/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This is the APMrover2 firmware. It was originally derived from
ArduPlane by Jean-Louis Naudin (JLN), and then rewritten after the
AP_HAL merge by Andrew Tridgell
Maintainer: Grant Morphett
Authors: Doug Weibel, Jose Julio, Jordi Munoz, Jason Short, Andrew Tridgell, Randy Mackay, Pat Hickey, John Arne Birkeland, Olivier Adler, Jean-Louis Naudin, Grant Morphett
Thanks to: Chris Anderson, Michael Oborne, Paul Mather, Bill Premerlani, James Cohen, JB from rotorFX, Automatik, Fefenin, Peter Meister, Remzibi, Yury Smirnov, Sandro Benigno, Max Levine, Roberto Navoni, Lorenz Meier
APMrover alpha version tester: Franco Borasio, Daniel Chapelat...
Please contribute your ideas! See http://dev.ardupilot.org for details
#include "Rover.h"
const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL();
Rover rover;
#define SCHED_TASK(func, _interval_ticks, _max_time_micros) SCHED_TASK_CLASS(Rover, &rover, func, _interval_ticks, _max_time_micros)
scheduler table - all regular tasks should be listed here, along
with how often they should be called (in 20ms units) and the maximum
time they are expected to take (in microseconds)
const AP_Scheduler::Task Rover::scheduler_tasks[] = {
SCHED_TASK(read_radio, 50, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(ahrs_update, 50, 6400),
SCHED_TASK(read_sonars, 50, 2000),
SCHED_TASK(update_current_mode, 50, 1500),
SCHED_TASK(set_servos, 50, 1500),
SCHED_TASK(update_GPS_50Hz, 50, 2500),
SCHED_TASK(update_GPS_10Hz, 10, 2500),
SCHED_TASK(update_alt, 10, 3400),
SCHED_TASK(navigate, 10, 1600),
SCHED_TASK(update_compass, 10, 2000),
SCHED_TASK(update_commands, 10, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(update_logging1, 10, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(update_logging2, 10, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(gcs_retry_deferred, 50, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(gcs_update, 50, 1700),
SCHED_TASK(gcs_data_stream_send, 50, 3000),
SCHED_TASK(read_control_switch, 7, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(read_trim_switch, 10, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(read_battery, 10, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(read_receiver_rssi, 10, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(update_events, 50, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(check_usb_mux, 3, 1000),
SCHED_TASK(mount_update, 50, 600),
SCHED_TASK(update_trigger, 50, 600),
SCHED_TASK(gcs_failsafe_check, 10, 600),
SCHED_TASK(compass_accumulate, 50, 900),
SCHED_TASK(update_notify, 50, 300),
SCHED_TASK(one_second_loop, 1, 3000),
SCHED_TASK(compass_cal_update, 50, 100),
SCHED_TASK(accel_cal_update, 10, 100),
SCHED_TASK(frsky_telemetry_send, 5, 100),
SCHED_TASK(dataflash_periodic, 50, 300),
setup is called when the sketch starts
void Rover::setup()
cliSerial = hal.console;
// load the default values of variables listed in var_info[]
AP_Notify::flags.failsafe_battery = false;
// initialise the main loop scheduler
scheduler.init(&scheduler_tasks[0], ARRAY_SIZE(scheduler_tasks));
loop() is called rapidly while the sketch is running
void Rover::loop()
// wait for an INS sample
uint32_t timer = AP_HAL::micros();
delta_us_fast_loop = timer - fast_loopTimer_us;
G_Dt = delta_us_fast_loop * 1.0e-6f;
fast_loopTimer_us = timer;
if (delta_us_fast_loop > G_Dt_max)
G_Dt_max = delta_us_fast_loop;
// tell the scheduler one tick has passed
// run all the tasks that are due to run. Note that we only
// have to call this once per loop, as the tasks are scheduled
// in multiples of the main loop tick. So if they don't run on
// the first call to the scheduler they won't run on a later
// call until scheduler.tick() is called again
uint32_t remaining = (timer + 20000) - micros();
if (remaining > 19500) {
remaining = 19500;
// update AHRS system
void Rover::ahrs_update()
hal.util->set_soft_armed(arming.is_armed() &&
hal.util->safety_switch_state() != AP_HAL::Util::SAFETY_DISARMED);
// update hil before AHRS update
// when in reverse we need to tell AHRS not to assume we are a
// 'fly forward' vehicle, otherwise it will see a large
// discrepancy between the mag and the GPS heading and will try to
// correct for it, leading to a large yaw error
