Browse Source
It can do all, tag by time, with offset, by CAM messages, detect and help correct problems, and process multiple logs(flights) at once.master
1 changed files with 779 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
#!/bin/bash |
# Advanced geotagging tool by André Kjellstrup |
###################################################################### VARIABLES ######################## |
version="v1.1" |
mode=1 # 0=geotag, 1=jpg distance(s) , 2=CAM distance in sec |
loglinenum=1 # last read log line number |
loglinenummatched=0 # last read log line number used - reverting to this +1 when looking back |
logline="start" #current line, placeholder for start |
logtimemsprev=0 |
logended=0 #true if log ended. |
logtarget=0 #true if we got log type we wanted |
logmatch=1 # true if we accepted lo line as matching |
loggotpos=0 #true if log contains pos messages (enables fallback) |
typical_offset="notset" #contains time offset of first picture vs log. |
jpgtot=0 #number of jpg files in folder |
jpgtagged=0 #number of correctly tagged photos |
jpgmiss=0 #number of missing photos |
jpgnotinlog=0 #counting jpg's with timestamp outside log |
camindex=0 #number of last CAM message used. |
camtot=0 #number of CAM lines found |
trigtot=0 #number of TRIG lines found |
logmiss=0 #missed CAM messages |
revjumps=0 #count how many time we have backed up |
difflimit=10 # POS message difflimit 10 gives 0.06sec , 20 has proved useful |
running=1 |
cmdarg=$* #save command line parameters |
FILE=jpglist |
ML="false" |
logsdone=0 #counts processed logs |
########################### |
while [[ $# > 0 ]] |
do |
key="$1" |
case $key in |
-w|--write) |
WRITE="true" |
;; |
-r|--readonly) |
WRITE="false" |
;; |
-f|--find) |
WRITE="false" |
FIND="true" |
;; |
-p|--pos) |
typical_offset="$2" |
shift # get past argument |
;; |
-dl|--difflimit) |
difflimit="$2" |
shift # get past argument |
;; |
-c|--cam) |
;; |
-t|--trig) |
;; |
-ns|--nosubsec) |
NS="true" |
;; |
-ml|--multilog) |
ML="true" |
;; |
-del|--delorg) |
DELORG="true" |
;; |
-sp|--skipphoto) |
SKIPIMG="$2" |
shift # get past argument |
;; |
-sc|--skipcam) |
SKIPCAM="$2" |
shift # get past argument |
;; |
-st|--skiptrig) |
shift # get past argument |
;; |
-sl|--skiplog) |
SKIPLOG="$2" |
shift # get past argument |
;; |
-h|--help) |
HELP="true" |
;; |
*) |
# unknown option |
;; |
esac |
shift # past argument or value |
done |
if [[ "$HELP" == "true" ]] || [[ "$WRITE" == "" ]] #|| [[ "$MODE" == "" ]] |
then |
echo "Geotagging script by André Kjellstrup. $version" |
echo "execute inside a folder containing .JPG and .BIN" |
echo "example: -c -sp 2 -r" |
echo "" |
echo "-w or --write Enables photo processing" |
echo "-r or --readonly Enables photo processing" |
echo "-f or --readonly, finds CAM to exif spacing for +/- 10 skipped photos, and +/- 10 skipped CAM messages" |
echo "-sp x or --skipphoto x Skips x photos counting from the start" |
echo "-sc x or --skipcam x Skips x CAM entrys from the start" |
echo "-sl x or --skiplog x Skips x POS entrys from the start" |
echo "-st x or --skiptrig x Skips x TRIG entrys from the start" |
echo "-p x or --pos x Use POS log only (if camera was independendly trigged) x=offset in seconds" |
echo "-dl x or --difflimit x Acceptable limit in 10ms steps for POS-log vs photo differance 10=0.1s (default)" |
echo "-c or --cam Use CAM log only (do not fall back to POS pessages)" |
echo "-t or --trig Use TRIG log only (if camera shutter is sensed)" |
echo "-ns or --nosubsec Do not look for subsecond EXIF tag." |
echo "-ml or --multilog Grab and combine all .BIN files (for processing photos from more then one flight." |
echo "-del or --delorg : Delete JPG_original (backups)." |
echo "EXAMPLE:" |
echo "Multiple flights dataset from S100; -p 0 -ns -dl 30 -w -ml -del" |
