You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
0 B

#include <AP_HAL_Linux.h>
class Linux::LinuxRCInput : public AP_HAL::RCInput {
virtual void init(void* machtnichts);
bool new_input();
uint8_t num_channels();
uint16_t read(uint8_t ch);
uint8_t read(uint16_t* periods, uint8_t len);
bool set_overrides(int16_t *overrides, uint8_t len);
bool set_override(uint8_t channel, int16_t override);
void clear_overrides();
// default empty _timer_tick, this is overridden by board
// specific implementations
virtual void _timer_tick() {}
void _process_rc_pulse(uint16_t width_s0, uint16_t width_s1);
volatile bool new_rc_input;
uint16_t _pwm_values[LINUX_RC_INPUT_NUM_CHANNELS];
uint8_t _num_channels;
void _process_ppmsum_pulse(uint16_t width);
void _process_sbus_pulse(uint16_t width_s0, uint16_t width_s1);
void _process_dsm_pulse(uint16_t width_s0, uint16_t width_s1);
/* override state */
uint16_t _override[LINUX_RC_INPUT_NUM_CHANNELS];
// state of ppm decoder
struct {
int8_t _channel_counter;
uint16_t _pulse_capt[LINUX_RC_INPUT_NUM_CHANNELS];
} ppm_state;
// state of SBUS bit decoder
struct {
uint16_t bytes[25]; // including start bit, parity and stop bits
uint16_t bit_ofs;
} sbus_state;
// state of DSM decoder
struct {
uint16_t bytes[16]; // including start bit and stop bit
uint16_t bit_ofs;
} dsm_state;
#include "RCInput_PRU.h"
#endif // __AP_HAL_LINUX_RCINPUT_H__