@ -10,6 +10,20 @@ public:
@@ -10,6 +10,20 @@ public:
virtual float read_latest() = 0; |
virtual void set_pin(uint8_t p) = 0; |
// optionally allow setting of a pin that stops the device from
// reading. This is needed for sonar devices where you have more
// than one sonar, and you want to stop them interfering with each
// other. It assumes that if held low the device is stopped, if
// held high the device starts reading.
virtual void set_stop_pin(uint8_t p) = 0; |
// optionally allow a settle period in milliseconds. This is only
// used if a stop pin is set. If the settle period is non-zero
// then the analog input code will wait to get a reading for that
// number of milliseconds. Note that this will slow down the
// reading of analog inputs.
virtual void set_settle_time(uint16_t settle_time_ms) = 0; |
// return a voltage from 0.0 to 5.0V, scaled
// against a reference voltage
virtual float voltage_average() = 0; |