5 years ago
committed by
Andrew Tridgell
6 changed files with 449 additions and 0 deletions
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% ArduCopter SITL example vehicle |
% This sets up the vehicle properties that are used in the simulation |
% simple 450 size x quad based on Hexsoon |
% setup the motors |
% locations (xyz) in m |
motor(1).location = [[sind(45),cosd(45)]*450*0.5,0] * 0.001; % front right |
motor(2).location = [[sind(135),cosd(135)]*450*0.5,0] * 0.001; % rear right |
motor(3).location = [[sind(225),cosd(225)]*450*0.5,0] * 0.001; % rear left |
motor(4).location = [[sind(315),cosd(315)]*450*0.5,0] * 0.001; % front left |
% PWM output to use |
motor(1).channel = 1; |
motor(2).channel = 4; |
motor(3).channel = 2; |
motor(4).channel = 3; |
% rotation direction: 1 = cw, -1 = ccw |
motor(1).direction = -1; |
motor(2).direction = 1; |
motor(3).direction = -1; |
motor(4).direction = 1; |
% motor properties |
electrical.kv = 880; % (rpm/volt) |
electrical.no_load_current = [0.7,10]; % (A) @ (V) |
electrical.resistance = 0.115; % (ohms) |
% ESC properties |
esc.resistance = 0.01; % (ohms) |
% Propeller properties |
prop.diameter = 245 * 0.001; % (m) |
prop.pitch = 114.3 * 0.001; % (m) |
prop.num_blades = 2; |
prop.PConst = 1.13; |
prop.TConst = 1; |
prop.mass = 12.5*0.001; % (kg) (only used for inertia) |
prop.inertia = (1/12)*prop.mass*prop.diameter^2; % rotational inertia (kgm^2) (rod about center) |
% assign properties to motors |
for i = 1:4 |
motor(i).electrical = electrical; |
motor(i).esc = esc; |
motor(i).prop = prop; |
end |
% Setup battery |
battery.voltage = 4*4.2; % (volts) |
battery.resistance = 0.0034; % (ohms) |
battery.capacity = 5.2; % (ah) |
% Add all to vehicle |
copter.motors = motor; |
copter.battery = battery; |
copter.mass = 2; % (kg) |
inertia = (2/5) * copter.mass * (0.45*0.2)^2; % (sphere) |
copter.inertia = diag(ones(3,1)*inertia); % rotational inertia matrix (kgm^2) |
copter.cd = [0.5,0.5,0.5]; |
copter.cd_ref_area = [1,1,1] * pi * (0.45*0.5)^2; |
save('Hexsoon','copter') |
% Plot motor curves |
% http://www.bavaria-direct.co.za/constants/ |
% http://www.stefanv.com/rcstuff/qf200204.html |
% Some calculators estimate heat and increase resistance with temp |
% But then we have to estimate the power dissipation |
% Max power for plot only |
max_power = 260; |
battery.voltage = battery.voltage * 0.50; |
Kt = 1/(electrical.kv * ((2*pi)/60) ); % Convert Kv to rads/second |
% plot the current from 0 to max power |
amps = 0:0.1:max_power/battery.voltage; |
power_in = amps * battery.voltage; |
% voltage drop due to copper and esc |
copper_drop = amps * electrical.resistance; |
esc_drop = amps * esc.resistance; |
ideal_voltage = battery.voltage - copper_drop - esc_drop; |
power_out = ideal_voltage .* (amps - electrical.no_load_current(1)); |
efficiency = power_out ./ power_in; |
torque = Kt * amps; |
rpm = ideal_voltage * electrical.kv; |
% Plot motor characteristics |
figure('name',sprintf('motor characteristics at %0.2f volts',battery.voltage)) |
subplot(2,2,1) |
hold all |
title('RPM') |
plot(amps,rpm) |
xlabel('Current (A)') |
ylabel('RPM') |
xlim([0,amps(end)]) |
subplot(2,2,2) |
hold all |
title('torque') |
plot(amps,torque) |
xlabel('Current (A)') |
ylabel('torque (NM)') |
xlim([0,amps(end)]) |
subplot(2,2,3) |
hold all |
title('power') |
plot(amps,power_in) |
plot(amps,power_out) |
xlabel('Current (A)') |
ylabel('power (W)') |
ylim([0,inf]) |
xlim([0,amps(end)]) |
legend('Power in','Power out','location','northwest') |
subplot(2,2,4) |
hold all |
title('efficiency') |
plot(amps,efficiency) |
xlabel('Current (A)') |
ylabel('efficiency (%)') |
ylim([0,inf]) |
xlim([0,amps(end)]) |
Binary file not shown.
