@ -1715,6 +1715,119 @@ struct PACKED log_Arm_Disarm { |
// @Field: Id: character referenced by FMTU
// @Field: Id: character referenced by FMTU
// @Field: Mult: numeric multiplier
// @Field: Mult: numeric multiplier
// @LoggerMessage: NKF0
// @Description: EKF2 beacon sensor diagnostics
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: ID: Beacon sensor ID
// @Field: rng: Beacon range
// @Field: innov: Beacon range innovation
// @Field: SIV: sqrt of beacon range innovation variance
// @Field: TR: Beacon range innovation consistency test ratio
// @Field: BPN: Beacon north position
// @Field: BPE: Beacon east position
// @Field: BPD: Beacon down position
// @Field: OFH: High estimate of vertical position offset of beacons rel to EKF origin
// @Field: OFL: Low estimate of vertical position offset of beacons rel to EKF origin
// @Field: OFN: always zero
// @Field: OFE: always zero
// @Field: OFD: always zero
// @LoggerMessage: NKF1
// @Description: EKF2 estimator outputs
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF2 core this data is for
// @Field: Roll: Estimated roll
// @Field: Pitch: Estimated pitch
// @Field: Yaw: Estimated yaw
// @Field: VN: Estimated velocity (North component)
// @Field: VE: Estimated velocity (East component)
// @Field: VD: Estimated velocity (Down component)
// @Field: dPD: Filtered derivative of vertical position (down)
// @Field: PN: Estimated distance from origin (North component)
// @Field: PE: Estimated distance from origin (East component)
// @Field: PD: Estimated distance from origin (Down component)
// @Field: GX: Estimated gyro bias, X axis
// @Field: GY: Estimated gyro bias, Y axis
// @Field: GZ: Estimated gyro bias, Z axis
// @Field: OH: Height of origin above WGS-84
// @LoggerMessage: NKF2
// @Description: EKF2 estimator secondary outputs
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF2 core this data is for
// @Field: AZbias: Estimated accelerometer Z bias
// @Field: GSX: Gyro Scale Factor (X-axis)
// @Field: GSY: Gyro Scale Factor (Y-axis)
// @Field: GSZ: Gyro Scale Factor (Z-axis)
// @Field: VWN: Estimated wind velocity (North component)
// @Field: VWE: Estimated wind velocity (East component)
// @Field: MN: Magnetic field strength (North component)
// @Field: ME: Magnetic field strength (East component)
// @Field: MD: Magnetic field strength (Down component)
// @Field: MX: Magnetic field strength (body X-axis)
// @Field: MY: Magnetic field strength (body Y-axis)
// @Field: MZ: Magnetic field strength (body Z-axis)
// @Field: MI: Magnetometer used for data
// @LoggerMessage: NKF3
// @Description: EKF2 innovations
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF2 core this data is for
// @Field: IVN: Innovation in velocity (North component)
// @Field: IVE: Innovation in velocity (East component)
// @Field: IVD: Innovation in velocity (Down component)
// @Field: IPN: Innovation in position (North component)
// @Field: IPE: Innovation in position (East component)
// @Field: IPD: Innovation in position (Down component)
// @Field: IMX: Innovation in magnetic field strength (X-axis component)
// @Field: IMY: Innovation in magnetic field strength (Y-axis component)
// @Field: IMZ: Innovation in magnetic field strength (Z-axis component)
// @Field: IYAW: Innovation in vehicle yaw
// @Field: IVT: Innovation in true-airspeed
// @LoggerMessage: NKF4
// @Description: EKF2 variances
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF2 core this data is for
// @Field: SV: Square root of the velocity variance
// @Field: SP: Square root of the position variance
// @Field: SH: Square root of the height variance
// @Field: SM: Magnetic field variance
// @Field: SVT: Square root of the total airspeed variance
// @Field: errRP: Filtered error in roll/pitch estimate
// @Field: OFN: Most recent position recent magnitude (North component)
// @Field: OFE: Most recent position recent magnitude (East component)