// if using the EKF get a speed update now (from accelerometers)
Vector3f velocity;
if (ahrs.get_velocity_NED(velocity)) {
ground_speed = norm(velocity.x, velocity.y);
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST))
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_IMU)) {
update camera mount - 50Hz
void Rover::mount_update(void)
update camera trigger - 50Hz
void Rover::update_trigger(void)
if (camera.check_trigger_pin()) {
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_CAMERA)) {
DataFlash.Log_Write_Camera(ahrs, gps, current_loc);
void Rover::update_alt()
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_IMU)) {
check for GCS failsafe - 10Hz
void Rover::gcs_failsafe_check(void)
if (g.fs_gcs_enabled) {
failsafe_trigger(FAILSAFE_EVENT_GCS, last_heartbeat_ms != 0 && (millis() - last_heartbeat_ms) > 2000);
if the compass is enabled then try to accumulate a reading
void Rover::compass_accumulate(void)
if (g.compass_enabled) {
check for new compass data - 10Hz
void Rover::update_compass(void)
if (g.compass_enabled && compass.read()) {
// update offsets
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_COMPASS)) {
} else {
log some key data - 10Hz
void Rover::update_logging1(void)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_MED) && !should_log(MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST))
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_CTUN))
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_NTUN))
log some key data - 10Hz
void Rover::update_logging2(void)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_STEERING)) {
if (control_mode == STEERING || control_mode == AUTO || control_mode == RTL || control_mode == GUIDED) {
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_RC))
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_IMU)) {
update aux servo mappings
void Rover::update_aux(void)
once a second events
void Rover::one_second_loop(void)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_CURRENT))
// send a heartbeat
// allow orientation change at runtime to aid config
// cope with changes to aux functions
// update notify flags
AP_Notify::flags.pre_arm_check = arming.pre_arm_checks(false);
AP_Notify::flags.pre_arm_gps_check = true;
AP_Notify::flags.armed = arming.is_armed() || arming.arming_required() == AP_Arming::NO;
// cope with changes to mavlink system ID
mavlink_system.sysid = g.sysid_this_mav;
static uint8_t counter;
// write perf data every 20s
if (counter % 10 == 0) {
if (scheduler.debug() != 0) {
hal.console->printf("G_Dt_max=%lu\n", (unsigned long)G_Dt_max);
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_PM))
G_Dt_max = 0;
// save compass offsets once a minute
if (counter >= 60) {
if (g.compass_enabled) {
counter = 0;
void Rover::dataflash_periodic(void)
void Rover::update_GPS_50Hz(void)
static uint32_t last_gps_reading[GPS_MAX_INSTANCES];
for (uint8_t i=0; i<gps.num_sensors(); i++) {
if (gps.last_message_time_ms(i) != last_gps_reading[i]) {
last_gps_reading[i] = gps.last_message_time_ms(i);
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_GPS)) {
DataFlash.Log_Write_GPS(gps, i);
void Rover::update_GPS_10Hz(void)
have_position = ahrs.get_position(current_loc);
if (gps.last_message_time_ms() != last_gps_msg_ms && gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D) {
last_gps_msg_ms = gps.last_message_time_ms();
if (ground_start_count > 1){
} else if (ground_start_count == 1) {
// We countdown N number of good GPS fixes
// so that the altitude is more accurate
// -------------------------------------
if (current_loc.lat == 0) {
ground_start_count = 20;
} else {
// set system clock for log timestamps
if (g.compass_enabled) {
// Set compass declination automatically
compass.set_initial_location(gps.location().lat, gps.location().lng);
ground_start_count = 0;
Vector3f velocity;
if (ahrs.get_velocity_NED(velocity)) {
ground_speed = norm(velocity.x, velocity.y);
} else {
ground_speed = gps.ground_speed();
if (camera.update_location(current_loc, rover.ahrs) == true) {
if (!hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
void Rover::update_current_mode(void)
switch (control_mode){
case AUTO:
case RTL:
case GUIDED:
if (rtl_complete || verify_RTL()) {
