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ArduPlane: Fix typos

Ricardo de Almeida Gonzaga 9 years ago committed by Tom Pittenger
  1. 2


@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ const AP_Param::Info Plane::var_info[] = {
// @DisplayName: Landing auto-abort slope threshold // @DisplayName: Landing auto-abort slope threshold
// @Description: This parameter is used when using a rangefinder during landing for altitude correction from baro drift (RNGFND_LANDING=1) and the altitude correction indicates your actual altitude is higher than the intended slope path. Normally it would pitch down steeply but that can result in a crash with high airspeed so this allows remembering the baro offset and self-abort the landing and come around for another landing with the correct baro offset applied for a perfect slope. An auto-abort go-around will only happen once, next attempt will not auto-abort again. This operation happens entirely automatically in AUTO mode. This value is the delta degrees threshold to trigger the go-around compared to the origional slope. Example: if set to 5 deg and the mission planned slope is 15 deg then if the new slope is 21 then it will go-around. Set to 0 to disable. Requires LAND_SLOPE_RCALC > 0. // @Description: This parameter is used when using a rangefinder during landing for altitude correction from baro drift (RNGFND_LANDING=1) and the altitude correction indicates your actual altitude is higher than the intended slope path. Normally it would pitch down steeply but that can result in a crash with high airspeed so this allows remembering the baro offset and self-abort the landing and come around for another landing with the correct baro offset applied for a perfect slope. An auto-abort go-around will only happen once, next attempt will not auto-abort again. This operation happens entirely automatically in AUTO mode. This value is the delta degrees threshold to trigger the go-around compared to the original slope. Example: if set to 5 deg and the mission planned slope is 15 deg then if the new slope is 21 then it will go-around. Set to 0 to disable. Requires LAND_SLOPE_RCALC > 0.
// @Range: 0 90 // @Range: 0 90
// @Units: degrees // @Units: degrees
// @Increment: 0.1 // @Increment: 0.1
