@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import sys
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import sys
class Format :
''' Data channel format as specified by the FMT lines in the log file '''
NAME = ' FMT '
msgType = 0
msgLen = 0
name = " "
@ -24,9 +25,72 @@ class Format:
@@ -24,9 +25,72 @@ class Format:
self . name = name
self . types = types
self . labels = labels . split ( ' , ' )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " %8s %s " % ( self . name , ` self . labels ` )
def trycastToFormatType ( value , valueType ) :
''' using format characters from libraries/DataFlash/DataFlash.h to cast strings to basic python int/float/string types
tries a cast , if it does not work , well , acceptable as the text logs do not match the format , e . g . MODE is expected to be int '''
try :
if valueType in " fcCeEL " :
return float ( value )
elif valueType in " bBhHiIM " :
return int ( value )
elif valueType in " nNZ " :
return str ( value )
except :
return value
def to_class ( self ) :
members = dict (
NAME = self . name ,
labels = self . labels [ : ] ,
fieldformats = [ i for i in self . types ]
fieldnames = self . labels [ : ]
# field access
for ( xname , xformat ) in zip ( fieldnames , fieldformats ) :
def createproperty ( name , format ) :
# extra scope for variable sanity
# scaling via _NAME and def NAME(self): return self._NAME / SCALE
propertyname = name
attributename = ' _ ' + name
p = property ( lambda x : getattr ( x , attributename ) ,
lambda x , v : setattr ( x , attributename , Format . trycastToFormatType ( v , format ) ) )
members [ propertyname ] = p
members [ attributename ] = None
createproperty ( xname , xformat )
# repr shows all values but the header
members [ ' __repr__ ' ] = lambda x : " < {cls} {data} > " . format ( cls = x . __class__ . __name__ , data = ' ' . join ( [ " {} : {} " . format ( k , getattr ( x , ' _ ' + k ) ) for k in x . labels ] ) )
def init ( a , * x ) :
if len ( x ) != len ( a . labels ) :
raise ValueError ( " Invalid Length " )
#print(list(zip(a.labels, x)))
for ( l , v ) in zip ( a . labels , x ) :
try :
setattr ( a , l , v )
except Exception as e :
print ( " {} {} {} failed " . format ( a , l , v ) )
print ( e )
members [ ' __init__ ' ] = init
# finally, create the class
cls = type ( \
' Log__ {:s} ' . format ( self . name ) ,
( object , ) ,
return cls
class Channel :
''' storage for a single stream of data, i.e. all GPS.RelAlt values '''
@ -263,24 +327,7 @@ class DataflashLog:
@@ -263,24 +327,7 @@ class DataflashLog:
else :
return " "
def __castToFormatType ( self , value , valueType ) :
''' using format characters from libraries/DataFlash/DataFlash.h to cast strings to basic python int/float/string types '''
intTypes = " bBhHiIM "
floatTypes = " fcCeEL "
charTypes = " nNZ "
if valueType in floatTypes :
return float ( value )
elif valueType in intTypes :
return int ( value )
elif valueType in charTypes :
return str ( value )
else :
raise Exception ( " Unknown value type of ' %s ' specified to __castToFormatType() " % valueType )
#def __init__(self, logfile, ignoreBadlines=False):
#self.read(logfile, ignoreBadlines)
def read ( self , logfile , ignoreBadlines = False ) :
def read ( self , logfile , format , ignoreBadlines = False ) :
''' returns on successful log read (including bad lines if ignoreBadlines==True), will throw an Exception otherwise '''
# TODO: dataflash log parsing code is pretty hacky, should re-write more methodically
self . filename = logfile
@ -289,13 +336,111 @@ class DataflashLog:
@@ -289,13 +336,111 @@ class DataflashLog:
else :
f = open ( self . filename , ' r ' )
if format == ' bin ' :
head = ' \xa3 \x95 \x80 \x80 '
elif format == ' log ' :
head = " "
elif format == ' auto ' :
if self . filename == ' <stdin> ' :
# assuming TXT format
# raise ValueError("Invalid log format for stdin: {}".format(format))
head = " "
else :
head = f . read ( 4 )
f . seek ( 0 )
else :
raise ValueError ( " Unknown log format for {} : {} " . format ( self . logfile , format ) )
if head == ' \xa3 \x95 \x80 \x80 ' :
# lineNumber = self.read_binary(f, ignoreBadlines)
else :
numBytes , lineNumber = self . read_text ( f , ignoreBadlines )
# gather some general stats about the log
self . lineCount = lineNumber
self . filesizeKB = numBytes / 1024.0
# TODO: switch duration calculation to use TimeMS values rather than GPS timestemp
if " GPS " in self . channels :
# the GPS time label changed at some point, need to handle both
timeLabel = " TimeMS "
if timeLabel not in self . channels [ " GPS " ] :
timeLabel = " Time "
firstTimeGPS = self . channels [ " GPS " ] [ timeLabel ] . listData [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
lastTimeGPS = self . channels [ " GPS " ] [ timeLabel ] . listData [ - 1 ] [ 1 ]