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clc |
clearvars |
close all |
addpath(genpath('../../MATLAB')) |
% Physics of a multi copter |
% load in the parameters for a frame, generated by Copter.m |
try |
state = load('Hexsoon','copter'); |
catch |
run('Copter.m') |
fprintf('Could not find Hexsoon.mat file, running copter.m\n') |
return |
end |
% Setup environmental conditions |
state.environment.density = 1.225; % (kg/m^3) |
state.gravity_mss = 9.80665; % (m/s^2) |
% Setup the time step size for the Physics model |
delta_t = 1/400; |
% This is the ip that SITL is running at |
target_ip = ''; |
target_ip = ''; |
% define init and time setup functions |
init_function = @(state)init(state); |
physics_function = @(pwm_in,state)physics_step(pwm_in,state,delta_t); |
% setup connection |
SITL_connector(target_ip,state,init_function,physics_function,delta_t); |
% Simulator model must take and return a structure with the felids: |
% gyro(roll, pitch, yaw) (radians/sec) body frame |
% attitude(roll, pitch yaw) (radians) |
% accel(north, east, down) (m/s^2) body frame |
% velocity(north, east,down) (m/s) earth frame |
% position(north, east, down) (m) earth frame |
% the structure can have any other felids required for the physics model |
% init values |
function state = init(state) |
for i = 1:numel(state.copter.motors) |
state.copter.motors(i).rpm = 0; |
state.copter.motors(i).current = 0; |
end |
state.gyro = [0,0,0]; % (rad/sec) |
state.attitude = [0,0,0]; % (radians) (roll, pitch, yaw) |
state.accel = [0,0,0]; % (m/s^2) body frame |
state.velocity = [0,0,0]; % (m/s) earth frame |
state.position = [0,0,0]; % (m) earth frame |
state.drag = [0,0,0]; % (N) body frame drag |
state.rotational_drag = [0,0,0]; % (N/m) body frame rotational drag |
end |
% Take a physics time step |
function state = physics_step(pwm_in,state,delta_t) |
% Calculate the dropped battery voltage, assume current draw from last step |
state.copter.battery.current = sum([state.copter.motors.current]); |
state.copter.battery.dropped_voltage = state.copter.battery.voltage - state.copter.battery.resistance * state.copter.battery.current; |
% Calculate the torque and thrust, assume RPM is last step value |
for i = 1:numel(state.copter.motors) |
motor = state.copter.motors(i); |
% Calculate the throttle |
throttle = (pwm_in(motor.channel) - 1100) / 800; |
throttle = max(throttle,0); |
throttle = min(throttle,1); |
% effective voltage |
voltage = throttle * state.copter.battery.dropped_voltage; |
% Take the RPM from the last step to calculate the new |
% torque and current |
Kt = 1/(motor.electrical.kv * ( (2*pi)/60) ); |
% rpm equation rearranged for current |
current = ((motor.electrical.kv * voltage) - motor.rpm) / ((motor.electrical.resistance + motor.esc.resistance) * motor.electrical.kv); |
torque = current * Kt; |
prop_drag = motor.prop.PConst * state.environment.density * (motor.rpm/60)^2 * motor.prop.diameter^5; |
w = motor.rpm * ((2*pi)/60); % convert to rad/sec |
w1 = w + ((torque-prop_drag) / motor.prop.inertia) * delta_t; |
rps = w1 * (1/(2*pi)); |
% can never have negative rps |
rps = max(rps,0); |
% Calculate the thrust (with fudge factor!) |
thrust = 2.2 * motor.prop.TConst * state.environment.density * rps^2 * motor.prop.diameter^4; |
% calculate resulting moments |
moment_roll = thrust * motor.location(1); |
moment_pitch = thrust * motor.location(2); |
moment_yaw = -torque * motor.direction; |
% Update main structure |
state.copter.motors(i).torque = torque; |
state.copter.motors(i).current = current; |
state.copter.motors(i).rpm = rps * 60; |
state.copter.motors(i).thrust = thrust; |
state.copter.motors(i).moment_roll = moment_roll; |
state.copter.motors(i).moment_pitch = moment_pitch; |
state.copter.motors(i).moment_yaw = moment_yaw; |
end |
% Update attitude, moments to rotational acceleration to rotational velocity to attitude |
moments = [-sum([state.copter.motors.moment_roll]),sum([state.copter.motors.moment_pitch]),sum([state.copter.motors.moment_yaw])] - state.rotational_drag; |
ang_acel = moments / state.copter.inertia; |
state.gyro = state.gyro + ang_acel * delta_t; |
state.attitude = state.attitude + state.gyro * delta_t; |