// @Field: FS: Filter fault status
// @Field: TS: Filter timeout status
// @Field: SS: Filter solution status
// @Field: GPS: Filter GPS status
// @Field: PI: Primary core index
// @LoggerMessage: NKF5
// @Description: EKF2 Sensor innovations (primary core) and general dumping ground
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: NI: Normalised flow variance
// @Field: FIX: Optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter (X-axis)
// @Field: FIY: Optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter (Y-axis)
// @Field: AFI: Optical flow LOS rate innovation from terrain offset estimator
// @Field: HAGL: Height above ground level
// @Field: offset: Estimated vertical position of the terrain relative to the nav filter zero datum
// @Field: RI: Range finder innovations
// @Field: rng: Measured range
// @Field: Herr: Filter ground offset state error
// @Field: eAng: Magnitude of angular error
// @Field: eVel: Magnitude of velocity error
// @Field: ePos: Magnitude of position error
// @LoggerMessage: NKQ
// @Description: EKF2 quaternion defining the rotation from NED to XYZ (autopilot) axes
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF2 core this data is for
// @Field: Q1: Quaternion a term
// @Field: Q2: Quaternion b term
// @Field: Q3: Quaternion c term
// @Field: Q4: Quaternion d term
// @LoggerMessage: OABR
// @LoggerMessage: OABR
// @Description: Object avoidance (Bendy Ruler) diagnostics
// @Description: Object avoidance (Bendy Ruler) diagnostics
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
@ -2025,6 +2138,160 @@ struct PACKED log_Arm_Disarm { |
// @Field: Dist1: Second wheel distance travelled
// @Field: Dist1: Second wheel distance travelled
// @Field: Qual1: Quality measurement of Dist1
// @Field: Qual1: Quality measurement of Dist1
// @LoggerMessage: XKF0
// @Description: EKF3 beacon sensor diagnostics
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: ID: Beacon sensor ID
// @Field: rng: Beacon range
// @Field: innov: Beacon range innovation
// @Field: SIV: sqrt of beacon range innovation variance
// @Field: TR: Beacon range innovation consistency test ratio
// @Field: BPN: Beacon north position
// @Field: BPE: Beacon east position
// @Field: BPD: Beacon down position
// @Field: OFH: High estimate of vertical position offset of beacons rel to EKF origin
// @Field: OFL: Low estimate of vertical position offset of beacons rel to EKF origin
// @Field: OFN: North position of receiver rel to EKF origin
// @Field: OFE: East position of receiver rel to EKF origin
// @Field: OFD: Down position of receiver rel to EKF origin
// @LoggerMessage: XKF1
// @Description: EKF3 estimator outputs
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF3 core this data is for
// @Field: Roll: Estimated roll
// @Field: Pitch: Estimated pitch
// @Field: Yaw: Estimated yaw
// @Field: VN: Estimated velocity (North component)
// @Field: VE: Estimated velocity (East component)
// @Field: VD: Estimated velocity (Down component)
// @Field: dPD: Filtered derivative of vertical position (down)
// @Field: PN: Estimated distance from origin (North component)
// @Field: PE: Estimated distance from origin (East component)
// @Field: PD: Estimated distance from origin (Down component)
// @Field: GX: Estimated gyro bias, X axis
// @Field: GY: Estimated gyro bias, Y axis
// @Field: GZ: Estimated gyro bias, Z axis
// @Field: OH: Height of origin above WGS-84
// @LoggerMessage: XKF2
// @Description: EKF3 estimator secondary outputs
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF3 core this data is for
// @Field: AX: Estimated accelerometer X bias
// @Field: AY: Estimated accelerometer Y bias
// @Field: AZ: Estimated accelerometer Z bias
// @Field: VWN: Estimated wind velocity (North component)
// @Field: VWE: Estimated wind velocity (East component)
// @Field: MN: Magnetic field strength (North component)
// @Field: ME: Magnetic field strength (East component)
