#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import copy
from emit import Emit
# Emit ArduPilot documentation in JSON format
class JSONEmit(Emit):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Emit.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
json_fname = 'apm.pdef.json'
self.f = open(json_fname, mode='w')
self.content = {"json": {"version": 0}}
self.name = ''
def close(self):
json.dump(self.content, self.f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def jsonFromKeyList(self, main_key, dictionary):
json_object = {}
if main_key in dictionary:
values = dictionary[main_key]
for value in values.split(','):
key, description = value.split(":")
json_object[key.strip()] = description.strip()
return json_object
def emit(self, g):
content = {}
# Copy content to avoid any modification
g = copy.deepcopy(g)
# Get vehicle name
if 'truename' in g.__dict__:
self.name = g.__dict__['truename']
self.content[self.name] = {}
# Check all params available
for param in g.params:
param_json = {}
# Get display name
if hasattr(param, 'DisplayName'):
# i.e. ArduPlane (ArduPlane:FOOPARM)
param_json['displayName'] = param.DisplayName
# Get description
if hasattr(param, 'Description'):
param_json['description'] = param.Description
# Get user type
if hasattr(param, 'User'):
# i.e. Standard or Advanced
param_json['user'] = param.User
# Get param name and and remove key
name = param.__dict__.pop('name')
if ':' in name:
name = name.split(':')[1]
# Remove real_path key
if 'real_path' in param.__dict__:
# Get range section if available
range_json = {}
if 'Range' in param.__dict__:
range = param.__dict__['Range'].split(' ')
range_json['low'] = range[0]
range_json['high'] = range[1]
# Get bitmask section if available
bitmask_json = self.jsonFromKeyList('Bitmask', param.__dict__)
# get value section if availables
values_json = self.jsonFromKeyList('Values', param.__dict__)
# Set actual content
content[name] = param.__dict__
# Set range if available
content[name]['Range'] = range_json
# Set bitmask if available
content[name]['Bitmask'] = bitmask_json
# Set values if available
content[name]['Values'] = values_json
# Update main content with actual content
for key in content:
self.content[self.name][key] = content[key]