@ -194,6 +194,12 @@ public: |
// return data for debugging optical flow fusion
// return data for debugging optical flow fusion
void getFlowDebug(float &varFlow, float &gndOffset, float &flowInnovX, float &flowInnovY, float &auxInnov, float &HAGL, float &rngInnov, float &range, float &gndOffsetErr) const; |
void getFlowDebug(float &varFlow, float &gndOffset, float &flowInnovX, float &flowInnovY, float &auxInnov, float &HAGL, float &rngInnov, float &range, float &gndOffsetErr) const; |
// Tells the EKF to de-weight the baro sensor to take account of ground effect on baro during takeoff of landing when set to true
// Should be set to off by sending a false when the ground effect height region is cleared or the landing completed
// If not reactivated, this condition times out after the number of msec set by the _gndEffectTO_ms parameter
// The amount of de-weighting is controlled by the gndEffectBaroScaler parameter
void setGndEffectMode(bool modeOn); |
return the filter fault status as a bitmasked integer |
return the filter fault status as a bitmasked integer |
0 = quaternions are NaN |
0 = quaternions are NaN |
@ -405,6 +411,10 @@ private: |
// Set the NED origin to be used until the next filter reset
// Set the NED origin to be used until the next filter reset
void setOrigin(); |
void setOrigin(); |
// get status of baro ground effect compensation mode
// returns true when baro ground effect compensation is required
bool getGndEffectMode(void); |
// EKF Mavlink Tuneable Parameters
// EKF Mavlink Tuneable Parameters
AP_Float _gpsHorizVelNoise; // GPS horizontal velocity measurement noise : m/s
AP_Float _gpsHorizVelNoise; // GPS horizontal velocity measurement noise : m/s
AP_Float _gpsVertVelNoise; // GPS vertical velocity measurement noise : m/s
AP_Float _gpsVertVelNoise; // GPS vertical velocity measurement noise : m/s
@ -442,6 +452,9 @@ private: |
// Tuning parameters
// Tuning parameters
const float gpsNEVelVarAccScale; // Scale factor applied to NE velocity measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
const float gpsNEVelVarAccScale; // Scale factor applied to NE velocity measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
const float gpsDVelVarAccScale; // Scale factor applied to vertical velocity measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
const float gpsDVelVarAccScale; // Scale factor applied to vertical velocity measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
const uint16_t gndEffectTO_ms; // time in msec that ground effect mode is active after being activated
const float gndEffectBaroScaler; // scaler applied to the barometer observation variance when ground effect mode is active
const float gndEffectBaroTO_ms; // time in msec that the baro measurement will be rejected if the gndEffectBaroVarLim has failed it
const float gpsPosVarAccScale; // Scale factor applied to horizontal position measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
const float gpsPosVarAccScale; // Scale factor applied to horizontal position measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
const float msecHgtDelay; // Height measurement delay (msec)
const float msecHgtDelay; // Height measurement delay (msec)
const uint16_t msecMagDelay; // Magnetometer measurement delay (msec)
const uint16_t msecMagDelay; // Magnetometer measurement delay (msec)
@ -601,6 +614,9 @@ private: |
bool prevVehicleArmed; // vehicleArmed from previous frame
bool prevVehicleArmed; // vehicleArmed from previous frame
struct Location EKF_origin; // LLH origin of the NED axis system - do not change unless filter is reset
struct Location EKF_origin; // LLH origin of the NED axis system - do not change unless filter is reset
bool validOrigin; // true when the EKF origin is valid
bool validOrigin; // true when the EKF origin is valid
bool gndEffectMode; // modifiy baro processing to compensate for ground effect
uint32_t startTimeTO_ms; // time in msec that the takeoff condition started - used to compensate for ground effect on baro height
uint32_t startTimeLAND_ms; // time in msec that the landing condition started - used to compensate for ground effect on baro height
float gpsSpdAccuracy; // estimated speed accuracy in m/s returned by the UBlox GPS receiver
float gpsSpdAccuracy; // estimated speed accuracy in m/s returned by the UBlox GPS receiver
// Used by smoothing of state corrections
// Used by smoothing of state corrections