@ -21,6 +21,23 @@
# include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>
# include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
use picojson to load optional frame files
# define PICOJSON_ASSERT(e) \
do { \
if ( ! ( e ) ) \
: : printf ( # e " \n " ) ; \
} while ( 0 )
# endif
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
# include "picojson.h"
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
using namespace SITL ;
using namespace SITL ;
@ -278,16 +295,160 @@ static Frame supported_frames[] =
Frame ( " firefly " , 6 , firefly_motors )
Frame ( " firefly " , 6 , firefly_motors )
} ;
} ;
void Frame : : init ( float _mass , float _hover_throttle , float _terminal_velocity , float _terminal_rotation_rate )
// get air density in kg/m^3
float Frame : : get_air_density ( float alt_amsl ) const
float sigma , delta , theta ;
AP_Baro : : SimpleAtmosphere ( alt_amsl * 0.001f , sigma , delta , theta ) ;
const float air_pressure = SSL_AIR_PRESSURE * delta ;
return air_pressure / ( ISA_GAS_CONSTANT * ( C_TO_KELVIN + model . refTempC ) ) ;
load frame specific parameters from a json file if available
void Frame : : load_frame_params ( const char * model_json )
: : printf ( " Loading model %s \n " , model_json ) ;
int fd = open ( model_json , O_RDONLY ) ;
if ( fd = = - 1 ) {
AP_HAL : : panic ( " %s failed to load \n " , model_json ) ;
struct stat st ;
if ( fstat ( fd , & st ) ! = 0 ) {
AP_HAL : : panic ( " %s failed to load \n " , model_json ) ;
char buf [ st . st_size ] ;
if ( read ( fd , buf , st . st_size ) ! = st . st_size ) {
AP_HAL : : panic ( " %s failed to load \n " , model_json ) ;
close ( fd ) ;
char * start = strchr ( buf , ' { ' ) ;
if ( ! start ) {
AP_HAL : : panic ( " Invalid json %s " , model_json ) ;
scaling from total motor power to Newtons . Allows the copter
remove comments , as not allowed by the parser
to hover against gravity when each motor is at hover_throttle
for ( char * p = strchr ( start , ' # ' ) ; p ; p = strchr ( p + 1 , ' # ' ) ) {
thrust_scale = ( _mass * GRAVITY_MSS ) / ( num_motors * _hover_throttle ) ;
// clear to end of line
do {
* p + + = ' ' ;
} while ( * p ! = ' \n ' & & * p ! = ' \r ' & & * p ) ;
picojson : : value obj ;
std : : string err = picojson : : parse ( obj , start ) ;
if ( ! err . empty ( ) ) {
AP_HAL : : panic ( " Failed to load %s: %s " , model_json , err . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
struct {
const char * label ;
float & v ;
} vars [ ] = {
# define FRAME_VAR(s) { #s, model.s }
FRAME_VAR ( mass ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( diagonal_size ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( refSpd ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( refAngle ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( refVoltage ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( refCurrent ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( refAlt ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( refTempC ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( maxVoltage ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( refBatRes ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( propExpo ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( refRotRate ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( hoverThrOut ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( pwmMin ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( pwmMax ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( spin_min ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( spin_max ) ,
FRAME_VAR ( slew_max ) ,