self . durationSecs = ( lastTimeGPS - firstTimeGPS ) / 1000
# TODO: calculate logging rate based on timestamps
# ...
def process ( self , lineNumber , e ) :
if e . NAME == ' FMT ' :
cls = e . to_class ( )
if hasattr ( e , ' type ' ) and e . type not in self . _formats : # binary log specific
self . _formats [ e . type ] = cls
if cls . NAME not in self . formats :
self . formats [ cls . NAME ] = cls
elif e . NAME == " PARM " :
self . parameters [ e . Name ] = e . Value
elif e . NAME == " MSG " :
if not self . vehicleType :
tokens = e . Message . split ( ' ' )
vehicleTypes = [ " ArduPlane " , " ArduCopter " , " ArduRover " ]
self . vehicleType = tokens [ 0 ]
self . firmwareVersion = tokens [ 1 ]
if len ( tokens ) == 3 :
self . firmwareHash = tokens [ 2 ] [ 1 : - 1 ]
else :
self . messages [ lineNumber ] = e . Message
elif e . NAME == " MODE " :
if self . vehicleType == " ArduCopter " :
try :
modes = { 0 : ' STABILIZE ' ,
1 : ' ACRO ' ,
2 : ' ALT_HOLD ' ,
3 : ' AUTO ' ,
4 : ' GUIDED ' ,
5 : ' LOITER ' ,
6 : ' RTL ' ,
7 : ' CIRCLE ' ,
9 : ' LAND ' ,
10 : ' OF_LOITER ' ,
11 : ' DRIFT ' ,
13 : ' SPORT ' ,
14 : ' FLIP ' ,
15 : ' AUTOTUNE ' ,
16 : ' HYBRID ' , }
self . modeChanges [ lineNumber ] = ( modes [ int ( e . Mode ) ] , e . ThrCrs )
except :
self . modeChanges [ lineNumber ] = ( e . Mode , e . ThrCrs )
elif self . vehicleType == " ArduPlane " or self . vehicleType == " ArduRover " :
self . modeChanges [ lineNumber ] = ( tokens [ 2 ] , int ( tokens [ 3 ] ) )
else :
raise Exception ( " Unknown log type for MODE line {} {} " . format ( self . vehicleType , repr ( e ) ) )
# anything else must be the log data
else :
groupName = e . NAME
# first time seeing this type of log line, create the channel storage
if not groupName in self . channels :
self . channels [ groupName ] = { }
for label in e . labels :
self . channels [ groupName ] [ label ] = Channel ( )
# store each token in its relevant channel
for label in e . labels :
value = getattr ( e , label )
channel = self . channels [ groupName ] [ label ]
channel . dictData [ lineNumber ] = value
channel . listData . append ( ( lineNumber , value ) )
def read_text ( self , f , ignoreBadlines ) :
self . formats = { ' FMT ' : Format }
lineNumber = 0
knownHardwareTypes = [ " APM " , " PX4 " , " MPNG " ]
numBytes = 0
knownHardwareTypes = [ " APM " , " PX4 " , " MPNG " ]
for line in f :
if len ( line ) > = 4 and line [ 0 : 4 ] == ' \xa3 \x95 \x80 \x80 ' :
raise Exception ( " Unable to parse binary log files at this time, will be added soon " )
lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
numBytes + = len ( line ) + 1
try :
@ -307,17 +452,6 @@ class DataflashLog:
@@ -307,17 +452,6 @@ class DataflashLog:
if line == " ---------------------------------------- " : # present in pre-3.0 logs
raise Exception ( " Log file seems to be in the older format (prior to self-describing logs), which isn ' t supported " )
# Some logs are missing the initial dataflash header which says the log index and the type of log, but we can catch the vehicle
# type here too in the MSG line
if not self . vehicleType and tokens [ 0 ] == " MSG " :
tokens2 = line . split ( ' ' )
vehicleTypes = [ " ArduPlane " , " ArduCopter " , " ArduRover " ]
if tokens2 [ 1 ] in vehicleTypes and tokens2 [ 2 ] [ 0 ] . lower ( ) == " v " :
self . vehicleType = tokens2 [ 1 ]
self . firmwareVersion = tokens2 [ 1 ]
if len ( tokens2 ) == 3 :
self . firmwareHash = tokens2 [ 2 ] [ 1 : - 1 ]
if len ( tokens ) == 1 :
tokens2 = line . split ( ' ' )
if line == " " :
@ -340,75 +474,14 @@ class DataflashLog:
@@ -340,75 +474,14 @@ class DataflashLog:
self . skippedLines + = 1
else :
raise Exception ( " " )
# now handle the non-log data stuff, format descriptions, params, etc
elif tokens [ 0 ] == " FMT " :