// we have reached destination so stop where we are
APMRover2: Fix up after refactoring RC_Channel class
Further to refactor of RC_Channel class which included
adding get_xx set_xx methods, change reads and writes to the public members
to calls to get and set functionsss
old public member(int16_t) get function -> int16_t set function (int16_t)
(expression where c is an object of type RC_Channel)
c.radio_in c.get_radio_in() c.set_radio_in(v)
c.control_in c.get_control_in() c.set_control_in(v)
c.servo_out c.get_servo_out() c.set_servo_out(v)
c.pwm_out c.get_pwm_out() // use existing
c.radio_out c.get_radio_out() c.set_radio_out(v)
c.radio_max c.get_radio_max() c.set_radio_max(v)
c.radio_min c.get_radio_min() c.set_radio_min(v)
c.radio_trim c.get_radio_trim() c.set_radio_trim(v);
c.min_max_configured() // return true if min and max are configured
Because data members of RC_Channels are now private and so cannot be written directly
some overloads are provided in the Plane classes to provide the old functionality
new overload Plane::stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel)
which forwards to the previously existing
void stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel, int16_t &servo_out);
new overload Plane::channel_output_mixer(Rc_Channel* , RC_Channel*)const
which forwards to
(uint8_t mixing_type, int16_t & chan1, int16_t & chan2)const;
Rename functions
RC_Channel_aux::set_radio_trim(Aux_servo_function_t function)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_trim_to_radio_in_for(Aux_servo_function_t function)
RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out_for(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
RC_Channel is a complicated class, which combines
several functionalities dealing with stick inputs
in pwm and logical units, logical and actual actuator
outputs, unit conversion etc, etc
The intent of this PR is to clarify existing use of
the class. At the basic level it should now be possible
to grep all places where private variable is set by
searching for the set_xx function.
(The wider purpose is to provide a more generic and
logically simpler method of output mixing. This is a small step)
9 years ago
if (channel_throttle->get_servo_out() != g.throttle_min.get()) {
APMRover2: Fix up after refactoring RC_Channel class
Further to refactor of RC_Channel class which included
adding get_xx set_xx methods, change reads and writes to the public members
to calls to get and set functionsss
old public member(int16_t) get function -> int16_t set function (int16_t)
(expression where c is an object of type RC_Channel)
c.radio_in c.get_radio_in() c.set_radio_in(v)
c.control_in c.get_control_in() c.set_control_in(v)
c.servo_out c.get_servo_out() c.set_servo_out(v)
c.pwm_out c.get_pwm_out() // use existing
c.radio_out c.get_radio_out() c.set_radio_out(v)
c.radio_max c.get_radio_max() c.set_radio_max(v)
c.radio_min c.get_radio_min() c.set_radio_min(v)
c.radio_trim c.get_radio_trim() c.set_radio_trim(v);
c.min_max_configured() // return true if min and max are configured
Because data members of RC_Channels are now private and so cannot be written directly
some overloads are provided in the Plane classes to provide the old functionality
new overload Plane::stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel)
which forwards to the previously existing
void stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel, int16_t &servo_out);
new overload Plane::channel_output_mixer(Rc_Channel* , RC_Channel*)const
which forwards to
(uint8_t mixing_type, int16_t & chan1, int16_t & chan2)const;
Rename functions
RC_Channel_aux::set_radio_trim(Aux_servo_function_t function)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_trim_to_radio_in_for(Aux_servo_function_t function)
RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out_for(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
RC_Channel is a complicated class, which combines
several functionalities dealing with stick inputs
in pwm and logical units, logical and actual actuator
outputs, unit conversion etc, etc
The intent of this PR is to clarify existing use of
the class. At the basic level it should now be possible
to grep all places where private variable is set by
searching for the set_xx function.
