Browse Source

AP_Declination: added inclination and intensity tables

moved from SITL/SIM_Aircraft.h
Andrew Tridgell 8 years ago
  1. 279
  2. 30


@ -29,187 +29,160 @@ @@ -29,187 +29,160 @@
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
// 1 byte - 4 bits for value + 1 bit for sign + 3 bits for repeats => 8 bits
struct row_value {
// Offset has a max value of 15
uint8_t abs_offset : 4;
// Sign of the offset, 0 = negative, 1 = positive
uint8_t offset_sign : 1;
// The highest repeat is 7
uint8_t repeats : 3;
// 730 bytes
static const uint8_t exceptions[10][73] = {
/* table data containing magnetic declination angle in degrees */
const float AP_Declination::declination_table[13][37] = {
// 100 bytes
static const uint8_t exception_signs[10][10] = {
/* table data containing magnetic inclination angle in degrees */
const float AP_Declination::inclination_table[13][37] = {
// 76 bytes
static const uint8_t declination_keys[2][37] = {
// Row start values
// Row length values
/* table data containing magnetic intensity in Gauss */
const float AP_Declination::intensity_table[13][37] = {
// 1056 total values @ 1 byte each = 1056 bytes
static const row_value declination_values[] = {
AP_Declination::get_declination(float lat, float lon)
calculate magnetic field intensity and orientation
bool AP_Declination::get_mag_field_ef(float latitude_deg, float longitude_deg, float &intensity_gauss, float &declination_deg, float &inclination_deg)
int16_t decSW, decSE, decNW, decNE, lonmin, latmin;
uint8_t latmin_index,lonmin_index;
float decmin, decmax;
/* set this always to the sampling in degrees for the table below */
const float SAMPLING_RES = 10.0f;
const float SAMPLING_MIN_LAT = -60.0f;
const float SAMPLING_MAX_LAT = 60.0f;
const float SAMPLING_MIN_LON = -180.0f;
const float SAMPLING_MAX_LON = 180.0f;
// Constrain to valid inputs
lat = constrain_float(lat, -90, 90);
lon = constrain_float(lon, -180, 180);
bool valid_input_data = true;
latmin = floorf(lat/5)*5;
lonmin = floorf(lon/5)*5;
/* round down to nearest sampling resolution */
int32_t min_lat = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(latitude_deg / SAMPLING_RES) * SAMPLING_RES);
int32_t min_lon = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(longitude_deg / SAMPLING_RES) * SAMPLING_RES);
latmin_index= (90+latmin)/5;
lonmin_index= (180+lonmin)/5;
/* for the rare case of hitting the bounds exactly
* the rounding logic wouldn't fit, so enforce it.
decSW = get_lookup_value(latmin_index, lonmin_index);
decSE = get_lookup_value(latmin_index, lonmin_index+1);
decNE = get_lookup_value(latmin_index+1, lonmin_index+1);
decNW = get_lookup_value(latmin_index+1, lonmin_index);
/* limit to table bounds - required for maxima even when table spans full globe range */
if (latitude_deg <= SAMPLING_MIN_LAT) {
min_lat = static_cast<int32_t>(SAMPLING_MIN_LAT);
valid_input_data = false;
/* approximate declination within the grid using bilinear interpolation */
decmin = (lon - lonmin) / 5 * (decSE - decSW) + decSW;
decmax = (lon - lonmin) / 5 * (decNE - decNW) + decNW;
return (lat - latmin) / 5 * (decmax - decmin) + decmin;
if (latitude_deg >= SAMPLING_MAX_LAT) {
min_lat = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(latitude_deg / SAMPLING_RES) * SAMPLING_RES - SAMPLING_RES);
valid_input_data = false;
AP_Declination::get_lookup_value(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
// return value
int16_t val = 0;
if (longitude_deg <= SAMPLING_MIN_LON) {
min_lon = static_cast<int32_t>(SAMPLING_MIN_LON);
valid_input_data = false;
// These are exception indices
if(x <= 6 || x >= 34)
// If the x index is in the upper range we need to translate it
// to match the 10 indices in the exceptions lookup table
if(x >= 34) x -= 27;
if (longitude_deg >= SAMPLING_MAX_LON) {
min_lon = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(longitude_deg / SAMPLING_RES) * SAMPLING_RES - SAMPLING_RES);
valid_input_data = false;
// Read the unsigned value from the array
val = exceptions[x][y];
/* find index of nearest low sampling point */
uint32_t min_lat_index = static_cast<uint32_t>((-(SAMPLING_MIN_LAT) + min_lat) / SAMPLING_RES);
uint32_t min_lon_index = static_cast<uint32_t>((-(SAMPLING_MIN_LON) + min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES);
// Read the 8 bit compressed sign values
uint8_t sign = exception_signs[x][y/8];
/* calculate intensity */
// Check the sign bit for this index
if(sign & (0x80 >> y%8))
val = -val;
float data_sw = intensity_table[min_lat_index][min_lon_index];
float data_se = intensity_table[min_lat_index][min_lon_index + 1];;
float data_ne = intensity_table[min_lat_index + 1][min_lon_index + 1];
float data_nw = intensity_table[min_lat_index + 1][min_lon_index];
return val;
