@ -24,30 +24,21 @@ bool Copter::sport_init(bool ignore_checks)
// should be called at 100hz or more
// should be called at 100hz or more
void Copter : : sport_run ( )
void Copter : : sport_run ( )
float target_roll_rate , target_pitch_rate , target_yaw_rate ;
SportModeState sport_state ;
float target_climb_rate = 0 ;
float takeoff_climb_rate = 0.0f ;
float takeoff_climb_rate = 0.0f ;
// initialize vertical speed and acceleration
// initialize vertical speed and acceleration
pos_control . set_speed_z ( - g . pilot_velocity_z_max , g . pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
pos_control . set_speed_z ( - g . pilot_velocity_z_max , g . pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
pos_control . set_accel_z ( g . pilot_accel_z ) ;
pos_control . set_accel_z ( g . pilot_accel_z ) ;
// if not armed or throttle at zero, set throttle to zero and exit immediately
if ( ! motors . armed ( ) | | ap . throttle_zero | | ! motors . get_interlock ( ) ) {
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED ) ;
attitude_control . set_throttle_out_unstabilized ( 0 , true , g . throttle_filt ) ;
pos_control . relax_alt_hold_controllers ( 0.0f ) ;
return ;
// apply SIMPLE mode transform
// apply SIMPLE mode transform
update_simple_mode ( ) ;
update_simple_mode ( ) ;
// get pilot's desired roll and pitch rates
// get pilot's desired roll and pitch rates
// calculate rate requests
// calculate rate requests
target_roll_rate = channel_roll - > get_control_in ( ) * g . acro_rp_p ;
float target_roll_rate = channel_roll - > get_control_in ( ) * g . acro_rp_p ;
target_pitch_rate = channel_pitch - > get_control_in ( ) * g . acro_rp_p ;
float target_pitch_rate = channel_pitch - > get_control_in ( ) * g . acro_rp_p ;
int32_t roll_angle = wrap_180_cd ( ahrs . roll_sensor ) ;
int32_t roll_angle = wrap_180_cd ( ahrs . roll_sensor ) ;
target_roll_rate - = constrain_int32 ( roll_angle , - ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE , ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE ) * g . acro_balance_roll ;
target_roll_rate - = constrain_int32 ( roll_angle , - ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE , ACRO_LEVEL_MAX_ANGLE ) * g . acro_balance_roll ;
@ -69,41 +60,91 @@ void Copter::sport_run()
// get pilot's desired yaw rate
// get pilot's desired yaw rate
target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate ( channel_yaw - > get_control_in ( ) ) ;
float target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate ( channel_yaw - > get_control_in ( ) ) ;
// get pilot desired climb rate
// get pilot desired climb rate
target_climb_rate = get_pilot_desired_climb_rate ( channel_throttle - > get_control_in ( ) ) ;
float target_climb_rate = get_pilot_desired_climb_rate ( channel_throttle - > get_control_in ( ) ) ;
target_climb_rate = constrain_float ( target_climb_rate , - g . pilot_velocity_z_max , g . pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
target_climb_rate = constrain_float ( target_climb_rate , - g . pilot_velocity_z_max , g . pilot_velocity_z_max ) ;
// get takeoff adjusted pilot and takeoff climb rates
takeoff_get_climb_rates ( target_climb_rate , takeoff_climb_rate ) ;
// helicopters are held on the ground until rotor speed runup has finished
bool takeoff_triggered = ( ap . land_complete & & ( target_climb_rate > 0.0f ) & & motors . rotor_runup_complete ( ) ) ;
# else
bool takeoff_triggered = ap . land_complete & & ( target_climb_rate > 0.0f ) ;
# endif
// State Machine Determination
if ( ! motors . armed ( ) | | ! motors . get_interlock ( ) ) {
sport_state = Sport_MotorStopped ;
} else if ( takeoff_state . running | | takeoff_triggered ) {
sport_state = Sport_Takeoff ;
} else if ( ! ap . auto_armed | | ap . land_complete ) {
sport_state = Sport_Landed ;
} else {
sport_state = Sport_Flying ;
// State Machine
switch ( sport_state ) {
case Sport_MotorStopped :
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SHUT_DOWN ) ;
attitude_control . input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw ( target_roll_rate , target_pitch_rate , target_yaw_rate ) ;