echo "simgle CAM flight; -c -w -del" |
exit 1 |
fi |
command -v >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; } |
command -v exiftool >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require exiftool but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; } |
##command -v foo >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require foo but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; } |
if [[ "$WRITE" == "true" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: will backup and modify photos" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$WRITE" == "false" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: dry run only, no photos will be modified" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$MODE" == "POS" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: use POS records only, expected offset of $typical_offset , poslimit (time of photo vs log is $poslimit)" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$MODE" == "CAM" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: use CAM records only" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$MODE" == "TRIG" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: use TRIG records only" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$NS" == "true" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: Do not look for subsecond-time in EXIF" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$SKIPIMG" -gt "0" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: will skip first $SKIPIMG photos" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$SKIPCAM" -gt "0" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: will skip first $SKIPCAM CAM logs" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$SKIPTRIG" -gt "0" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: will skip first $SKIPTRIG TRIG logs" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$SKIPLOG" -gt "0" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: will skip first $SKIPLOG POS logs" | tee geotag.log |
loglinenum=$SKIPLOG |
fi |
if [ "$difflimit" != 10 ] |
then |
echo "INFO: Difflimit is changed to $difflimit (10=0.1s)" | tee geotag.log |
fi |
echo "INFO: using arguments $cmdarg " | tee geotag.log |
jpglistindex=$(( 1 + $SKIPIMG)) #which file to read from jpg list |
#========================= FUNCTION readexif ====================================================== |
# get exif data for filename in $jpgname, |
# return: $jpgdate 20-12-2010 ,$jpgtime 14:10:20.22 ,$jpgtimems 0.22 (220ms) |
function readexif |
{ |
if [[ "$NS" == "true" ]] |
then |
jpgdatetime=$(exiftool -ee -p '$datetimeoriginal' "$jpgname" -n) |
jpgdatetime="$jpgdatetime.50" |
else |
jpgdatetime=$(exiftool -ee -p '$subsecdatetimeoriginal' "$jpgname" -n) |
fi |
jpgdate=$(echo -n "$jpgdatetime" | head -c10) |
jpgdate=$(echo "$jpgdate" | tr : -) #replace : with - |
jpgtime=$(echo -n "$jpgdatetime" | tail -c-11) |
jpgtimems=$(echo -n "$jpgtime" | tail -c-2) |
jpgtimems=$(echo "scale=2; ($jpgtimems /100)" | bc -l) |
#echo "DEBUG $jpgname date $jpgdate time $jpgtime " |
##read -p "Press any key to continue... " -n1 -s |
######browse log until we find CAM message |
} |
#========================= FUNCTION readlog ====================================================== |
# extract needed date from logline string $logline |
# return: $logdate 20-12-2010 ,$logtime 14:10:20.22 ,$logtimems 0.22 (220ms) |
# return: $lat $lon $alt(m AMSL) |
# |
###### We Prefer TRIG , then CAM, then fallback to POS |
# in log they look alike: |
#1970-01-01 01:01:12.55: CAM {TimeUS : 72553489, GPSTime : 0, GPSWeek : 0, Lat : 0.0, Lng : 0.0, Alt : -0.01, RelAlt : -0.01, GPSAlt : 0.0, Roll : 1.4, Pitch : 0.41, Yaw : 82.49} |
