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git-svn-id: f9c3cf11-9bcb-44bc-f272-b75c42450872master
3 changed files with 0 additions and 657 deletions
@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
#include "DCM.h" |
APM_ADC adc; |
#define GRAVITY 418 //this equivalent to 1G in the raw data coming from the accelerometer
#define ADC_CONSTRAINT 900 |
#define Kp_ROLLPITCH 0.0014 //0.015 // Pitch&Roll Proportional Gain
#define Ki_ROLLPITCH 0.0000003 // 0.00001 Pitch&Roll Integrator Gain
#define Kp_YAW 1.2 // 1.2 Yaw Porportional Gain
#define Ki_YAW 0.00005 // 0.00005 Yaw Integrator Gain
const uint8_t AP_DCM::_sensors[6] = {1,2,0,4,5,6}; // For ArduPilot Mega Sensor Shield Hardware
const int AP_DCM::_sensor_signs[] = {1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1}; //{-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,-1} !!!! These are probably not right
// Temp compensation curve constants
// These must be produced by measuring data and curve fitting
// [X/Y/Z gyro][A/B/C or 0 order/1st order/2nd order constants]
const float AP_DCM::_gyro_temp_curve[3][3] = { |
{1665,0,0}, |
{1665,0,0}, |
{1665,0,0} |
}; // values may migrate to a Config file
// Constructors ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
AP_DCM::AP_DCM(APM_Compass *withCompass) : |
_compass(withCompass), |
_dcm_matrix(1, 0, 0, |
0, 1, 0, |
0, 0, 1), |
_G_Dt(0.02), |
_course_over_ground_x(0), |
_course_over_ground_y(1) |
{ |
} |
void |
AP_DCM::update_DCM(void) |
{ |
read_adc_raw(); // Get current values for IMU sensors
matrix_update(); // Integrate the DCM matrix
normalize(); // Normalize the DCM matrix
drift_correction(); // Perform drift correction
euler_angles(); // Calculate pitch, roll, yaw for stabilization and navigation
} |
// Read the 6 ADC channels needed for the IMU
// ------------------------------------------
void |
AP_DCM::read_adc_raw(void) |
{ |
int tc_temp = adc.Ch(_gyro_temp_ch); |
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { |
_adc_in[i] = adc.Ch(_sensors[i]); |
if (i < 3) { // XXX magic numbers!
_adc_in[i] -= _gyro_temp_comp(i, tc_temp); // Subtract temp compensated typical gyro bias
} else { |
_adc_in[i] -= 2025; // Subtract typical accel bias
} |
} |
} |
// Returns the temperature compensated raw gyro value
float |
AP_DCM::_gyro_temp_comp(int i, int temp) const |
{ |
// We use a 2nd order curve of the form Gtc = A + B * Graw + C * (Graw)**2
return _gyro_temp_curve[i][0] + _gyro_temp_curve[i][1] * temp + _gyro_temp_curve[i][2] * temp * temp;
} |
// Returns an analog value with the offset removed
// -----------------
float |
AP_DCM::read_adc(int select) |
{ |
float temp; |
if (_sensor_signs[select] < 0) |
temp = (_adc_offset[select] - _adc_in[select]); |
else |
temp = (_adc_in[select] - _adc_offset[select]); |
if (abs(temp) > ADC_CONSTRAINT)
adc_constraints++; // We keep track of the number of times we constrain the ADC output for performance reporting
// For checking the pitch/roll drift correction gain time constants
switch (select) { |
case 3: |
return 0; |
break; |
case 4: |
return 0; |
break; |
case 5: |
return 400; |
} |
*/ |
//End of drift correction gain test code
return constrain(temp, -ADC_CONSTRAINT, ADC_CONSTRAINT); // Throw out nonsensical values
} |
/**************************************************/ |
AP_DCM::normalize(void) |
{ |
float error = 0; |
DCM_Vector temporary[3]; |
uint8_t problem = 0; |
error = -_dcm_matrix(0).dot_product(_dcm_matrix(1)) * 0.5; // eq.19
temporary[0] = _dcm_matrix(1) * error + _dcm_matrix(0); // eq.19
temporary[1] = _dcm_matrix(0) * error + _dcm_matrix(1); // eq.19
temporary[2] = temporary[0] ^ temporary[1]; // c= a x b // eq.20
_dcm_matrix(0) = _renorm(temporary[0], problem); |
_dcm_matrix(1) = _renorm(temporary[1], problem); |
_dcm_matrix(2) = _renorm(temporary[2], problem); |
if (problem == 1) { // Our solution is blowing up and we will force back to initial condition. Hope we are not upside down!
