@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::var_info[] = {
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::var_info[] = {
void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli : : passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw ( float roll_passthrough , float pitch_passthrough , float yaw_rate_bf_cds )
// convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
float yaw_rate_bf_rads = radians ( yaw_rate_bf_cds * 0.01f ) ;
float yaw_rate_bf_rads = radians ( yaw_rate_bf_cds * 0.01f ) ;
// store roll, pitch and passthroughs
// NOTE: this abuses yaw_rate_bf_rads
_passthrough_roll = roll_passthrough ;
_passthrough_pitch = pitch_passthrough ;
_passthrough_yaw = degrees ( yaw_rate_bf_rads ) * 100.0f ;
_passthrough_yaw = degrees ( yaw_rate_bf_rads ) * 100.0f ;
// set rate controller to use pass through
_flags_heli . flybar_passthrough = true ;
@ -191,19 +191,19 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw(float roll_pass
@@ -191,19 +191,19 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw(float roll_pass
// convert angle error rotation vector into 321-intrinsic euler angle difference
// NOTE: this results an an approximation linearized about the vehicle's attitude
if ( ang_vel_to_euler_rate ( Vector3f ( _ahrs . roll , _ahrs . pitch , _ahrs . yaw ) , _att_error_rot_vec_rad , att_error_euler_rad ) ) {
if ( ang_vel_to_euler_rate ( Vector3f ( _ahrs . roll , _ahrs . pitch , _ahrs . yaw ) , _att_error_rot_vec_rad , att_error_euler_rad ) ) {
_attitude_target_euler_angle . x = wrap_PI ( att_error_euler_rad . x + _ahrs . roll ) ;
_attitude_target_euler_angle . y = wrap_PI ( att_error_euler_rad . y + _ahrs . pitch ) ;
_attitude_target_euler_angle . z = wrap_2PI ( att_error_euler_rad . z + _ahrs . yaw ) ;
// handle flipping over pitch axis
if ( _attitude_target_euler_angle . y > M_PI / 2.0f ) {
if ( _attitude_target_euler_angle . y > M_PI / 2.0f ) {
_attitude_target_euler_angle . x = wrap_PI ( _attitude_target_euler_angle . x + M_PI ) ;
_attitude_target_euler_angle . y = wrap_PI ( M_PI - _attitude_target_euler_angle . x ) ;
_attitude_target_euler_angle . z = wrap_2PI ( _attitude_target_euler_angle . z + M_PI ) ;
if ( _attitude_target_euler_angle . y < - M_PI / 2.0f ) {
if ( _attitude_target_euler_angle . y < - M_PI / 2.0f ) {
_attitude_target_euler_angle . x = wrap_PI ( _attitude_target_euler_angle . x + M_PI ) ;
_attitude_target_euler_angle . y = wrap_PI ( - M_PI - _attitude_target_euler_angle . x ) ;
_attitude_target_euler_angle . z = wrap_2PI ( _attitude_target_euler_angle . z + M_PI ) ;
@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_controller_run()
@@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_controller_run()
// call rate controllers and send output to motors object
// if using a flybar passthrough roll and pitch directly to motors
if ( _flags_heli . flybar_passthrough ) {
_motors . set_roll ( _passthrough_roll / 4500.0f ) ;
_motors . set_pitch ( _passthrough_pitch / 4500.0f ) ;
_motors . set_roll ( _passthrough_roll / 4500.0f ) ;
_motors . set_pitch ( _passthrough_pitch / 4500.0f ) ;
} else {
rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch ( gyro_latest , _rate_target_ang_vel . x , _rate_target_ang_vel . y ) ;
if ( _flags_heli . tail_passthrough ) {
_motors . set_yaw ( _passthrough_yaw / 4500.0f ) ;
_motors . set_yaw ( _passthrough_yaw / 4500.0f ) ;
} else {
_motors . set_yaw ( rate_target_to_motor_yaw ( gyro_latest . z , _rate_target_ang_vel . z ) ) ;
@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_controller_run()
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_controller_run()
// Update Alt_Hold angle maximum
void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli : : update_althold_lean_angle_max ( float throttle_in )
float althold_lean_angle_max = acosf ( constrain_float ( _throttle_in / AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_ANGLE_LIMIT_THROTTLE_MAX , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ) ;
_althold_lean_angle_max = _althold_lean_angle_max + ( _dt / ( _dt + _angle_limit_tc ) ) * ( althold_lean_angle_max - _althold_lean_angle_max ) ;
float althold_lean_angle_max = acosf ( constrain_float ( _throttle_in / AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_ANGLE_LIMIT_THROTTLE_MAX , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ) ;
_althold_lean_angle_max = _althold_lean_angle_max + ( _dt / ( _dt + _angle_limit_tc ) ) * ( althold_lean_angle_max - _althold_lean_angle_max ) ;