(The wider purpose is to provide a more generic and
logically simpler method of output mixing. This is a small step)
9 years ago
lateral_acceleration = 0;
} else {
case STEERING: {
in steering mode we control lateral acceleration
directly. We first calculate the maximum lateral
acceleration at full steering lock for this speed. That is
V^2/R where R is the radius of turn. We get the radius of
turn from half the STEER2SRV_P.
float max_g_force = ground_speed * ground_speed / steerController.get_turn_radius();
// constrain to user set TURN_MAX_G
max_g_force = constrain_float(max_g_force, 0.1f, g.turn_max_g * GRAVITY_MSS);
lateral_acceleration = max_g_force * (channel_steer->pwm_to_angle()/4500.0f);
// and throttle gives speed in proportion to cruise speed, up
// to 50% throttle, then uses nudging above that.
float target_speed = channel_throttle->pwm_to_angle() * 0.01f * 2 * g.speed_cruise;
set_reverse(target_speed < 0);
if (in_reverse) {
target_speed = constrain_float(target_speed, -g.speed_cruise, 0);
} else {
target_speed = constrain_float(target_speed, 0, g.speed_cruise);
case MANUAL:
in both MANUAL and LEARNING we pass through the
controls. Setting servo_out here actually doesn't matter, as
we set the exact value in set_servos(), but it helps for
APMRover2: Fix up after refactoring RC_Channel class
Further to refactor of RC_Channel class which included
adding get_xx set_xx methods, change reads and writes to the public members
to calls to get and set functionsss
old public member(int16_t) get function -> int16_t set function (int16_t)
(expression where c is an object of type RC_Channel)
c.radio_in c.get_radio_in() c.set_radio_in(v)
c.control_in c.get_control_in() c.set_control_in(v)
c.servo_out c.get_servo_out() c.set_servo_out(v)
c.pwm_out c.get_pwm_out() // use existing
c.radio_out c.get_radio_out() c.set_radio_out(v)
c.radio_max c.get_radio_max() c.set_radio_max(v)
c.radio_min c.get_radio_min() c.set_radio_min(v)
c.radio_trim c.get_radio_trim() c.set_radio_trim(v);
c.min_max_configured() // return true if min and max are configured
Because data members of RC_Channels are now private and so cannot be written directly
some overloads are provided in the Plane classes to provide the old functionality
new overload Plane::stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel)
which forwards to the previously existing
void stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel, int16_t &servo_out);
new overload Plane::channel_output_mixer(Rc_Channel* , RC_Channel*)const
which forwards to
(uint8_t mixing_type, int16_t & chan1, int16_t & chan2)const;
Rename functions
RC_Channel_aux::set_radio_trim(Aux_servo_function_t function)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_trim_to_radio_in_for(Aux_servo_function_t function)
RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out_for(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
RC_Channel is a complicated class, which combines
several functionalities dealing with stick inputs
in pwm and logical units, logical and actual actuator
outputs, unit conversion etc, etc
The intent of this PR is to clarify existing use of
the class. At the basic level it should now be possible
to grep all places where private variable is set by
searching for the set_xx function.