_dcm_matrix(0, 0)= 1.0f; |
_dcm_matrix(0, 1)= 0.0f; |
_dcm_matrix(0, 2)= 0.0f; |
_dcm_matrix(1, 0)= 0.0f; |
_dcm_matrix(1, 1)= 1.0f; |
_dcm_matrix(1, 2)= 0.0f; |
_dcm_matrix(2, 0)= 0.0f; |
_dcm_matrix(2, 1)= 0.0f; |
_dcm_matrix(2, 2)= 1.0f; |
} |
} |
DCM_Vector |
AP_DCM::_renorm(DCM_Vector const &a, uint8_t &problem) |
{ |
float renorm; |
renorm = a.dot_product(a); |
if (renorm < 1.5625f && renorm > 0.64f) { // Check if we are OK with Taylor expansion
renorm = 0.5 * (3 - renorm); // eq.21
} else if (renorm < 100.0f && renorm > 0.01f) { |
renorm = 1.0 / sqrt(renorm); |
renorm_sqrt_count++; |
} else { |
problem = 1; |
renorm_blowup_count++; |
} |
return(a * renorm); |
} |
/**************************************************/ |
AP_DCM::drift_correction(void) |
{ |
//Compensation the Roll, Pitch and Yaw drift.
float mag_heading_x; |
float mag_heading_y; |
float error_course = 0; |
static float scaled_omega_P[3]; |
static float scaled_omega_I[3]; |
float accel_magnitude; |
float accel_weight; |
float integrator_magnitude; |
//*****Roll and Pitch***************
// Calculate the magnitude of the accelerometer vector
accel_magnitude = _accel_vector.magnitude() / GRAVITY; // Scale to gravity.
// Dynamic weighting of accelerometer info (reliability filter)
// Weight for accelerometer info (<0.5G = 0.0, 1G = 1.0 , >1.5G = 0.0)
accel_weight = constrain(1 - 2 * abs(1 - accel_magnitude), 0, 1); //
// We monitor the amount that the accelerometer based drift correction is deweighted for performanc reporting
imu_health = imu_health + 0.02 * (accel_weight-.5); |
imu_health = constrain(imu_health, 0, 1); |
// adjust the ground of reference
_error_roll_pitch = _accel_vector ^ _dcm_matrix(2); |
// error_roll_pitch are in Accel ADC units
// Limit max error_roll_pitch to limit max omega_P and omega_I
_error_roll_pitch(0) = constrain(_error_roll_pitch(0), -50, 50); |
_error_roll_pitch(1) = constrain(_error_roll_pitch(1), -50, 50); |
_error_roll_pitch(2) = constrain(_error_roll_pitch(2), -50, 50); |
_omega_P = _error_roll_pitch * (Kp_ROLLPITCH * accel_weight); |
_omega_I += _error_roll_pitch * (Ki_ROLLPITCH * accel_weight); |
if (_compass) { |
// We make the gyro YAW drift correction based on compass magnetic heading
error_course= (_dcm_matrix(0, 0) * _compass->Heading_Y) - (_dcm_matrix(1, 0) * _compass->Heading_X); // Calculating YAW error
} else { |
// Use GPS Ground course to correct yaw gyro drift
if (ground_speed >= SPEEDFILT) { |
// Optimization: We have precalculated course_over_ground_x and course_over_ground_y (Course over Ground X and Y) from GPS info
error_course = (_dcm_matrix(0, 0) * _course_over_ground_y) - (_dcm_matrix(1, 0) * _course_over_ground_x); // Calculating YAW error
} |
_error_yaw = _dcm_matrix(2) * error_course; // Applys the yaw correction to the XYZ rotation of the aircraft, depeding the position.
_omega_P += _error_yaw * Kp_YAW; // Adding Proportional.
