1) Pre-takeoff throttle feedback in AltHold, Loiter, PosHold
2) Terrain altitude retrieval from ground station (informational purposes only so far, Pixhawk only)
3) Safety Items:
a) "EKF check" will switch to LAND mode if EKF's compass or velocity variance over 0.6 (configurable with EKFCHECK_THRESH param)
When EKF is not used inertial nav's accelerometer corrections are used as a substitute
b) Barometer glitch protection added. BAROGLTCH_DIST and BAROGLTCH_ACCEL parameters control sensitivity similar to GPSGLITCH protection
When glitching occurs barometer values are temporarily ignored
c) Throttle/radio and battery failsafes now disarm vehicle when landed regardless of pilot's throttle position
d) auto-disarm extended to Drift, Sport and OF_Loiter flight modes
e) APM2 buzzer notification added for arming failure
f) APM2 arming buzz made longer (now matches Pixhawk)
g) do-set-servo commands cannot interfere with motor output
4) Bug Fixes:
a) Drift slow yaw response fixed
b) AC3.2-rc3 failsafe bug resolved. In -rc3 the throttle failsafe could be triggered even when disabled or motors armed (although vehicle would not takeoff)