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( model ) = = sizeof ( float ) * ARRAY_SIZE ( vars ) , " incorrect model vars " ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < ARRAY_SIZE ( vars ) ; i + + ) {
auto v = obj . get ( vars [ i ] . label ) ;
if ( v . is < picojson : : null > ( ) ) {
// use default value
continue ;
if ( ! v . is < double > ( ) ) {
AP_HAL : : panic ( " Bad json type for %s: %s " , vars [ i ] . label , v . to_str ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
vars [ i ] . v = v . get < double > ( ) ;
: : printf ( " Loaded model params from %s \n " , model_json ) ;
initialise the frame
void Frame : : init ( const char * frame_str )
model = default_model ;
const char * colon = strchr ( frame_str , ' : ' ) ;
size_t slen = strlen ( frame_str ) ;
if ( colon ! = nullptr & & slen > 5 & & strcmp ( & frame_str [ slen - 5 ] , " .json " ) = = 0 ) {
load_frame_params ( colon + 1 ) ;
mass = model . mass ;
const float drag_force = model . mass * GRAVITY_MSS * tanf ( radians ( model . refAngle ) ) ;
float ref_air_density = get_air_density ( model . refAlt ) ;
areaCd = drag_force / ( 0.5 * ref_air_density * sq ( model . refSpd ) ) ;
terminal_rotation_rate = model . refRotRate ;
float hover_thrust = mass * GRAVITY_MSS ;
float hover_power = model . refCurrent * model . refVoltage ;
float hover_velocity_out = 2 * hover_power / hover_thrust ;
float effective_disc_area = hover_thrust / ( 0.5 * ref_air_density * sq ( hover_velocity_out ) ) ;
velocity_max = hover_velocity_out / sqrtf ( model . hoverThrOut ) ;
thrust_max = 0.5 * ref_air_density * effective_disc_area * sq ( velocity_max ) ;
effective_prop_area = effective_disc_area / num_motors ;
terminal_velocity = _terminal_velocity ;
// power_factor is ratio of power consumed per newton of thrust
terminal_rotation_rate = _terminal_rotation_rate ;
float power_factor = hover_power / hover_thrust ;
// init voltage
voltage_filter . reset ( AP : : sitl ( ) - > batt_voltage ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < num_motors ; i + + ) {
motors [ i ] . setup_params ( model . pwmMin , model . pwmMax , model . spin_min , model . spin_max , model . propExpo , model . slew_max ,
model . mass , model . diagonal_size , power_factor , model . maxVoltage ) ;
#if 0
// useful debug code for thrust curve
motors [ 0 ] . set_slew_max ( 0 ) ;
struct sitl_input input { } ;
for ( uint16_t pwm = 1000 ; pwm < 2000 ; pwm + = 50 ) {
input . servos [ 0 ] = pwm ;
Vector3f rot_accel { } , thrust { } ;
Vector3f vel_air_bf { } ;
motors [ 0 ] . calculate_forces ( input , motor_offset , rot_accel , thrust , vel_air_bf ,
ref_air_density , velocity_max , effective_prop_area , voltage_filter . get ( ) ) ;
: : printf ( " pwm[%u] cmd=%.3f thrust=%.3f hovthst=%.3f \n " ,
pwm , motors [ 0 ] . pwm_to_command ( pwm ) , - thrust . z * num_motors , hover_thrust ) ;
motors [ 0 ] . set_slew_max ( model . slew_max ) ;
# endif
@ -300,8 +461,6 @@ Frame *Frame::find_frame(const char *name)
if ( strncasecmp ( name , supported_frames [ i ] . name , strlen ( supported_frames [ i ] . name ) ) = = 0 ) {
if ( strncasecmp ( name , supported_frames [ i ] . name , strlen ( supported_frames [ i ] . name ) ) = = 0 ) {
return & supported_frames [ i ] ;
return & supported_frames [ i ] ;
return nullptr ;
return nullptr ;
@ -311,21 +470,27 @@ void Frame::calculate_forces(const Aircraft &aircraft,
const struct sitl_input & input ,
const struct sitl_input & input ,
Vector3f & rot_accel ,
Vector3f & rot_accel ,
Vector3f & body_accel ,
Vector3f & body_accel ,
float * rpm )
float * rpm ,
bool use_drag )
Vector3f thrust ; // newtons
Vector3f thrust ; // newtons
// scale thrust for altitude
const float air_density = get_air_density ( aircraft . get_location ( ) . alt * 0.01 ) ;