/* perform bilinear interpolation on the four grid corners */
// Because the values were removed from the start of the
// original array (0-6) to the exception array, all the indices
// in this main lookup need to be shifted left 7
// EX: User enters 7 -> 7 is the first row in this array so it needs to be zero
if(x >= 7) x -= 7;
float data_min = ((longitude_deg - min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_se - data_sw) + data_sw;
float data_max = ((longitude_deg - min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_ne - data_nw) + data_nw;
// If we are looking for the first value we can just use the
// row start value from declination_keys
if (y == 0) {
return declination_keys[0][x];
intensity_gauss = ((latitude_deg - min_lat) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_max - data_min) + data_min;
// Init vars
row_value stval;
int16_t offset = 0;
/* calculate declination */
// These will never exceed the second dimension length of 73
uint8_t current_virtual_index = 0, r;
data_sw = declination_table[min_lat_index][min_lon_index];
data_se = declination_table[min_lat_index][min_lon_index + 1];;
data_ne = declination_table[min_lat_index + 1][min_lon_index + 1];
data_nw = declination_table[min_lat_index + 1][min_lon_index];
// This could be the length of the array or less (1075 or less)
uint16_t start_index = 0, i;
/* perform bilinear interpolation on the four grid corners */
// Init value to row start
val = declination_keys[0][x];
data_min = ((longitude_deg - min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_se - data_sw) + data_sw;
data_max = ((longitude_deg - min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_ne - data_nw) + data_nw;
// Find the first element in the 1D array
// that corresponds with the target row
for(i = 0; i < x; i++) {
start_index += declination_keys[1][i];
declination_deg = ((latitude_deg - min_lat) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_max - data_min) + data_min;
// Traverse the row until we find our value
for(i = start_index; i < (start_index + declination_keys[1][x]) && current_virtual_index <= y; i++) {
/* calculate inclination */
// Pull out the row_value struct
memcpy((void*) &stval, (const char *)&declination_values[i], sizeof(struct row_value));
data_sw = inclination_table[min_lat_index][min_lon_index];
data_se = inclination_table[min_lat_index][min_lon_index + 1];;
data_ne = inclination_table[min_lat_index + 1][min_lon_index + 1];
data_nw = inclination_table[min_lat_index + 1][min_lon_index];
// Pull the first offset and determine sign
offset = stval.abs_offset;
offset = (stval.offset_sign == 1) ? -offset : offset;
/* perform bilinear interpolation on the four grid corners */
// Add offset for each repeat
// This will at least run once for zero repeat
for(r = 0; r <= stval.repeats && current_virtual_index <= y; r++) {
val += offset;
return val;
data_min = ((longitude_deg - min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_se - data_sw) + data_sw;
data_max = ((longitude_deg - min_lon) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_ne - data_nw) + data_nw;
inclination_deg = ((latitude_deg - min_lat) / SAMPLING_RES) * (data_max - data_min) + data_min;
return valid_input_data;
calculate magnetic field intensity and orientation
float AP_Declination::get_declination(float latitude_deg, float longitude_deg)
float declination_deg=0, inclination_deg=0, intensity_gauss=0;
get_mag_field_ef(latitude_deg, longitude_deg, intensity_gauss, declination_deg, inclination_deg);
return declination_deg;


@ -1,20 +1,28 @@ @@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
#pragma once
#include <inttypes.h>
* Adam M Rivera
* With direction from: Andrew Tridgell, Jason Short, Justin Beech
* Adapted from:
* Scott Ferguson
magnetic data derived from WMM
class AP_Declination
static float get_declination(float lat, float lon);
* Calculates the magnetic intensity, declination and inclination at a given WGS-84 latitude and longitude.
* Assumes a WGS-84 height of zero
* latitude and longitude have units of degrees
* declination and inclination are returned in degrees
* intensity is returned in Gauss
* Boolean returns false if latitude and longitude are outside the valid input range of +-60 latitude and +-180 longitude
static bool get_mag_field_ef(float latitude_deg, float longitude_deg, float &intensity_gauss, float &declination_deg, float &inclination_deg);
get declination in degrees for a given latitude_deg and longitude_deg
static float get_declination(float latitude_deg, float longitude_deg);
static int16_t get_lookup_value(uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
static const float declination_table[13][37];
static const float inclination_table[13][37];
static const float intensity_table[13][37];