% Calculate a dcm, see https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/f5320e88161a17e78ffc969bf7ce0bec48adbe7a/libraries/AP_Math/matrix3.cpp#L26 |
cp = cos(state.attitude(2)); |
sp = sin(state.attitude(2)); |
sr = sin(state.attitude(1)); |
cr = cos(state.attitude(1)); |
sy = sin(state.attitude(3)); |
cy = cos(state.attitude(3)); |
dcm = [cp * cy, cp * sy, -sp;... |
(sr * sp * cy) - (cr * sy), (sr * sp * sy) + (cr * cy), sr * cp;... |
(cr * sp * cy) + (sr * sy), (cr * sp * sy) - (sr * cy), cr * cp;]; |
% Calculate the forces about the CG (N,E,D) (body frame) |
force = [0,0,-sum([state.copter.motors.thrust])] - state.drag; |
% body frame accelerations (NED) |
state.accel = force / state.copter.mass; |
% earth frame accelerations (NED) |
acel_ef = state.accel * dcm; |
acel_ef(3) = acel_ef(3) + state.gravity_mss; |
state.velocity = state.velocity + acel_ef * delta_t; |
state.position = state.position + state.velocity * delta_t; |
% make sure we can't go underground (NED so underground is positive) |
if state.position(3) >= 0 |
state.position(3) = 0; |
state.velocity = [0,0,0]; |
state.accel = [0,0,-state.gravity_mss]; |
state.gyro = [0,0,0]; |
end |
% caculate the body frame velocity and resulting drag |
bf_velo = (state.velocity / dcm); |
state.drag = sign(bf_velo) .* state.copter.cd .* state.copter.cd_ref_area .* 0.5 .* state.environment.density .* bf_velo.^2; |
% estimate rotational drag (mostly for yaw) |
state.rotational_drag = 0.3 * sign(state.gyro) .* state.gyro.^2; % estimated to give a reasonable max rotation rate |
end |
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This is a example MATLAB multicopter backend for the JSON SITL interface. Its mostly physics based, Copter.m is used to setup the property's of the vehicle. This does some basic performance plots of motor thrust and power from the given motor and propeller parameters. The vehicle parameters are then saved in a .mat file, Hexsoon.mat in this case as the model is roughly based on the Hexsoon EDU450. This file is then loaded into SIM_multicopter.m and the connection to SITL started. SIM_multicopter is written in such a way that it should be simple to save a set of parameters for another vehicle type, such as a hexacopter and run them with the same model. |
There are many simplifications in the model, the most egregious of which is a arbitrary thrust multiplier to get a sensible hover thrust from the correct vehicle parameters. |
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% this function handles all the UDP connection to SITL using the TCP/UDP/IP |
% Toolbox 2.0.6 by Peter Rydesäter |
% https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/345-tcp-udp-ip-toolbox-2-0-6 |
function SITL_connector(target_ip,state,init_function,physics_function,delta_t) |
try |
pnet('closeall') % close any connections left open from past runs |
catch |
warning('Could not execute pnet mex, trying to compile') |
if ispc |
% running on windows |
mex -O -outdir ../tcp_udp_ip_2.0.6 ../tcp_udp_ip_2.0.6/pnet.c ws2_32.lib -DWIN32 |
else |
% running on unix or mac |
mex -O -outdir ../tcp_udp_ip_2.0.6 ../tcp_udp_ip_2.0.6/pnet.c |
end |
try |
pnet('closeall') |
catch |
error('Failed to compile pnet mex file, see tcp_udp_ip_2.0.6/pnet.c for instructions on manual complication') |
end |
end |
% init physics |
state = init_function(state); |
% Init the UDP port |
u = pnet('udpsocket',9002); |
pnet(u,'setwritetimeout',1); |
pnet(u,'setreadtimeout',0); |
frame_time = tic; |
frame_count = 0; |
physics_time_us = 0; |
last_SITL_frame = -1; |
print_frame_count = 1000; |
connected = false; |
bytes_read = 4 + 4 + 16*2; |
time_correction = 1; |
while true |
mat_time = tic; |
% Wait for data |
while true |
in_bytes = pnet(u,'readpacket',bytes_read); |
if in_bytes > 0 |
break; |
end |
end |
% if there is another frame waiting, read it straight away |
if in_bytes > bytes_read |
if in_bytes == u.InputBufferSize |
% buffer got full, reset |
% should only happen if we have been paused in Matlab for some time |
fprintf('Buffer reset\n') |
continue; |
end |
continue; |
end |
% read in the current SITL frame and PWM |