format = None
if len ( tokens ) == 6 :
format = Format ( tokens [ 1 ] , tokens [ 2 ] , tokens [ 3 ] , tokens [ 4 ] , tokens [ 5 ] )
elif len ( tokens ) == 5 : # some logs have FMT STRT with no labels
format = Format ( tokens [ 1 ] , tokens [ 2 ] , tokens [ 3 ] , tokens [ 4 ] , " " )
else :
raise Exception ( " FMT error, nTokens: %d " % len ( tokens ) )
#print format # TEMP
self . formats [ tokens [ 3 ] ] = format
elif tokens [ 0 ] == " PARM " :
pName = tokens [ 1 ]
self . parameters [ pName ] = float ( tokens [ 2 ] )
elif tokens [ 0 ] == " MSG " :
self . messages [ lineNumber ] = tokens [ 1 ]
elif tokens [ 0 ] == " MODE " :
if self . vehicleType == " ArduCopter " :
self . modeChanges [ lineNumber ] = ( tokens [ 1 ] , int ( tokens [ 2 ] ) )
elif self . vehicleType == " ArduPlane " or self . vehicleType == " ArduRover " :
self . modeChanges [ lineNumber ] = ( tokens [ 2 ] , int ( tokens [ 3 ] ) )
else :
raise Exception ( " Unknown log type for MODE line " )
# anything else must be the log data
else :
groupName = tokens [ 0 ]
tokens2 = line . split ( ' , ' )
# first time seeing this type of log line, create the channel storage
if not groupName in self . channels :
self . channels [ groupName ] = { }
for label in self . formats [ groupName ] . labels :
self . channels [ groupName ] [ label ] = Channel ( )
# check the number of tokens matches between the line and what we're expecting from the FMT definition
if ( len ( tokens2 ) - 1 ) != len ( self . formats [ groupName ] . labels ) :
errorMsg = " %s line ' s value count ( %d ) not matching FMT specification ( %d ) on line %d " % ( groupName , len ( tokens2 ) - 1 , len ( self . formats [ groupName ] . labels ) , lineNumber )
if ignoreBadlines :
print ( errorMsg + " (skipping line) " , file = sys . stderr )
self . skippedLines + = 1
else :
raise Exception ( errorMsg )
# store each token in its relevant channel
for ( index , label ) in enumerate ( self . formats [ groupName ] . labels ) :
#value = float(tokens2[index+1]) # simple read without handling datatype
value = self . __castToFormatType ( tokens2 [ index + 1 ] , self . formats [ groupName ] . types [ index ] ) # handling datatype via this call slows down ready by about 50%
channel = self . channels [ groupName ] [ label ]
#print "Set data {%s,%s} for line %d to value %s, of type %c, stored at address %s" % (groupName, label, lineNumber, `value`, self.formats[groupName].types[index], hex(id(channel.dictData)))
channel . dictData [ lineNumber ] = value
channel . listData . append ( ( lineNumber , value ) )
if not tokens [ 0 ] in self . formats :
raise ValueError ( " Unknown Format {} " . format ( tokens [ 0 ] ) )
e = self . formats [ tokens [ 0 ] ] ( * tokens [ 1 : ] )
self . process ( lineNumber , e )
except Exception as e :
print ( " BAD LINE: " + line , file = sys . stderr )
raise Exception ( " Error parsing line %d of log file %s - %s " % ( lineNumber , self . filename , e . args [ 0 ] ) )
# gather some general stats about the log
self . lineCount = lineNumber
self . filesizeKB = numBytes / 1024.0 # For data that comes from a process pipe, filesize is not supported
# TODO: switch duration calculation to use TimeMS values rather than GPS timestemp
if " GPS " in self . channels :
# the GPS time label changed at some point, need to handle both
timeLabel = " TimeMS "
if timeLabel not in self . channels [ " GPS " ] :
timeLabel = " Time "
firstTimeGPS = self . channels [ " GPS " ] [ timeLabel ] . listData [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
lastTimeGPS = self . channels [ " GPS " ] [ timeLabel ] . listData [ - 1 ] [ 1 ]
self . durationSecs = ( lastTimeGPS - firstTimeGPS ) / 1000
# TODO: calculate logging rate based on timestamps
# ...
return ( numBytes , lineNumber )