@ -283,68 +283,37 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::update_althold_lean_angle_max(float throttle_in)
@@ -283,68 +283,37 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::update_althold_lean_angle_max(float throttle_in)
// rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch - ask the rate controller to calculate the motor outputs to achieve the target rate in radians/second
void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli : : rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch ( const Vector3f & rate_rads , float rate_roll_target_rads , float rate_pitch_target_rads )
float roll_pd , roll_i , roll_ff ; // used to capture pid values
float pitch_pd , pitch_i , pitch_ff ; // used to capture pid values
float rate_roll_error_rads , rate_pitch_error_rads ; // simply target_rate - current_rate
float roll_out , pitch_out ;
// calculate error
rate_roll_error_rads = rate_roll_target_rads - rate_rads . x ;
rate_pitch_error_rads = rate_pitch_target_rads - rate_rads . y ;
// pass error to PID controller
_pid_rate_roll . set_input_filter_all ( rate_roll_error_rads ) ;
_pid_rate_roll . set_desired_rate ( rate_roll_target_rads ) ;
_pid_rate_pitch . set_input_filter_all ( rate_pitch_error_rads ) ;
_pid_rate_pitch . set_desired_rate ( rate_pitch_target_rads ) ;
// call p and d controllers
roll_pd = _pid_rate_roll . get_p ( ) + _pid_rate_roll . get_d ( ) ;
pitch_pd = _pid_rate_pitch . get_p ( ) + _pid_rate_pitch . get_d ( ) ;
// get roll i term
roll_i = _pid_rate_roll . get_integrator ( ) ;
// update i term as long as we haven't breached the limits or the I term will certainly reduce
if ( ! _flags_heli . limit_roll | | ( ( roll_i > 0 & & rate_roll_error_rads < 0 ) | | ( roll_i < 0 & & rate_roll_error_rads > 0 ) ) ) {
if ( _flags_heli . leaky_i ) {
roll_i = _pid_rate_roll . get_leaky_i ( AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE ) ;
} else {
roll_i = _pid_rate_roll . get_i ( ) ;
// get pitch i term
pitch_i = _pid_rate_pitch . get_integrator ( ) ;
// update i term as long as we haven't breached the limits or the I term will certainly reduce
if ( ! _flags_heli . limit_pitch | | ( ( pitch_i > 0 & & rate_pitch_error_rads < 0 ) | | ( pitch_i < 0 & & rate_pitch_error_rads > 0 ) ) ) {
if ( _flags_heli . leaky_i ) {
pitch_i = _pid_rate_pitch . get_leaky_i ( AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE ) ;
} else {
pitch_i = _pid_rate_pitch . get_i ( ) ;
_pid_rate_roll . update_leaky_i ( AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE ) ;
float roll_pid = _pid_rate_roll . update_all ( rate_roll_target_rads , rate_rads . x , _flags_heli . limit_roll ) ;
if ( _flags_heli . leaky_i ) {
_pid_rate_pitch . update_leaky_i ( AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE ) ;
// For legacy reasons, we convert to centi-degrees before inputting to the feedforward
roll_ff = roll_feedforward_filter . apply ( _pid_rate_roll . get_ff ( rate_roll_target_rads ) , _dt ) ;
pitch_ff = pitch_feedforward_filter . apply ( _pid_rate_pitch . get_ff ( rate_pitch_target_rads ) , _dt ) ;
float pitch_pid = _pid_rate_pitch . update_all ( rate_pitch_target_rads , rate_rads . y , _flags_heli . limit_pitch ) ;
// use pid library to calculate ff
float roll_ff = _pid_rate_roll . get_ff ( ) ;
float pitch_ff = _pid_rate_pitch . get_ff ( ) ;
// add feed forward and final output
roll_out = roll_pd + roll_ i + roll_ff ;
pitch_out = pitch_pd + pitch_i + pitch_ff ;
float roll_out = roll_pid + roll_ff ;
float pitch_out = pitch_pid + pitch_ff ;
// constrain output and update limit flags
if ( fabsf ( roll_out ) > AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX ) {
_flags_heli . limit_roll = true ;
} else {
} else {
_flags_heli . limit_roll = false ;
if ( fabsf ( pitch_out ) > AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX ) {
_flags_heli . limit_pitch = true ;
} else {
} else {
_flags_heli . limit_pitch = false ;
@ -356,22 +325,19 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(const Vector3f &rate_r
@@ -356,22 +325,19 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(const Vector3f &rate_r
// helicopter rotates in yaw. Much of the built-up I-term is needed to tip the disk into the incoming wind. Fast yawing can create an instability
// as the built-up I-term in one axis must be reduced, while the other increases. This helps solve that by rotating the I-terms before the error occurs.
