@ -146,44 +146,44 @@ public:
@@ -146,44 +146,44 @@ public:
// allow_arming - returns true if main rotor is spinning and it is ok to arm
bool allow_arming ( ) ;
bool allow_arming ( ) const ;
// _tail_type - returns the tail type (servo, servo with ext gyro, direct drive var pitch, direct drive fixed pitch)
int16_t tail_type ( ) { return _tail_type ; }
int16_t tail_type ( ) const { return _tail_type ; }
// ext_gyro_gain - gets and sets external gyro gain as a pwm (1000~2000)
int16_t ext_gyro_gain ( ) { return _ext_gyro_gain ; }
int16_t ext_gyro_gain ( ) const { return _ext_gyro_gain ; }
void ext_gyro_gain ( int16_t pwm ) { _ext_gyro_gain = pwm ; }
// has_flybar - returns true if we have a mechical flybar
bool has_flybar ( ) { return _flybar_mode ; }
bool has_flybar ( ) const { return _flybar_mode ; }
// get_collective_mid - returns collective mid position as a number from 0 ~ 1000
int16_t get_collective_mid ( ) { return _collective_mid ; }
int16_t get_collective_mid ( ) const { return _collective_mid ; }
// get_collective_out - returns collective position from last output as a number from 0 ~ 1000
int16_t get_collective_out ( ) { return _collective_out ; }
int16_t get_collective_out ( ) const { return _collective_out ; }
// set_collective_for_landing - limits collective from going too low if we know we are landed
void set_collective_for_landing ( bool landing ) { _heliflags . landing_collective = landing ; }
uint8_t get_rsc_mode ( ) { return _rsc_mode ; }
uint8_t get_rsc_mode ( ) const { return _rsc_mode ; }
// get_rsc_setpoint - gets contents of _rsc_setpoint parameter (0~1000)
int16_t get_rsc_setpoint ( ) { return _rsc_setpoint ; }
int16_t get_rsc_setpoint ( ) const { return _rsc_setpoint ; }
// set_desired_rotor_speed - sets target rotor speed as a number from 0 ~ 1000
void set_desired_rotor_speed ( int16_t desired_speed ) ;
// return true if the main rotor is up to speed
bool motor_runup_complete ( ) ;
bool motor_runup_complete ( ) const ;
// recalc_scalers - recalculates various scalers used. Should be called at about 1hz to allow users to see effect of changing parameters
void recalc_scalers ( ) ;
// get_phase_angle - returns phase angle
int16_t get_phase_angle ( ) { return _phase_angle ; }
int16_t get_phase_angle ( ) const { return _phase_angle ; }
// var_info for holding Parameter information
static const struct AP_Param : : GroupInfo var_info [ ] ;