(The wider purpose is to provide a more generic and
logically simpler method of output mixing. This is a small step)
9 years ago
// mark us as in_reverse when using a negative throttle to
// stop AHRS getting off
APMRover2: Fix up after refactoring RC_Channel class
Further to refactor of RC_Channel class which included
adding get_xx set_xx methods, change reads and writes to the public members
to calls to get and set functionsss
old public member(int16_t) get function -> int16_t set function (int16_t)
(expression where c is an object of type RC_Channel)
c.radio_in c.get_radio_in() c.set_radio_in(v)
c.control_in c.get_control_in() c.set_control_in(v)
c.servo_out c.get_servo_out() c.set_servo_out(v)
c.pwm_out c.get_pwm_out() // use existing
c.radio_out c.get_radio_out() c.set_radio_out(v)
c.radio_max c.get_radio_max() c.set_radio_max(v)
c.radio_min c.get_radio_min() c.set_radio_min(v)
c.radio_trim c.get_radio_trim() c.set_radio_trim(v);
c.min_max_configured() // return true if min and max are configured
Because data members of RC_Channels are now private and so cannot be written directly
some overloads are provided in the Plane classes to provide the old functionality
new overload Plane::stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel)
which forwards to the previously existing
void stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel, int16_t &servo_out);
new overload Plane::channel_output_mixer(Rc_Channel* , RC_Channel*)const
which forwards to
(uint8_t mixing_type, int16_t & chan1, int16_t & chan2)const;
Rename functions
RC_Channel_aux::set_radio_trim(Aux_servo_function_t function)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_trim_to_radio_in_for(Aux_servo_function_t function)
RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out_for(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
RC_Channel is a complicated class, which combines
several functionalities dealing with stick inputs
in pwm and logical units, logical and actual actuator
outputs, unit conversion etc, etc
The intent of this PR is to clarify existing use of
the class. At the basic level it should now be possible
to grep all places where private variable is set by
searching for the set_xx function.
(The wider purpose is to provide a more generic and
logically simpler method of output mixing. This is a small step)
9 years ago
set_reverse(channel_throttle->get_servo_out() < 0);
case HOLD:
// hold position - stop motors and center steering
APMRover2: Fix up after refactoring RC_Channel class
Further to refactor of RC_Channel class which included
adding get_xx set_xx methods, change reads and writes to the public members
to calls to get and set functionsss
old public member(int16_t) get function -> int16_t set function (int16_t)
(expression where c is an object of type RC_Channel)
c.radio_in c.get_radio_in() c.set_radio_in(v)
c.control_in c.get_control_in() c.set_control_in(v)
c.servo_out c.get_servo_out() c.set_servo_out(v)
c.pwm_out c.get_pwm_out() // use existing
c.radio_out c.get_radio_out() c.set_radio_out(v)
c.radio_max c.get_radio_max() c.set_radio_max(v)
c.radio_min c.get_radio_min() c.set_radio_min(v)
c.radio_trim c.get_radio_trim() c.set_radio_trim(v);
c.min_max_configured() // return true if min and max are configured
Because data members of RC_Channels are now private and so cannot be written directly
some overloads are provided in the Plane classes to provide the old functionality
new overload Plane::stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel)
which forwards to the previously existing
void stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel, int16_t &servo_out);
new overload Plane::channel_output_mixer(Rc_Channel* , RC_Channel*)const
which forwards to
(uint8_t mixing_type, int16_t & chan1, int16_t & chan2)const;
Rename functions
RC_Channel_aux::set_radio_trim(Aux_servo_function_t function)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_trim_to_radio_in_for(Aux_servo_function_t function)
RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out_for(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
RC_Channel is a complicated class, which combines
several functionalities dealing with stick inputs
in pwm and logical units, logical and actual actuator
outputs, unit conversion etc, etc
The intent of this PR is to clarify existing use of
the class. At the basic level it should now be possible
to grep all places where private variable is set by
searching for the set_xx function.