_omega_I += _error_yaw * Ki_YAW; // adding integrator to the omega_I
// Here we will place a limit on the integrator so that the integrator cannot ever exceed half the saturation limit of the gyros
integrator_magnitude = sqrt(_omega_I.dot_product(_omega_I)); |
if (integrator_magnitude > radians(300)) { |
_omega_I *= (0.5f * radians(300) / integrator_magnitude); |
} |
} |
/**************************************************/ |
AP_DCM::_accel_adjust(void) |
{ |
_accel_vector(1) += accel_scale((ground_speed / 100) * _omega(2)); // Centrifugal force on Acc_y = GPS_speed * GyroZ
_accel_vector(2) -= accel_scale((ground_speed / 100) * _omega(1)); // Centrifugal force on Acc_z = GPS_speed * GyroY
} |
/**************************************************/ |
AP_DCM::matrix_update(void) |
{ |
DCM_Matrix update_matrix; |
_gyro_vector(0) = gyro_scaled_X(read_adc(0)); // gyro x roll
_gyro_vector(1) = gyro_scaled_Y(read_adc(1)); // gyro y pitch
_gyro_vector(2) = gyro_scaled_Z(read_adc(2)); // gyro Z yaw
//Record when you saturate any of the gyros.
if((abs(_gyro_vector(0)) >= radians(300)) ||
(abs(_gyro_vector(1)) >= radians(300)) ||
(abs(_gyro_vector(2)) >= radians(300))) |
gyro_sat_count++; |
Serial.print (__adc_in[0]); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (_adc_offset[0]); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (_gyro_vector(0)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (__adc_in[1]); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (_adc_offset[1]); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (_gyro_vector(1)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (__adc_in[2]); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (_adc_offset[2]); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.println (_gyro_vector(2)); |
*/ |
// _accel_vector(0) = read_adc(3); // acc x
// _accel_vector(1) = read_adc(4); // acc y
// _accel_vector(2) = read_adc(5); // acc z
// Low pass filter on accelerometer data (to filter vibrations)
_accel_vector(0) = _accel_vector(0) * 0.6 + (float)read_adc(3) * 0.4; // acc x
_accel_vector(1) = _accel_vector(1) * 0.6 + (float)read_adc(4) * 0.4; // acc y
_accel_vector(2) = _accel_vector(2) * 0.6 + (float)read_adc(5) * 0.4; // acc z
_omega = _gyro_vector + _omega_I; // adding proportional term
_omega_vector = _omega + _omega_P; // adding Integrator term
_accel_adjust(); // Remove centrifugal acceleration.
#if OUTPUTMODE == 1 |
update_matrix(0, 0) = 0; |
update_matrix(0, 1) = -_G_Dt * _omega_vector(2); // -z
update_matrix(0, 2) = _G_Dt * _omega_vector(1); // y
update_matrix(1, 0) = _G_Dt * _omega_vector(2); // z
update_matrix(1, 1) = 0; |
update_matrix(1, 2) = -_G_Dt * _omega_vector(0); // -x
update_matrix(2, 0) = -_G_Dt * _omega_vector(1); // -y
update_matrix(2, 1) = _G_Dt * _omega_vector(0); // x
update_matrix(2, 2) = 0; |
#else // Uncorrected data (no drift correction)
update_matrix(0, 0) = 0; |
update_matrix(0, 1) = -_G_Dt * _gyro_vector(2); // -z
update_matrix(0, 2) = _G_Dt * _gyro_vector(1); // y
update_matrix(1, 0) = _G_Dt * _gyro_vector(2); // z
update_matrix(1, 1) = 0; |
update_matrix(1, 2) = -_G_Dt * _gyro_vector(0); |
update_matrix(2, 0) = -_G_Dt * _gyro_vector(1); |
update_matrix(2, 1) = _G_Dt * _gyro_vector(0); |
update_matrix(2, 2) = 0; |
#endif |
// update
_dcm_matrix += _dcm_matrix * update_matrix; |
Serial.print (_G_Dt * 1000); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (dcm_matrix(0, 0)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (dcm_matrix(0, 1)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (dcm_matrix(0, 2)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (dcm_matrix(1, 0)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (dcm_matrix(1, 1)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (dcm_matrix(1, 2)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (dcm_matrix(2, 0)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.print (dcm_matrix(2, 1)); |