#1970-01-01 01:01:15.80: TRIG {TimeUS : 75803571, GPSTime : 0, GPSWeek : 0, Lat : 0.0, Lng : 0.0, Alt : -0.01, RelAlt : -0.01, GPSAlt : 0.0, Roll : 1.43, Pitch : 0.43, Yaw : 82.62} |
function readlog |
{ |
logdate=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o '^\S*') #till first space |
logtime=$(echo "$logline"| awk -F" " '{print $2}') |
logtime=$(echo -n "$logtime" | head -c-1) #remove trailing : |
logtimems=$(echo -n "$logtime" | tail -c-2) |
logtimems=$(echo "scale=2; ($logtimems /100)" | bc -l) |
if [[ "$logline" == *POS* ]] |
then |
lat=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<=Lat : ).*(?=, Lng)') |
lon=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<=Lng : ).*(?=, Alt)') |
alt=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<= Alt : ).*(?=, RelHomeAlt)') |
fi |
if [[ "$logline" == *CAM* ]] |
then |
lat=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<=Lat : ).*(?=, Lng)') |
lon=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<=Lng : ).*(?=, Alt)') |
alt=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<=Alt : ).*(?=, RelAlt)') |
fi |
#rol=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<=Roll : ).*(?=, Pitch)') |
#pit=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<=Pitch : ).*(?=, Yaw)') |
#yaw=$(echo "$logline"| grep -o -P '(?<=Yaw : ).*(?=})') |
#echo "$logdate $logtime CAM=$cam Lat=$lat Lng=$lng Alt= $alt" |
} |
#========================= FUNCTION geotag ====================================================== |
# converts to WGS84 and tags photos with data found in lat,lon,alt. |
function geotag |
{ |
#jpgname="test.JPG" |
#lat=69.6041115 |
#lon=23.2757452 |
#alt=122.8374 |
posWGS84=( $(echo "$lon $lat $alt" | cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84)) # returns position as 22d16'32.683"E 69d36'14.801"N 123.837 in {posWGS84[0...2]} |
lonWGS84ref=$(echo -n "${posWGS84[0]}" | tail -c-1) |
lonWGS84pos=$(echo -n "${posWGS84[0]}" | head -c-1) |
latWGS84ref=$(echo -n "${posWGS84[1]}" | tail -c-1) |
latWGS84pos=$(echo -n "${posWGS84[1]}" | head -c-1) |
#echo $lonWGS84pos |
#echo $lonWGS84ref |
#echo $latWGS84pos |
#echo $latWGS84ref |
#echo "original:" |
#echo ${posWGS84[0]} |
#echo ${posWGS84[1]} |
#echo ${posWGS84[2]} |
if [[ "$WRITE" == "true" ]] |
then |
exiftool -exif:gpsmapdatum="WGS-84" -exif:gpsaltitude="$alt" -exif:gpsaltituderef="Above Sea Level" -exif:gpslongitude="$lonWGS84pos" -exif:gpslongituderef="$lonWGS84ref" -exif:gpslatitude="$latWGS84pos" -exif:gpslatituderef="$latWGS84ref" "$jpgname" >/dev/null & |
fi |
let "jpgtagged++" |
echo "ALT= "$alt" LON= "$lonWGS84pos" LATref= "$lonWGS84ref" LAT= "$latWGS84pos" LATref= "$latWGS84ref"" |
} |
#========================= FUNCTION report ====================================================== |
function report |
{ |
echo "Report:" | tee -a geotag.log |
echo "Found $jpgtot photos" | tee -a geotag.log |
echo "Found $camtot CAM log lines" | tee -a geotag.log |
echo "Found $trigtot TRIG log lines" | tee -a geotag.log |
echo "Time between first photo and log was ""$typical_offset""s" | tee -a geotag.log |
if [[ "$WRITE" == "true" ]] |
then |
echo "Tagged $jpgtagged photos" | tee -a geotag.log |
else |
echo "Could have tagged $jpgtagged photos" | tee -a geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$MODE" != "POS" ]] |
then |
echo "Detected $jpgmiss missing photos" | tee -a geotag.log |
echo "Detected $logmiss missing $MODE messages" | tee -a geotag.log |
else |
echo "(Unable to detect and report missing pictures and CAM messages in POS mode)" | tee -a geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$jpgnotinlog" -gt 0 ]] |
then |
echo "FAILED: to tag $jpgnotinlog jpg file(s) where no POS log matched (maybe increase difflimit?)" | tee -a geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ "$DELORG" == "true" ]] |