// force descent rate and call position controller
pos_control . set_alt_target_from_climb_rate ( - abs ( g . land_speed ) , G_Dt , false ) ;
# else
attitude_control . relax_attitude_controllers ( ) ;
attitude_control . reset_rate_controller_I_terms ( ) ;
attitude_control . set_yaw_target_to_current_heading ( ) ;
pos_control . relax_alt_hold_controllers ( 0.0f ) ; // forces throttle output to go to zero
# endif
pos_control . update_z_controller ( ) ;
break ;
case Sport_Takeoff :
// set motors to full range
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
// check for take-off
// initiate take-off
if ( ap . land_complete & & ( takeoff_state . running | | ( channel_throttle - > get_control_in ( ) > get_takeoff_trigger_throttle ( ) ) ) ) {
if ( ! takeoff_state . running ) {
if ( ! takeoff_state . running ) {
takeoff_timer_start ( constrain_float ( g . pilot_takeoff_alt , 0.0f , 1000.0f ) ) ;
takeoff_timer_start ( constrain_float ( g . pilot_takeoff_alt , 0.0f , 1000.0f ) ) ;
// indicate we are taking off
set_land_complete ( false ) ;
// clear i terms
set_throttle_takeoff ( ) ;
// indicate we are taking off
// get take-off adjusted pilot and takeoff climb rates
set_land_complete ( false ) ;
takeoff_get_climb_rates ( target_climb_rate , takeoff_climb_rate ) ;
// clear i term when we're taking off
set_throttle_takeoff ( ) ;
// reset target lean angles and heading while landed
// call attitude controller
if ( ap . land_complete ) {
attitude_control . input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw ( target_roll_rate , target_pitch_rate , target_yaw_rate ) ;
if ( ap . throttle_zero ) {
// call position controller
pos_control . set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff ( target_climb_rate , G_Dt , false ) ;
pos_control . add_takeoff_climb_rate ( takeoff_climb_rate , G_Dt ) ;
pos_control . update_z_controller ( ) ;
break ;
case Sport_Landed :
// set motors to spin-when-armed if throttle below deadzone, otherwise full range (but motors will only spin at min throttle)
if ( target_climb_rate < 0.0f ) {
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED ) ;
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED ) ;
} else {
} else {
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
// move throttle to between minimum and non-takeoff-throttle to keep us on the ground
attitude_control . set_throttle_out ( get_throttle_pre_takeoff ( channel_throttle - > get_control_in ( ) ) , false , g . throttle_filt ) ;
pos_control . relax_alt_hold_controllers ( 0.0f ) ;
} else {
// set motors to full range
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
attitude_control . reset_rate_controller_I_terms ( ) ;
attitude_control . set_yaw_target_to_current_heading ( ) ;
attitude_control . input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw ( target_roll_rate , target_pitch_rate , target_yaw_rate ) ;
pos_control . relax_alt_hold_controllers ( 0.0f ) ; // forces throttle output to go to zero
pos_control . update_z_controller ( ) ;
break ;
case Sport_Flying :
motors . set_desired_spool_state ( AP_Motors : : DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ) ;
// call attitude controller
// call attitude controller
attitude_control . input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw ( target_roll_rate , target_pitch_rate , target_yaw_rate ) ;
attitude_control . input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw ( target_roll_rate , target_pitch_rate , target_yaw_rate ) ;
@ -115,7 +156,7 @@ void Copter::sport_run()
// call position controller
// call position controller
pos_control . set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff ( target_climb_rate , G_Dt , false ) ;
pos_control . set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff ( target_climb_rate , G_Dt , false ) ;
pos_control . add_takeoff_climb_rate ( takeoff_climb_rate , G_Dt ) ;
pos_control . update_z_controller ( ) ;
pos_control . update_z_controller ( ) ;
break ;