Serial.print (" "); |
Serial.println (dcm_matrix(2, 2)); |
*/ |
} |
/**************************************************/ |
AP_DCM::euler_angles(void) |
{ |
#if (OUTPUTMODE == 2) // Only accelerometer info (debugging purposes)
roll = atan2(_accel_vector(1), _accel_vector(2)); // atan2(acc_y, acc_z)
roll_sensor = degrees(roll) * 100; |
pitch = -asin((_accel_vector(0)) / (double)GRAVITY); // asin(acc_x)
pitch_sensor = degrees(pitch) * 100; |
yaw = 0; |
#else |
pitch = -asin(_dcm_matrix(2, 0)); |
pitch_sensor = degrees(pitch) * 100; |
roll = atan2(_dcm_matrix(2, 1), _dcm_matrix(2, 2)); |
roll_sensor = degrees(roll) * 100; |
yaw = atan2(_dcm_matrix(1, 0), _dcm_matrix(0, 0)); |
yaw_sensor = degrees(yaw) * 100; |
#endif |
Serial.print ("Roll "); |
Serial.print (roll_sensor / 100); |
Serial.print (", Pitch "); |
Serial.print (pitch_sensor / 100); |
Serial.print (", Yaw "); |
Serial.println (yaw_sensor / 100); |
*/ |
} |
/**************************************************/ |
//Computes the dot product of two vectors
DCM_Vector::dot_product(DCM_Vector const &vector2) const |
{ |
float op = 0; |
for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++) |
op += _v[c] * vector2(c); |
return op;
} |
// cross-product
DCM_Vector |
DCM_Vector::operator^(DCM_Vector const &a) const |
{ |
DCM_Vector result; |
result(0) = (_v[1] * a(2)) - (_v[2] * a(1)); |
result(1) = (_v[2] * a(0)) - (_v[0] * a(2)); |
result(2) = (_v[0] * a(1)) - (_v[1] * a(0)); |
return(result); |
} |
// scale
DCM_Vector |
DCM_Vector::operator*(float scale) const |
{ |
DCM_Vector result; |
result(0) = _v[0] * scale; |
result(1) = _v[1] * scale; |
result(2) = _v[2] * scale; |
return(result); |
} |
// scale
void |
DCM_Vector::operator*=(float scale) |
{ |
_v[0] *= scale; |
_v[1] *= scale; |
_v[2] *= scale; |
} |
// add
DCM_Vector |
DCM_Vector::operator+(DCM_Vector const &a) const |
{ |
DCM_Vector result; |
result(0) = _v[0] + a(0); |
result(1) = _v[1] + a(1); |
result(2) = _v[2] + a(2); |
return(result); |
} |
// add
void |
DCM_Vector::operator+=(DCM_Vector const &a) |
{ |
_v[0] += a(0); |
_v[1] += a(1); |
_v[2] += a(2); |
} |
// magnitude
float |
DCM_Vector::magnitude(void) const |
{ |
return(sqrt((_v[0] * _v[0]) +
(_v[1] * _v[1]) +
(_v[2] * _v[2]))); |
} |
// 3x3 matrix multiply
DCM_Matrix |
DCM_Matrix::operator*(DCM_Matrix const &a) const |
{ |
DCM_Matrix result; |
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { |
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { |
result(x, y) =
_m[x](0) * a(0, y) + |
_m[x](1) * a(1, y) + |
_m[x](2) * a(2, y); |
} |
} |
return(result); |
} |
// 3x3 matrix add
void |
DCM_Matrix::operator+=(DCM_Matrix const &a) |
{ |
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) |
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) |
_m[x](y) += a(x,y); |
} |
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
#ifndef AP_DCM_h |
#define AP_DCM_h |
#include <inttypes.h> |
//#include "WProgram.h"
class APM_Compass { |
public: |
int Heading_X; |
int Heading_Y; |
}; |
typedef uint8_t byte; |
class APM_ADC { |
public: |
int Ch(int c) {return ~c;}; |
}; |
extern int ground_speed; |
extern int pitch; |
extern int yaw; |
extern int roll; |
extern int roll_sensor; |
extern int pitch_sensor; |
extern int yaw_sensor; |
#define SPEEDFILT 100 |
// XXX warning, many of these are nonsense just to make the compiler think
#define abs(_x) (((_x) < 0) ? -(_x) : (_x)) |
#define constrain(_x, _min, _max) (((_x) < (_min)) ? (_min) : (((_x) > (_max)) ? (_max) : (_x))) |
#define sqrt(_x) ((_x) / 2) // !!!
#define radians(_x) ((_x) / (180 * 3.14)) // !!! shoot me...
#define degrees(_x) ((_x) * (180 / 3.14)) |
#define accel_scale(_x) ((_x) * 3) // !!!