then |
echo "INFO: Deleting original .JPG that were cloned by EXIF" | tee -a geotag.log |
sleep 1s |
rm *.JPG_original |
fi |
if [[ "$WRITE" == "true" ]] |
then |
mv geotag.log geotagwrite.log |
fi |
} |
#========================= FUNCTION load log to memory ====================================================== |
function loadlogdump |
{ |
echo "INFO: Loading logdump into memory..." | tee -a geotag.log |
IFS=$'\012' # \012 is a linefeed |
logarray=( $(<logdump) ) |
logarraysize=${#logarray[@]} |
echo "INFO: done, loaded $logarraysize lines." | tee -a geotag.log |
} |
#========================= FUNCTION load camdump to memory ====================================================== |
function loadcamdump |
{ |
echo "INFO: Loading camdump into memory..." | tee -a geotag.log |
IFS=$'\012' # \012 is a linefeed |
logarray=( $(<camdump) ) |
logarraysize=${#logarray[@]} |
echo "INFO: done, loaded $logarraysize lines." | tee -a geotag.log |
} |
############################################################################################################## |
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############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
#========================= FUNCTION CAM only loop ====================================================== |
function posloop |
{ |
echo "INFO: Searching within POS log..." | tee -a geotag.log |
loggotpos=0 |
###############get JPG file######### |
while [[ "$running" == 1 ]] |
do |
if [ "$logmatch" == 1 ] |
then #read next picture only if log line accepted |
jpgname=$(awk 'NR=="'"$jpglistindex"'"{print;exit}' jpglist) |
if [ "$jpgname" == "" ] |
then |
echo "END: Last photo processed" | tee -a geotag.log |
running=0 |
report |
exit 1 |
fi |
readexif |
fi |
###############lookup LOG######### |
logtarget=0 #reset, for new search |
if [[ "$loglinereverse" -eq 1 || "$camindex" -eq "$camtot" || "$MODE" == "POS" ]] |
then |
POSONLY="true" |
else |
POSONLY="false" |
fi |
while [ "$logtarget" -eq 0 ] |
do |
let "loglinenum++" |
#### check if we are out of log messages. |
if [[ "$loglinenum" -gt "$logarraysize" ]] |
then |
echo "ERROR: Log ended at $loglinenum of $logarraysize while looking for $MODE message for filename $jpgname , maybe this photo is not a part of dataset, or in log, ignoring." | tee -a geotag.log |
#read next picture only if log line accepted |
jpgname=$(awk 'NR=="'"$jpglistindex"'"{print;exit}' jpglist) |
let "loglinenum = loglinenummatched" # revert to last known good position in log - or to START, to mach photos in random order.. |
let "jpglistindex++" #move on to next |
if [ "$jpgname" == "" ] |
then |
echo "END: Last photo processed" | tee -a geotag.log |
running=0 |
report |
exit 1 |
fi |
readexif |
fi |
logline=${logarray["$loglinenum"]} |
if [[ "$logline" == *CAM* ]] |
then |
logtype="CAM" |
let "camindex++" |
logtarget=1 |
readlog |
# echo "DEBUG: at $loglinenum $logline" |
fi |
if [[ "$logline" == *POS* ]] && [[ "$POSONLY" == "true" || "$loglinereverse" -eq 1 ]] |
then |
loggotpos=1 |
logtype="POS" |
logtarget=1 |
readlog |
#echo "DEBUG: at $loglinenum $logline" |
fi |
if [[ "$SKIPCAM" -gt 0 ]] && [[ "$logtarget" -eq 1 ]] |
then |
let "SKIPCAM--" |
logtarget=0 |
fi |
done |
#### check if we are out of suitable log messages. |
if [[ "$loglinenum" -gt "$logarraysize" ]] |
then |
echo "ERROR: Log ended at $loglinenum of $logarraysize while looking for CAM message for filename $jpgname maybe there are too many photos" | tee -a geotag.log |
running=0 |
report |
exit 1 |
fi |
#echo "DEBUG relevant logline found loglinenumber=$loglinenum logline=$logline " |
######process log line |
######## Calculate offset |
diff=$(( ( $(date -ud "$jpgdate $jpgtime" +'%s') - $(date -ud "$logdate $logtime" +'%s') ) )) #get differance in seconds (integer) |
