// The raw measurements need to be optical flow rates in radians/second, however they are currently output by the sensor as pixels over an internal sampling period
// A modified PX4flow firmware has been used which effectivly sets the range used to calculate the velocity internally within the px4flow sensor to unity
@ -3916,6 +3916,11 @@ void NavEKF::writeOptFlowMeas(uint8_t &rawFlowQuality, Vector2f &rawFlowRates, f
@@ -3916,6 +3916,11 @@ void NavEKF::writeOptFlowMeas(uint8_t &rawFlowQuality, Vector2f &rawFlowRates, f
// rawFlowQuality is a measured of quality between 0 and 255, with 255 being the best quality
// rawFlowRates is the flow rate in radians per second. A positive ground relative velocity along the X axis produces positive raw X value, and similarly for the Y axis
// rawGyroRates are the sensor phsyical rotation rates measured by the internal gyro
// rawSonarRange is the range in metres measured by the px4flow sensor
// msecFlowMeas is the scheduler time in msec when the optical flow data was received from the sensor.