#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ALTHOLD_LEANANGLE_FILT_HZ 1.0f // filter (in hz) of throttle filter used to limit lean angle so that vehicle does not lose altitude
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_MAX_DEFAULT 0.5f // maximum throttle mix default
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_THR_MIX_DEFAULT 0.5f // ratio controlling the max throttle output during competing requests of low throttle from the pilot (or autopilot) and higher throttle for attitude control. Higher favours Attitude over pilot input
// @Description: Throttle vs attitude control prioritisation used during active flight (higher values mean we prioritise attitude control over throttle)
// update_throttle_rpy_mix - updates thr_low_comp value towards the target
AP_Float_thr_mix_min;// throttle vs attitude control prioritisation used when landing (higher values mean we prioritise attitude control over throttle)
AP_Float_thr_mix_max;// throttle vs attitude control prioritisation used during active flight (higher values mean we prioritise attitude control over throttle)