// It does assume that the rotor aerodynamics and mechanics are essentially symmetrical about the main shaft, which is a generally valid assumption.
if ( _piro_comp_enabled ) {
if ( _piro_comp_enabled ) {
// used to hold current I-terms while doing piro comp:
const float piro_roll_i = roll_i ;
const float piro_pitch_i = pitch_i ;
const float piro_roll_i = _pid_rate_ roll. get _i( ) ;
const float piro_pitch_i = _pid_rate_ pitch. get _i( ) ;
Vector2f yawratevector ;
yawratevector . x = cosf ( - rate_rads . z * _dt ) ;
yawratevector . y = sinf ( - rate_rads . z * _dt ) ;
yawratevector . normalize ( ) ;
roll_i = piro_roll_i * yawratevector . x - piro_pitch_i * yawratevector . y ;
pitch_i = piro_pitch_i * yawratevector . x + piro_roll_i * yawratevector . y ;
_pid_rate_pitch . set_integrator ( pitch_i ) ;
_pid_rate_roll . set_integrator ( roll_i ) ;
_pid_rate_roll . set_integrator ( piro_roll_i * yawratevector . x - piro_pitch_i * yawratevector . y ) ;
_pid_rate_pitch . set_integrator ( piro_pitch_i * yawratevector . x + piro_roll_i * yawratevector . y ) ;
@ -379,43 +345,23 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(const Vector3f &rate_r
@@ -379,43 +345,23 @@ void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::rate_bf_to_motor_roll_pitch(const Vector3f &rate_r
// rate_bf_to_motor_yaw - ask the rate controller to calculate the motor outputs to achieve the target rate in radians/second
float AC_AttitudeControl_Heli : : rate_target_to_motor_yaw ( float rate_yaw_actual_rads , float rate_target_rads )
float pd , i , vff ; // used to capture pid values for logging
float rate_error_rads ; // simply target_rate - current_rate
float yaw_out ;
// calculate error and call pid controller
rate_error_rads = rate_target_rads - rate_yaw_actual_rads ;
// pass error to PID controller
_pid_rate_yaw . set_input_filter_all ( rate_error_rads ) ;
_pid_rate_yaw . set_desired_rate ( rate_target_rads ) ;
// get p and d
pd = _pid_rate_yaw . get_p ( ) + _pid_rate_yaw . get_d ( ) ;
// get i term
i = _pid_rate_yaw . get_integrator ( ) ;
// update i term as long as we haven't breached the limits or the I term will certainly reduce
if ( ! _flags_heli . limit_yaw | | ( ( i > 0 & & rate_error_rads < 0 ) | | ( i < 0 & & rate_error_rads > 0 ) ) ) {
if ( ( ( AP_MotorsHeli & ) _motors ) . rotor_runup_complete ( ) ) {
i = _pid_rate_yaw . get_i ( ) ;
} else {
i = ( ( AC_HELI_PID & ) _pid_rate_yaw ) . get_leaky_i ( AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE ) ; // If motor is not running use leaky I-term to avoid excessive build-up
if ( ! ( ( AP_MotorsHeli & ) _motors ) . rotor_runup_complete ( ) ) {
_pid_rate_yaw . update_leaky_i ( AC_ATTITUDE_HELI_RATE_INTEGRATOR_LEAK_RATE ) ;
// For legacy reasons, we convert to centi-degrees before inputting to the feedforward
vff = yaw_velocity_feedforward_filter . apply ( _pid_rate_yaw . get_ff ( rate_target_rads ) , _dt ) ;
float pid = _pid_rate_yaw . update_all ( rate_target_rads , rate_yaw_actual_rads , _flags_heli . limit_yaw ) ;
// use pid library to calculate ff
float vff = _pid_rate_yaw . get_ff ( ) ;
// add feed forward
yaw_out = pd + i + vff ;
float yaw_out = pid + vff ;
// constrain output and update limit flag
if ( fabsf ( yaw_out ) > AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_YAW_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX ) {
_flags_heli . limit_yaw = true ;
} else {
} else {
_flags_heli . limit_yaw = false ;