(The wider purpose is to provide a more generic and
logically simpler method of output mixing. This is a small step)
9 years ago
void Rover::update_navigation()
switch (control_mode) {
case MANUAL:
case HOLD:
case AUTO:
case RTL:
// no loitering around the wp with the rover, goes direct to the wp position
if (verify_RTL()) {
APMRover2: Fix up after refactoring RC_Channel class
Further to refactor of RC_Channel class which included
adding get_xx set_xx methods, change reads and writes to the public members
to calls to get and set functionsss
old public member(int16_t) get function -> int16_t set function (int16_t)
(expression where c is an object of type RC_Channel)
c.radio_in c.get_radio_in() c.set_radio_in(v)
c.control_in c.get_control_in() c.set_control_in(v)
c.servo_out c.get_servo_out() c.set_servo_out(v)
c.pwm_out c.get_pwm_out() // use existing
c.radio_out c.get_radio_out() c.set_radio_out(v)
c.radio_max c.get_radio_max() c.set_radio_max(v)
c.radio_min c.get_radio_min() c.set_radio_min(v)
c.radio_trim c.get_radio_trim() c.set_radio_trim(v);
c.min_max_configured() // return true if min and max are configured
Because data members of RC_Channels are now private and so cannot be written directly
some overloads are provided in the Plane classes to provide the old functionality
new overload Plane::stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel)
which forwards to the previously existing
void stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel, int16_t &servo_out);
new overload Plane::channel_output_mixer(Rc_Channel* , RC_Channel*)const
which forwards to
(uint8_t mixing_type, int16_t & chan1, int16_t & chan2)const;
Rename functions
RC_Channel_aux::set_radio_trim(Aux_servo_function_t function)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_trim_to_radio_in_for(Aux_servo_function_t function)
RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out_for(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
RC_Channel is a complicated class, which combines
several functionalities dealing with stick inputs
in pwm and logical units, logical and actual actuator
outputs, unit conversion etc, etc
The intent of this PR is to clarify existing use of
the class. At the basic level it should now be possible
to grep all places where private variable is set by
searching for the set_xx function.
(The wider purpose is to provide a more generic and
logically simpler method of output mixing. This is a small step)
9 years ago
case GUIDED:
// no loitering around the wp with the rover, goes direct to the wp position
if (rtl_complete || verify_RTL()) {
// we have reached destination so stop where we are
APMRover2: Fix up after refactoring RC_Channel class
Further to refactor of RC_Channel class which included
adding get_xx set_xx methods, change reads and writes to the public members
to calls to get and set functionsss
old public member(int16_t) get function -> int16_t set function (int16_t)
(expression where c is an object of type RC_Channel)
c.radio_in c.get_radio_in() c.set_radio_in(v)
c.control_in c.get_control_in() c.set_control_in(v)
c.servo_out c.get_servo_out() c.set_servo_out(v)
c.pwm_out c.get_pwm_out() // use existing
c.radio_out c.get_radio_out() c.set_radio_out(v)
c.radio_max c.get_radio_max() c.set_radio_max(v)
c.radio_min c.get_radio_min() c.set_radio_min(v)
c.radio_trim c.get_radio_trim() c.set_radio_trim(v);
c.min_max_configured() // return true if min and max are configured
Because data members of RC_Channels are now private and so cannot be written directly
some overloads are provided in the Plane classes to provide the old functionality
new overload Plane::stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel)
which forwards to the previously existing
void stick_mix_channel(RC_Channel *channel, int16_t &servo_out);
new overload Plane::channel_output_mixer(Rc_Channel* , RC_Channel*)const
which forwards to
(uint8_t mixing_type, int16_t & chan1, int16_t & chan2)const;
Rename functions
RC_Channel_aux::set_radio_trim(Aux_servo_function_t function)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_trim_to_radio_in_for(Aux_servo_function_t function)
RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
to RC_Channel_aux::set_servo_out_for(Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value)
RC_Channel is a complicated class, which combines
several functionalities dealing with stick inputs
in pwm and logical units, logical and actual actuator
outputs, unit conversion etc, etc
The intent of this PR is to clarify existing use of
the class. At the basic level it should now be possible
to grep all places where private variable is set by
searching for the set_xx function.
(The wider purpose is to provide a more generic and
logically simpler method of output mixing. This is a small step)
9 years ago
lateral_acceleration = 0;