float scaling = thrust_scale * AP : : baro ( ) . get_air_density_ratio ( ) ;
Vector3f vel_air_bf = aircraft . get_dcm ( ) . transposed ( ) * aircraft . get_velocity_air_ef ( ) ;
float current = 0 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < num_motors ; i + + ) {
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < num_motors ; i + + ) {
Vector3f mraccel , mthrust ;
Vector3f mraccel , mthrust ;
motors [ i ] . calculate_forces ( input , scaling , motor_offset , mraccel , mthrust ) ;
motors [ i ] . calculate_forces ( input , motor_offset , mraccel , mthrust , vel_air_bf , air_density , velocity_max ,
effective_prop_area , voltage_filter . get ( ) ) ;
current + = motors [ i ] . get_current ( ) ;
rot_accel + = mraccel ;
rot_accel + = mraccel ;
thrust + = mthrust ;
thrust + = mthrust ;
// simulate motor rpm
// simulate motor rpm
if ( ! is_zero ( AP : : sitl ( ) - > vibe_motor ) ) {
if ( ! is_zero ( AP : : sitl ( ) - > vibe_motor ) ) {
rpm [ i ] = sqrtf ( mthrust . length ( ) / scaling ) * AP : : sitl ( ) - > vibe_motor * 60.0f ;
const float mot_thrust_max = thrust_max / num_motors ;
rpm [ i ] = sqrtf ( mthrust . length ( ) / mot_thrust_max ) * AP : : sitl ( ) - > vibe_motor * 60.0f ;
@ -339,16 +504,25 @@ void Frame::calculate_forces(const Aircraft &aircraft,
rot_accel . z - = gyro . z * radians ( 400.0 ) / terminal_rotation_rate ;
rot_accel . z - = gyro . z * radians ( 400.0 ) / terminal_rotation_rate ;
if ( terminal_velocity > 0 ) {
if ( use_drag ) {
// air resistance
// use the model params to calculate drag
Vector3f air_resistance = - aircraft . get_velocity_air_ef ( ) * ( GRAVITY_MSS / terminal_velocity ) ;
const Vector3f vel_air_ef = aircraft . get_velocity_air_ef ( ) ;
body_accel + = aircraft . get_dcm ( ) . transposed ( ) * air_resistance ;
const float speed = vel_air_ef . length ( ) ;
float drag_force = areaCd * 0.5 * air_density * sq ( speed ) ;
Vector3f drag_ef ;
if ( is_positive ( speed ) ) {
drag_ef = - ( vel_air_ef / speed ) * drag_force ;
body_accel + = aircraft . get_dcm ( ) . transposed ( ) * drag_ef / mass ;
float voltage_drop = current * model . refBatRes ;
voltage_filter . apply ( AP : : sitl ( ) - > batt_voltage - voltage_drop ) ;
// add some noise
// add some noise
const float gyro_noise = radians ( 0.1 ) ;
const float gyro_noise = radians ( 0.1 ) ;
const float accel_noise = 0.3 ;
const float accel_noise = 0.3 ;
const float noise_scale = thrust . length ( ) / ( thrust_scale * num_motors ) ;
const float noise_scale = thrust . length ( ) / thrust_max ;
rot_accel + = Vector3f ( aircraft . rand_normal ( 0 , 1 ) ,
rot_accel + = Vector3f ( aircraft . rand_normal ( 0 , 1 ) ,
aircraft . rand_normal ( 0 , 1 ) ,
aircraft . rand_normal ( 0 , 1 ) ,
aircraft . rand_normal ( 0 , 1 ) ) * gyro_noise * noise_scale ;
aircraft . rand_normal ( 0 , 1 ) ) * gyro_noise * noise_scale ;
@ -359,16 +533,11 @@ void Frame::calculate_forces(const Aircraft &aircraft,
// calculate current and voltage
// calculate current and voltage
void Frame : : current_and_voltage ( const struct sitl_input & input , float & voltage , float & current )
void Frame : : current_and_voltage ( float & voltage , float & current )
voltage = 0 ;
voltage = voltage_filter . get ( ) ;
current = 0 ;
current = 0 ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < num_motors ; i + + ) {
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < num_motors ; i + + ) {
float c , v ;
current + = motors [ i ] . get_current ( ) ;
motors [ i ] . current_and_voltage ( input , v , c , motor_offset ) ;
current + = c ;
voltage + = v ;
// use average for voltage, total for current
voltage / = num_motors ;