difftot=$(echo "scale=2; ($diff+($jpgtimems - $logtimems))" | bc -l) # return floting point |
######## Calculate time since last trigger command |
differr=$(( ( $(date -ud "$logdate $logtime" +'%s') - $(date -ud "$logdateprev $logtimeprev" +'%s') ) )) #get differance in seconds (integer) |
difftoterr=$(echo "scale=2; ($differr+($logtimems - $logtimemsprev))" | bc -l) # return floting point |
difftotoff=$(echo "scale=2; ($difftot - $typical_offset)" | bc -l) |
difftoterroff=$(echo "scale=2; ($differr - $typical_offset)" | bc -l) # return floting point |
if [ "$typical_offset" == "notset" ] |
then |
typical_offset=$difftot |
echo "INFO: Expected time offset between camera and log is ""$typical_offset""s (positive = camera is ahead)" | tee -a geotag.log |
fi |
###############compare offset to previous offset to detect skipped photos |
diffeee=$(echo "(($difftot - $typical_offset)*100)" | bc -l | cut -f1 -d"." ) #keep integer |
if [[ "$diffeee" -gt "$difflimit" ]] || [[ "$diffeee" -lt -"$difflimit" ]] |
then |
if [[ "$MODE" == "POS" ]] #Do fail analysis ONLY in CAM mode |
then ##Speed up POS mode |
logmatch=0 |
if [[ "$diffeee" -gt 50 ]] # are we more than 1 sec behind ? |
then |
let "loglinenum=loglinenum+25" |
#echo "DEBUG: > 1 sec behind, jumping ahead" |
fi |
if [[ "$diffeee" -lt -25 ]] # are we more than 0.5 sec ahead ? |
then |
let "loglinenum=loglinenum-30" |
let "revjumps++" |
#echo "DEBUG: > 0.5 sec ahead, jumping back" |
if [[ "$revjumps" -gt 30 ]] ## we have backed up too many times, the image must be invalid for this log ! |
then |
echo "ERROR: Failed to find log time for image $jpgname, it's not in log or does not belong to this dataset.( maybe try higher difflimit ?)" | tee -a geotag.log |
let "jpgnotinlog++" |
let "jpglistindex++" #move on to next |
let "revjumps=0" |
logmatch=1 #trigger lookup of next picture |
fi |
fi |
##do CAM mode analysis |
fi |
#logmatch=1 ###############################################################ACCEPT ANYTHING |
#let "jpglistindex=jpglistindex+1" ###############################################################ACCEPT ANYTHING |
percent=$(echo "scale=2; (($jpglistindex/$jpgtot)*100)" | bc -l | cut -f1 -d".") |
echo "MATCHED: ""$percent""% Done, time diff.: ""$difftotoff""s between $jpgname $jpgdate $jpgtime & $logtype log $loglinenum $logdate $logtime" | tee -a geotag.log |
let "revjumps=0" |
geotag |
logmatch=1 |
#logmatcgfailinrow=0 |
let "jpglistindex++" |
let "loglinenummatched = loglinenum + 1" # if we need to go back for POS message, go here |
#loglinereverse=0 |
fi #save first image camera vs log offset |
logdateprev=$logdate #for calculation of picture spacing |
logtimeprev=$logtime #for calculation of picture spacing |
logtimemsprev=$logtimems #for calculation of picture spacing |
logtarget=0 #reset so we are looking for next logline next time |
done #running |
} |
##### END POS loop ########################################################################################### |
############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
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############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
#========================= FUNCTION CAM only loop ====================================================== |
# In case of missing photo: try next log entry |
# in case of missing log entry: do not tag photo |
function camloop |
{ |
echo "INFO: Searching for CAM only..." | tee -a geotag.log |
loggotpos=0 |
###############get JPG file######### |
while [[ "$running" == 1 ]] ; do |
if [ "$logmatch" == 1 ] |
then #read next picture only if log line accepted |
jpgname=$(awk 'NR=="'"$jpglistindex"'"{print;exit}' jpglist) |
if [ "$jpgname" == "" ] ; then |
