@ -182,38 +182,62 @@ Compass::calculate(const Matrix3f &dcm_matrix)
# endif
# endif
this offset nulling algorithm is based on a paper from
Bill Premerlani
http : //gentlenav.googlecode.com/files/MagnetometerOffsetNullingRevisited.pdf
Compass : : null_offsets ( const Matrix3f & dcm_matrix )
Compass : : null_offsets ( void )
if ( _null_enable = = false | | _learn = = 0 ) {
if ( _null_enable = = false | | _learn = = 0 ) {
// auto-calibration is disabled
// auto-calibration is disabled
return ;
return ;
// Update our estimate of the offsets in the magnetometer
Vector3f calc ;
Matrix3f dcm_new_from_last ;
float weight ;
Vector3f mag_body_new = Vector3f ( mag_x , mag_y , mag_z ) ;
Vector3f mag_body_new = Vector3f ( mag_x , mag_y , mag_z ) ;
if ( _null_init_done ) {
// this gain is set so we converge on the offsets in about 5
dcm_new_from_last = dcm_matrix . transposed ( ) * _last_dcm_matrix ; // Note 11/20/2010: transpose() is not working, transposed() is.
// minutes with a 10Hz compass
const float gain = 0.5 ;
weight = 3.0 - fabs ( dcm_new_from_last . a . x ) - fabs ( dcm_new_from_last . b . y ) - fabs ( dcm_new_from_last . c . z ) ;
const float max_change = 2.0 ;
if ( weight > .001 ) {
calc = mag_body_new + _mag_body_last ; // Eq 11 from Bill P's paper
if ( ! _null_init_done ) {
calc - = dcm_new_from_last * _mag_body_last ;
// first time through
calc - = dcm_new_from_last . transposed ( ) * mag_body_new ;
if ( weight > 0.5 ) weight = 0.5 ;
calc = calc * ( weight ) ;
_offset . set ( _offset . get ( ) - calc ) ;
} else {
_null_init_done = true ;
_null_init_done = true ;
_mag_body_last = mag_body_new ;
return ;
_mag_body_last = mag_body_new - calc ;
_last_dcm_matrix = dcm_matrix ;
Vector3f delta , diff ;
float diff_length , delta_length ;
diff = mag_body_new - _mag_body_last ;
diff_length = diff . length ( ) ;
if ( diff_length = = 0.0 ) {
// the mag vector hasn't changed - we don't get any
// information from this
return ;
// equation 6 of Bills paper
delta = diff * ( mag_body_new . length ( ) - _mag_body_last . length ( ) ) / diff_length ;
// limit the change from any one reading. This is to prevent
// single crazy readings from throwing off the offsets for a long
// time
delta_length = delta . length ( ) ;
if ( delta_length > max_change ) {
delta * = max_change / delta_length ;
// set the new offsets
_offset . set ( _offset . get ( ) - ( delta * gain ) ) ;
// remember the last mag vector
_mag_body_last = mag_body_new ;