SITL_frame = pnet(u,'read',1,'UINT32','intel'); |
speed_up = double(pnet(u,'read',1,'SINGLE','intel')); |
pwm_in = double(pnet(u,'read',16,'UINT16','intel'))'; |
% Check if the fame is in expected order |
if SITL_frame < last_SITL_frame |
% Controller has reset, reset physics also |
state = init_function(state); |
fprintf('Controller reset\n') |
elseif SITL_frame == last_SITL_frame |
% duplicate frame, skip |
fprintf('Duplicate input frame\n') |
continue; |
elseif SITL_frame ~= last_SITL_frame + 1 && connected |
fprintf('Missed %i input frames\n',SITL_frame - last_SITL_frame - 1) |
end |
last_SITL_frame = SITL_frame; |
physics_time_us = physics_time_us + delta_t * 10^6; |
if ~connected |
connected = true; |
fprintf('Connected\n') |
end |
frame_count = frame_count + 1; |
% Do a physics time step |
state = physics_function(pwm_in,state); |
% build structure representing the JSON string to be sent |
JSON.timestamp = physics_time_us; |
JSON.imu.gyro = state.gyro; |
JSON.imu.accel_body = state.accel; |
JSON.position = state.position; |
JSON.attitude = state.attitude; |
JSON.velocity = state.velocity; |
% Report to AP |
pnet(u,'printf',sprintf('\n%s\n',jsonencode(JSON))); |
pnet(u,'writepacket',target_ip,9003); |
% print a fps and runtime update |
if rem(frame_count,print_frame_count) == 0 |
total_time = toc(frame_time); |
frame_time = tic; |
time_ratio = (print_frame_count*delta_t)/total_time; |
fprintf("%0.2f fps, %0.2f%% of realtime\n",print_frame_count/total_time,time_ratio*100) |
time_ratio = speed_up / time_ratio; |
if time_ratio < 1.1 && time_ratio > 0.9 |
time_correction = time_correction * 0.95 + time_ratio * 0.05; |
end |
end |
while toc(mat_time) < (delta_t / speed_up) / time_correction |
end |
end |
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This is a tool to allow MATLAB to interface with the SITL JSON backend. |
The SITL_connector function can be used to simplify the connection process. SITL_connector.m uses the TCP/UDP/IP Toolbox 2.0.6 by Peter Rydesäter and is much (10x) faster than the MATLAB functions available with the instrument control toolbox (and free!). However this may require compilation of a mex file, prebuilt mex files are included in most cases they will work without the need to re-compile. |
see Copter/SIM_multicopter.m for example usage. |
The function is defined as: |
``` |
SITL_connector(target_ip,state,init_function,physics_function,delta_t) |
``` |
- target_ip: the IP address of the machine running SITL eg '' |
- state: this is the persistent physics state of the vehicle its is a structure and must contain the following felids: |
``` |
state.gyro(roll, pitch, yaw) (radians/sec) body frame |
state.attitude(roll, pitch yaw) (radians) |
state.accel(north, east, down) (m/s^2) body frame |
state.velocity(north, east,down) (m/s) earth frame |
state.position(north, east, down) (m) earth frame |
``` |
the structure can have also any other felids required for the physics model |
- init_function: function handle that will be called to init the physics model, this will be called on the first run and after a SITL reboot. It should take and return the state. |
function state init(state) |
init_function = @(state)init(state); |
- physics_function: function handle that will be called to update the physics model by a single time step. It should take in the state and array of 16 PWM inputs and return the state. |
``` |
function state = physics_step(pwm_in,state) |
physics_function = @(pwm_in,state)physics_step(pwm_in,state); |
``` |
- delta_t: time step size the physics model wil use in seconds. Note that this is directly connected to the maximum speed you can run SITL at. |
The JSON SITL interface is lock-step scheduled. This allows matlab breakpoints to work as normal. |
Using the connection it should be possible to achieve > 1500 fps, at this speed MATLAB code efficiency plays a important factor in the max frame rate. For a 400hz physics time step this gives a maximum speedup of 4 to 5 times. For planes and rovers it should be possible to use a much larger physics time step resulting in a larger maximum speed up. Note that large speedups risk the GCS getting left behind. |
Reference in new issue