echo "END: Last photo processed" | tee -a geotag.log |
running=0 |
report |
exit 1 |
fi |
readexif |
fi |
###############lookup LOG######### |
logtarget=0 #reset, for new search |
while [ "$logtarget" -eq 0 ] ; do |
let "loglinenum++" |
logline=${logarray["$loglinenum"]} |
if [[ "$logline" == *"$MODE"* ]] ; then |
logtype="$MODE" |
logtarget=1 |
readlog |
#echo "DEBUG: at $loglinenum $logline" |
fi |
#skip CAM lines if needded |
if [[ "$MODE" == "CAM" && "$SKIPCAM" -gt 0 ]] && [[ "$logtarget" -eq 1 ]] ; then |
let "SKIPCAM--" |
echo "INFO: Skipped a CAM log line." | tee -a geotag.log |
logtarget=0 |
fi |
#skip TRIG lines if needded |
if [[ "$MODE" == "TRIG" && "$SKIPTRIG" -gt 0 ]] && [[ "$logtarget" -eq 1 ]] ; then |
let "SKIPTRIG--" |
logtarget=0 |
fi |
done |
#### check if we are out of suitable log messages. |
if [[ "$loglinenum" -gt "$logarraysize" ]] ; then |
echo "ERROR: Log ended at $loglinenum of $logarraysize while looking for $MODE message for filename $jpgname maybe there are too many photos" | tee -a geotag.log |
running=0 |
report |
exit 1 |
fi |
######## Calculate offset |
diff=$(( ( $(date -ud "$jpgdate $jpgtime" +'%s') - $(date -ud "$logdate $logtime" +'%s') ) )) #get differance in seconds (integer) |
difftot=$(echo "scale=2; ($diff+($jpgtimems - $logtimems))" | bc -l) # return floting point |
######## Calculate time since last trigger command |
differr=$(( ( $(date -ud "$logdate $logtime" +'%s') - $(date -ud "$logdateprev $logtimeprev" +'%s') ) )) #get differance in seconds (integer) |
difftoterr=$(echo "scale=2; ($differr+($logtimems - $logtimemsprev))" | bc -l) # return floting point |
difftotoff=$(echo "scale=2; ($difftot - $typical_offset)" | bc -l) |
difftoterroff=$(echo "scale=2; ($differr - $typical_offset)" | bc -l) # return floting point |
if [ "$typical_offset" == "notset" ] ; then |
typical_offset=$difftot |
echo "INFO: Expected time offset between camera and log is ""$typical_offset""s (positive = camera is ahead)" | tee -a geotag.log |
fi |
difflimit=100 # CAM difflimit 1sec variation between command and exif |
###############compare offset to previous offset to detect skipped photos |
diffeee=$(echo "(($difftot - $typical_offset)*100)" | bc -l | cut -f1 -d"." ) #keep integer |
if [[ "$diffeee" -gt "$difflimit" ]] || [[ "$diffeee" -lt -"$difflimit" ]] |
logmatch=0 |
if [[ "$diffeee" -lt -100 ]] ; then # are we more than 1 sec ahead ? |
#let "loglinenum=loglinenum-10" |
echo "WARNING: Found extra photo for which there is no $MODE event. I am at logline $loglinenum (Details below)" |
echo "WARNING: Big Time diff.: ""$difftotoff""s between $jpgname date $jpgtime and $logtype logline $loglinenum $logdate $logtime Time since last $MODE event was ""$difftoterr""s" | tee -a geotag.log |
logmatch=1 #make the log-fetcher get next picture |
let "loglinenum=loglinenummatched" #make log-fetcher keep the log line for next picture |
let "jpglistindex++" #move on to next picture |
let "logmiss++" #count missing log items |
fi |
if [[ $logmatch -eq 0 ]] && [[ "$logmatcgfailinrow" -lt 5 ]] ; then |
let "jpgmiss++" |
echo "ERROR: MISSING PHOTO #$jpgmiss detected, matched current photo with next logged $logtype logline" | tee -a geotag.log |
fi |
if [[ $logmatch -eq 0 ]] && [[ "$logmatcgfailinrow" -gt 4 ]] ; then |
let "logmiss++" |
echo "ERROR: MISSING $MODE log entry detected, matched current photo with logged $logtype logline" | tee -a geotag.log |
fi |
percent=$(echo "scale=2; (($jpglistindex/$jpgtot)*100)" | bc -l | cut -f1 -d".") |
echo "MATCHED: ""$percent""% Done, time diff.: ""$difftotoff""s between $jpgname $jpgdate $jpgtime & $logtype log $loglinenum $logdate $logtime Time since last $MODE command ""$difftoterr""s" | tee -a geotag.log |
geotag |
logmatch=1 |
logmatcgfailinrow=0 |