#define gyro_scaled_X(_x) ((_x) / 3) |
#define gyro_scaled_Y(_x) ((_x) / 3) |
#define gyro_scaled_Z(_x) ((_x) / 3) |
#define asin(_x) ((_x) * 5) |
#define atan2(_x, _y) (((_x) + (_y)) / 5) |
class DCM_Vector { |
public: |
DCM_Vector(float v0 = 0, float v1 = 0, float v2 = 0); |
// access vector elements with obj(element)
float& operator() (int x) {return _v[x];}; |
float operator() (int x) const {return _v[x];}; |
DCM_Vector operator+ (DCM_Vector const &a) const; // add
void operator+= (DCM_Vector const &a); // add
DCM_Vector operator^ (DCM_Vector const &a) const; // cross-product
DCM_Vector operator* (float scale) const; // scale
void operator*= (float scale); // scale
float dot_product(DCM_Vector const &v2) const; |
float magnitude(void) const; |
private: |
float _v[3]; |
}; |
class DCM_Matrix { |
public: |
DCM_Matrix(float m00 = 0, float m01 = 0, float m02 = 0, |
float m10 = 0, float m11 = 0, float m12 = 0, |
float m20 = 0, float m21 = 0, float m22 = 0); |
// access matrix elements with obj(x,y)
float& operator() (int x, int y) {return _m[x](y);}; |
float operator() (int x, int y) const {return _m[x](y);}; |
// access matrix columns with obj(x)
DCM_Vector& operator() (int x) {return _m[x];}; |
DCM_Vector operator() (int x) const {return _m[x];}; |
// matrix multiply
DCM_Matrix operator* (DCM_Matrix const &a) const; |
// matrix add
void operator+= (DCM_Matrix const &a); |
private: |
DCM_Vector _m[3]; |
}; |
class AP_DCM |
{ |
public: |
// Methods
AP_DCM(APM_Compass *withCompass); |
void update_DCM(void); //G_Dt
// XXX these are all private (called by update_DCM only?)
void read_adc_raw(void); |
void euler_angles(void); |
void matrix_update(void); |
void drift_correction(void); |
void normalize(void); |
float read_adc(int select); |
float imu_health; //Metric based on accel gain deweighting
byte gyro_sat_count; |
byte adc_constraints; |
byte renorm_sqrt_count; |
byte renorm_blowup_count; |
private: |
// Methods
void _accel_adjust(void); |
float _gyro_temp_comp(int i, int temp) const; |
DCM_Vector _renorm(DCM_Vector const &a, uint8_t &problem); |
// members
APM_Compass *_compass; |
DCM_Matrix _dcm_matrix; |
float _adc_in[6]; // array that store the 6 ADC channels used by IMU
float _adc_offset[6]; // Array that store the Offset of the gyros and accelerometers
float _G_Dt; // Integration time for the gyros (DCM algorithm)
DCM_Vector _accel_vector; // Store the acceleration in a vector
DCM_Vector _gyro_vector; //Store the gyros turn rate in a vector
DCM_Vector _omega_vector; //Corrected Gyro_Vector data
DCM_Vector _omega_P; //Omega Proportional correction
DCM_Vector _omega_I; //Omega Integrator
DCM_Vector _omega; |
DCM_Vector _error_roll_pitch; |
DCM_Vector _error_yaw; |
float _errorCourse; |
float _course_over_ground_x; //Course overground X axis
float _course_over_ground_y; //Course overground Y axis
// constants
static const uint8_t _sensors[6]; |
static const int _sensor_signs[9]; |
static const uint8_t _gyro_temp_ch = 3; // The ADC channel reading the gyro temperature
static const float _gyro_temp_curve[3][3]; |
}; |
#endif |
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
/* |
Example of APM_Compass library (HMC5843 sensor). |
Code by Jordi MuÒoz and Jose Julio. |
*/ |
//#include <Wire.h> |
#include <DCM.h> // Compass Library |
unsigned long timer; |
void setup() |
{ |
DCM.init(); // Initialization |
Serial.begin(38400); |
Serial.println("Compass library test (HMC5843)"); |
delay(1000); |
timer = millis(); |
} |
void loop() |
{ |
float tmp; |
if((millis()- timer) > 100){ |
timer = millis(); |
APM_Compass.Read(); |
APM_Compass.Calculate(0, 0); // roll = 0, pitch = 0 for this example |
Serial.print("Heading:"); |
Serial.print(ToDeg(APM_Compass.Heading)); |
Serial.print(" ("); |
Serial.print(APM_Compass.Mag_X); |
Serial.print(","); |
Serial.print(APM_Compass.Mag_Y); |
Serial.print(","); |
Serial.print(APM_Compass.Mag_Z); |
Serial.println(" )"); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue