// @DisplayName: Ballistic coefficient measured in X direction
// @Description: Ratio of mass to drag coefficient measured along the X body axis. This parameter enables estimation of wind drift for vehicles with bluff bodies and without propulsion forces in the X and Y direction (eg multicopters). The drag produced by this effect scales with speed squared. Set to a postive value > 1.0 to enable. A starting value is the mass in Kg divided by the frontal area. The predicted drag from the rotors is specified separately by the EK3_MCOEF parameter.
// @DisplayName: Ballistic coefficient measured in Y direction
// @Description: Ratio of mass to drag coefficient measured along the Y body axis. This parameter enables estimation of wind drift for vehicles with bluff bodies and without propulsion forces in the X and Y direction (eg multicopters). The drag produced by this effect scales with speed squared. Set to a postive value > 1.0 to enable. A starting value is the mass in Kg divided by the side area. The predicted drag from the rotors is specified separately by the EK3_MCOEF parameter.