let "jpglistindex++" |
let "loglinenummatched = loglinenum + 1" # if we need to go back for POS message, go here |
loglinereverse=0 |
fi #save first image camera vs log offset |
logdateprev=$logdate #for calculation of picture spacing |
logtimeprev=$logtime #for calculation of picture spacing |
logtimemsprev=$logtimems #for calculation of picture spacing |
logtarget=0 #reset so we are looking for next logline next time |
done #running |
} |
##### END CAM only loop ###################################################################################### |
############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
############################################################################################################## |
###################################################################### List JPG's |
find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.[Jj][Pp][Gg]" | sort >jpglist |
jpgtot=$(wc -l < jpglist) |
echo "INFO: Found $jpgtot photos" | tee -a geotag.log |
###################################################################### look for logdump, create if needed |
if [ -f ./logdump ]; then |
echo "INFO: found logdump" |
else |
binname=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.[Bb][Ii][Nn]") |
if [[ "$binname" == "" ]]; then |
echo "ERROR: .BIN log not found, make sure directory contain a .BIN or .bin log or logdump file." | tee -a geotag.log |
exit 1 |
fi |
for binname in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.[Bb][Ii][Nn]"); do |
if [[ "$ML" == "true" ]]; then |
echo "INFO: adding $binname to logdump..." | tee -a geotag.log |
|||| --types POS,CAM,TRIG --format standard "$binname" >> logdump |
else |
if [[ "$logsdone" < 1 ]]; then |
echo "INFO: dumping $binname to logdump..." | tee -a geotag.log |
|||| --types POS,CAM,TRIG --format standard "$binname" > logdump |
fi |
fi |
let "logsdone ++" |
done |
fi |
echo "INFO: done" | tee -a geotag.log |
###################################################################### DUMP camdump |
if [ ! -f ./camdump ] && [[ "$MODE" != "POS" ]]; then |
echo "INFO: no camdump found, exporting loglines from .bin to camdump..." | tee -a geotag.log |
|||| --types CAM,TRIG --format standard "$binname" > camdump |
echo "INFO: done" | tee -a geotag.log |
else |
echo "INFO: camdump found" | tee -a geotag.log |
fi |
###################################################################### DUMP exiflog |
#if [ ! -f ./exifdump ]; then |
# echo "INFO: no exifdump found, exporting exif names and timestamps exifdump..." | tee -a geotag.log |
# --types POS,CAM,TRIG --format standard "$binname" > logdump |
# echo "INFO: done" | tee -a geotag.log |
#else |
# echo "INFO: exifdump found" | tee -a geotag.log |
#fi |
###################################################################### Count CAM events |
camtot=$(grep CAM logdump | wc -l) |
echo "INFO: Found $camtot CAM log lines (camera shutter sensed)" | tee -a geotag.log |
###################################################################### Count TRIG events |
trigtot=$(grep TRIG logdump | wc -l) |
echo "INFO: Found $trigtot TRIG log lines (commands to shoot)" | tee -a geotag.log |
###################################################################### LOAD exifs to memory |
#echo "INFO: Loading Photo data into memory..." | tee -a geotag.log |
#IFS=$'\012' # \012 is a linefeed |
#logarray=( $(<exifdump) ) |
#logarraysize=${#exifarray[@]} |
#echo "INFO: done, loaded $exifarraysize lines." | tee -a geotag.log |
###################################################################### Are we searching or processing ? |
#if [ "$FIND" == "true" ] |
#then |
# loadcamdump |
# camloop |
#else |
loadlogdump |
if [[ "$MODE" == "POS" ]]; then |
posloop |
else |
camloop |
fi |
#fi |
Reference in new issue