AP_NavEKF : Enable calc of wind velocity when not using airspeed sensing
This patch also cleans up the logic associated with use of the synthetic
sideslip measurement so that it can never be used for a non fly-forward
vehicle type
This patch adds functionality that initialises the wind-speed vector to the
reciprocal of the ground speed vector, and scaled to 6 m/s. On average this gives
a better initial wind velocity estimate on launch by assuming:
a) launch will be into wind
b) wind speed is equal to global average
It also helps prevent a headwind causing initial underestimation of airspeed
causing high autopilot gains and limit cycles on climb-out, until first
turn when the EKF is able to estimate the wind.
priseborough11 years agocommitted byAndrew Tridgell
// synthetic sidelip fusion only works for fixed wing aircraft and relies on the average sideslip being close to zero
// synthetic sidelip fusion only works for fixed wing aircraft and relies on the average sideslip being close to zero
// it requires a stable wind estimate for best results and should not be used for aerobatic flight
// it requires a stable wind estimate for best results and should not be used for aerobatic flight
// we fuse synthetic sideslip measurements if:
// we fuse synthetic sideslip measurements if:
// (we are not using a compass OR (we are dead-reckoning position AND using airspeed)) AND not on the ground AND enough time has lapsed since our last fusion AND
// we are a fly forward vehicle type AND NOT using a full range of sensors with healthy position
// (we have not fused magnetometer data on this time step OR the immediate fusion flag is set)
// AND NOT on the ground AND enough time has lapsed since our last fusion