diff --git a/libraries/AP_Math/examples/rotations/Makefile b/libraries/AP_Math/examples/rotations/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcdc8ff8fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/AP_Math/examples/rotations/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+include ../../../AP_Common/Arduino.mk
+	make -f ../../../../libraries/Desktop/Desktop.mk
diff --git a/libraries/AP_Math/examples/rotations/rotations.pde b/libraries/AP_Math/examples/rotations/rotations.pde
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7095446794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/AP_Math/examples/rotations/rotations.pde
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+// Unit tests for the AP_Math rotations code
+#include <FastSerial.h>
+#include <AP_Common.h>
+#include <AP_Math.h>
+FastSerialPort(Serial, 0);
+// all of this is needed to build with SITL
+#include <DataFlash.h>
+#include <APM_RC.h>
+#include <GCS_MAVLink.h>
+#include <Arduino_Mega_ISR_Registry.h>
+#include <AP_PeriodicProcess.h>
+#include <AP_ADC.h>
+#include <AP_Baro.h>
+#include <AP_Compass.h>
+#include <AP_GPS.h>
+Arduino_Mega_ISR_Registry isr_registry;
+AP_Baro_BMP085_HIL      barometer;
+AP_Compass_HIL     compass;
+// standard rotation matrices (these are the originals from the old code)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_NONE               Matrix3f(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ,0, 1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_45             Matrix3f(0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0, 0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_90             Matrix3f(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_135            Matrix3f(-0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0, 0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_180            Matrix3f(-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_225            Matrix3f(-0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0, -0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_270            Matrix3f(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_315            Matrix3f(0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0, -0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0, 0, 0, 1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180           Matrix3f(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_45    Matrix3f(0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0, 0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0, 0, 0, -1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_90    Matrix3f(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_135   Matrix3f(-0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0, 0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0, 0, 0, -1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_PITCH_180          Matrix3f(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_225   Matrix3f(-0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0, -0.70710678, 0.70710678, 0, 0, 0, -1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_270   Matrix3f(0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1)
+#define MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_315   Matrix3f(0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0, -0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0, 0, 0, -1)
+static void print_matrix(Matrix3f &m)
+    Serial.printf("[%.2f %.2f %.2f] [%.2f %.2f %.2f] [%.2f %.2f %.2f]\n",
+                  m.a.x, m.a.y, m.a.z,
+                  m.b.x, m.b.y, m.b.z,
+                  m.c.x, m.c.y, m.c.z);
+// test one matrix
+static void test_matrix(enum Rotation rotation, Matrix3f m)
+	Matrix3f m2, diff;
+	const float accuracy = 1.0e-6;
+	m2.rotation(rotation);
+	diff = (m - m2);
+	if (diff.a.length() > accuracy ||
+	    diff.b.length() > accuracy ||
+	    diff.c.length() > accuracy) {
+		Serial.printf("rotation matrix %u incorrect\n", (unsigned)rotation);
+        print_matrix(m);
+        print_matrix(m2);
+	}
+// test generation of rotation matrices
+static void test_matrices(void)
+    Serial.println("testing rotation matrices\n");
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_YAW_45, MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_45);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_YAW_90, MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_90);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_YAW_135, MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_135);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_YAW_180, MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_180);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_YAW_225, MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_225);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_YAW_270, MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_270);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_YAW_315, MATRIX_ROTATION_YAW_315);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_ROLL_180, MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_45, MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_45);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_90, MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_90);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_135, MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_135);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_PITCH_180, MATRIX_ROTATION_PITCH_180);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_225, MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_225);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_270, MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_270);
+    test_matrix(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_315, MATRIX_ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_315);
+// test rotation of vectors
+static void test_vector(enum Rotation rotation, Vector3f v1, bool show=true)
+	Vector3f v2, diff;
+	Matrix3f m;
+	v2 = v1;
+	m.rotation(rotation);
+	v1.rotate(rotation);
+	v2 = m * v2;
+	diff = v1 - v2;
+	if (diff.length() > 1.0e-6) {
+		Serial.printf("rotation vector %u incorrect\n", (unsigned)rotation);
+		Serial.printf("%u  %f %f %f\n",
+			      (unsigned)rotation,
+			      v2.x, v2.y, v2.z);
+	}
+    if (show) {
+        Serial.printf("%u  %f %f %f\n",
+                      (unsigned)rotation,
+                      v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
+    }
+// generate a random float between -1 and 1
+static float rand_num(void)
+	float ret = ((unsigned)random()) % 2000000;
+	return (ret - 1.0e6) / 1.0e6;
+// test rotation of vectors
+static void test_vector(enum Rotation rotation)
+    uint8_t i;
+	Vector3f v1;
+	v1.x = 1;
+	v1.y = 2;
+	v1.z = 3;
+    test_vector(rotation, v1);
+    for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
+        v1.x = rand_num();
+        v1.y = rand_num();
+        v1.z = rand_num();
+        test_vector(rotation, v1, false);
+    }
+// test rotation of vectors
+static void test_vectors(void)
+    Serial.println("testing rotation of vectors\n");
+    test_vector(ROTATION_NONE);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_YAW_45);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_YAW_90);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_YAW_135);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_YAW_180);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_YAW_225);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_YAW_270);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_YAW_315);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_ROLL_180);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_45);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_90);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_135);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_PITCH_180);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_225);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_270);
+    test_vector(ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_315);
+  rotation tests
+ */
+void setup(void)
+    Serial.begin(115200);
+    Serial.println("rotation unit tests\n");
+    test_matrices();
+    test_vectors();
+    Serial.println("rotation unit tests done\n");