t error_heading = 0;
if (!is_zero(target_yaw_rate)) {
// Allow pilot to set approximate heading to maintain during transect
last_pilot_heading = ahrs.yaw_sensor;
last_pilot_yaw_input_ms = tnow;
} else {
// Set target heading after we have slowed to a stop after pilot input
if (tnow < last_pilot_yaw_input_ms + 250) {
target_yaw_rate = 0;
last_pilot_heading = ahrs.yaw_sensor;
} else {
// We are holding the current heading
error_heading = last_pilot_heading - ahrs.yaw_sensor;
// Wrap error 0~360 degrees
if (error_heading > 18000) {
error_heading = error_heading - 36000;
} else if (error_heading < -18000) {
error_heading = error_heading + 36000;
// Adjust heading to correct for crosstrack error
target_yaw_rate = g.pid_heading_control.get_pid() + g.pid_crosstrack_control.get_pid();
// Update crosstrack and heading controllers
if (tnow > last_pid_ms + pid_dt) {
last_pid_ms = tnow;
// update attitude controller targets
attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(target_roll, target_pitch, target_yaw_rate, get_smoothing_gain());
// adjust climb rate using rangefinder
if (rangefinder_alt_ok()) {
// if rangefinder is ok, use surface tracking
target_climb_rate = get_surface_tracking_climb_rate(target_climb_rate, pos_control.get_alt_target(), G_Dt);
// call z axis position controller
if (ap.at_bottom) {
pos_control.relax_alt_hold_controllers(0.0); // clear velocity and position targets, and integrator
pos_control.set_alt_target(inertial_nav.get_altitude() + 10.0f); // set target to 10 cm above bottom
} else {
if (inertial_nav.get_altitude() < g.surface_depth) { // pilot allowed to move up or down freely
pos_control.set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff(target_climb_rate, G_Dt, false);
} else if (target_climb_rate < 0) { // pilot allowed to move only down freely
if (pos_control.get_vel_target_z() > 0) {
pos_control.relax_alt_hold_controllers(0); // reset target velocity and acceleration
pos_control.set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff(target_climb_rate, G_Dt, false);
} else if (pos_control.get_alt_target() > g.surface_depth) { // hold depth at surface level.
if (tnow > last_transect_message_ms + 200) {
last_transect_message_ms = tnow;
(mavlink_channel_t)0, //channel
0, //target system
0, //target component
47, //command id
0, //confirmation
//gcs_send_text_fmt(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%ld, %ld, %ld, %f, %d", error_heading, ahrs.yaw_sensor, last_pilot_heading, target_yaw_rate, channel_lateral->get_control_in());
//gcs_send_text_fmt(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%f, %f", g.pid_heading_control.get_pid(), g.pid_crosstrack_control.get_pid());
//gcs_send_text_fmt(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%f, %ld, %ld, %f, %d", vel_fw, ahrs.yaw_sensor, last_pilot_heading, des_velf, gps.crosstrack_error());