#define SAFERTL_ACCURACY_DEFAULT 2.0f // default _ACCURACY parameter value. Points will be no closer than this distance (in meters) together.
#define SAFERTL_POINTS_DEFAULT 150 // default _POINTS parameter value. High numbers improve path pruning but use more memory and CPU for cleanup. Memory used will be 20bytes * this number.
#define SAFERTL_POINTS_MAX 500 // the absolute maximum number of points this library can support.
#define SAFERTL_TIMEOUT 15000 // the time in milliseconds with no points saved to the path (for whatever reason), before SafeRTL is disabled for the flight
#define SAFERTL_CLEANUP_POINT_TRIGGER 50 // simplification will trigger when this many points are added to the path
#define SAFERTL_CLEANUP_START_MARGIN 10 // routine cleanup algorithms begin when the path array has only this many empty slots remaining
#define SAFERTL_CLEANUP_POINT_MIN 10 // cleanup algorithms will remove points if they remove at least this many points
#define SAFERTL_SIMPLIFY_STACK_LEN_MULT (2.0f/3.0f)+1// simplify buffer size as compared to maximum number of points.
// The minimum is int((s/2-1)+min(s/2, SAFERTL_POINTS_MAX-s)), where s = pow(2, floor(log(SAFERTL_POINTS_MAX)/log(2)))
// To avoid this annoying math, a good-enough overestimate is ceil(SAFERTL_POINTS_MAX*2.0f/3.0f)
#define SAFERTL_SIMPLIFY_TIME_US 200 // maximum time (in microseconds) the simplification algorithm will run before returning
#define SAFERTL_PRUNING_DELTA (_accuracy * 0.99)// How many meters apart must two points be, such that we can assume that there is no obstacle between them. must be smaller than _ACCURACY parameter
#define SAFERTL_PRUNING_LOOP_BUFFER_LEN_MULT 0.25f // pruning loop buffer size as compared to maximum number of points
#define SAFERTL_PRUNING_LOOP_TIME_US 200 // maximum time (in microseconds) that the loop finding algorithm will run before returning
#define SMARTRTL_ACCURACY_DEFAULT 2.0f// default _ACCURACY parameter value. Points will be no closer than this distance (in meters) together.
#define SMARTRTL_POINTS_DEFAULT 150// default _POINTS parameter value. High numbers improve path pruning but use more memory and CPU for cleanup. Memory used will be 20bytes * this number.
#define SMARTRTL_POINTS_MAX 500// the absolute maximum number of points this library can support.
#define SMARTRTL_TIMEOUT 15000// the time in milliseconds with no points saved to the path (for whatever reason), before SmartRTL is disabled for the flight
#define SMARTRTL_CLEANUP_POINT_TRIGGER 50// simplification will trigger when this many points are added to the path
#define SMARTRTL_CLEANUP_START_MARGIN 10// routine cleanup algorithms begin when the path array has only this many empty slots remaining
#define SMARTRTL_CLEANUP_POINT_MIN 10// cleanup algorithms will remove points if they remove at least this many points
#define SMARTRTL_SIMPLIFY_STACK_LEN_MULT (2.0f/3.0f)+1 // simplify buffer size as compared to maximum number of points.
// The minimum is int((s/2-1)+min(s/2, SMARTRTL_POINTS_MAX-s)), where s = pow(2, floor(log(SMARTRTL_POINTS_MAX)/log(2)))
// To avoid this annoying math, a good-enough overestimate is ceil(SMARTRTL_POINTS_MAX*2.0f/3.0f)
#define SMARTRTL_SIMPLIFY_TIME_US 200// maximum time (in microseconds) the simplification algorithm will run before returning
#define SMARTRTL_PRUNING_DELTA (_accuracy * 0.99) // How many meters apart must two points be, such that we can assume that there is no obstacle between them. must be smaller than _ACCURACY parameter
#define SMARTRTL_PRUNING_LOOP_BUFFER_LEN_MULT 0.25f // pruning loop buffer size as compared to maximum number of points
#define SMARTRTL_PRUNING_LOOP_TIME_US 200// maximum time (in microseconds) that the loop finding algorithm will run before returning
bool_active;// true if safeRTL is usable. may become unusable if the path becomes too long to keep in memory, and too convoluted to be cleaned up, SafeRTL will be permanently deactivated (for the remainder of the flight)
// SmartRTL State Variables
bool_active;// true if SmartRTL is usable. may become unusable if the path becomes too long to keep in memory, and too convoluted to be cleaned up, SmartRTL will be permanently deactivated (for the remainder of the flight)
bool_example_mode;// true when being called from the example sketch, logging and background tasks are disabled
uint32_t_last_good_position_ms;// the last system time a last good position was reported. If no position is available for a while, SafeRTL will be disabled.
uint32_t_last_good_position_ms;// the last system time a last good position was reported. If no position is available for a while, SmartRTL will be disabled.
uint32_t_last_position_save_ms;// the system time a position was saved to the path (used for timeout)
uint32_t_thorough_clean_request_ms;// the last system time the thorough cleanup was requested (set by thorough_cleanup method, used by background cleanup)
uint32_t_thorough_clean_complete_ms;// set to _thorough_clean_request_ms when the background thread completes the thorough cleanup
boolcomplete;// true after simplify_detection has completed
boolremoval_required;// true if some simplify-able points have been found on the path, set true by detect_simplifications, set false by remove_points_by_simplify_bitmask
uint16_tpath_points_count;// copy of _path_points_count taken when the simply algorithm started
uint16_tpath_points_completed=SAFERTL_POINTS_MAX;// number of points in that path that have already been simplified and should be ignored
uint16_tpath_points_completed=SMARTRTL_POINTS_MAX;// number of points in that path that have already been simplified and should be ignored
uint16_tstack_max;// maximum number of elements in the _simplify_stack array
uint16_tstack_count;// number of elements in _simplify_stack array
Bitmaskbitmask=Bitmask(SAFERTL_POINTS_MAX);// simplify algorithm clears bits for each point that can be removed
Bitmaskbitmask=Bitmask(SMARTRTL_POINTS_MAX);// simplify algorithm clears bits for each point that can be removed