// @Field: MD: Magnetic field strength (Down component)
// @Field: MX: Magnetic field strength (body X-axis)
// @Field: MY: Magnetic field strength (body Y-axis)
// @Field: MZ: Magnetic field strength (body Z-axis)
// @Field: MI: Magnetometer used for data
// @LoggerMessage: XKF3
// @Description: EKF3 innovations
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF3 core this data is for
// @Field: IVN: Innovation in velocity (North component)
// @Field: IVE: Innovation in velocity (East component)
// @Field: IVD: Innovation in velocity (Down component)
// @Field: IPN: Innovation in position (North component)
// @Field: IPE: Innovation in position (East component)
// @Field: IPD: Innovation in position (Down component)
// @Field: IMX: Innovation in magnetic field strength (X-axis component)
// @Field: IMY: Innovation in magnetic field strength (Y-axis component)
// @Field: IMZ: Innovation in magnetic field strength (Z-axis component)
// @Field: IYAW: Innovation in vehicle yaw
// @Field: IVT: Innovation in true-airspeed
// @LoggerMessage: XKF4
// @Description: EKF3 variances
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF3 core this data is for
// @Field: SV: Square root of the velocity variance
// @Field: SP: Square root of the position variance
// @Field: SH: Square root of the height variance
// @Field: SM: Magnetic field variance
// @Field: SVT: Square root of the total airspeed variance
// @Field: errRP: Filtered error in roll/pitch estimate
// @Field: OFN: Most recent position recent magnitude (North component)
// @Field: OFE: Most recent position recent magnitude (East component)
// @Field: FS: Filter fault status
// @Field: TS: Filter timeout status
// @Field: SS: Filter solution status
// @Field: GPS: Filter GPS status
// @Field: PI: Primary core index
// @LoggerMessage: XKF5
// @Description: EKF3 Sensor innovations (primary core) and general dumping ground
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: NI: Normalised flow variance
// @Field: FIX: Optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter (X-axis)
// @Field: FIY: Optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter (Y-axis)
// @Field: AFI: Optical flow LOS rate innovation from terrain offset estimator
// @Field: HAGL: Height above ground level
// @Field: offset: Estimated vertical position of the terrain relative to the nav filter zero datum
// @Field: RI: Range finder innovations
// @Field: rng: Measured range
// @Field: Herr: Filter ground offset state error
// @Field: eAng: Magnitude of angular error
// @Field: eVel: Magnitude of velocity error
// @Field: ePos: Magnitude of position error
// @LoggerMessage: XKFD
// @Description: EKF3 Body Frame Odometry errors
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: IX: Innovation in velocity (X-axis)
// @Field: IY: Innovation in velocity (Y-axis)
// @Field: IZ: Innovation in velocity (Z-axis)
// @Field: IVX: Variance in velocity (X-axis)
// @Field: IVY: Variance in velocity (Y-axis)
// @Field: IVZ: Variance in velocity (Z-axis)
// @LoggerMessage: XKQ
// @Description: EKF3 quaternion defining the rotation from NED to XYZ (autopilot) axes
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: C: EKF3 core this data is for
// @Field: Q1: Quaternion a term
// @Field: Q2: Quaternion b term
// @Field: Q3: Quaternion c term
// @Field: Q4: Quaternion d term
// @LoggerMessage: XKV1
// @Description: EKF3 State variances (primary core)
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: V00: Variance for state 0
// @Field: V01: Variance for state 1
// @Field: V02: Variance for state 2
// @Field: V03: Variance for state 3
// @Field: V04: Variance for state 4
// @Field: V05: Variance for state 5
// @Field: V06: Variance for state 6
// @Field: V07: Variance for state 7
// @Field: V08: Variance for state 8
// @Field: V09: Variance for state 9
// @Field: V10: Variance for state 10
// @Field: V11: Variance for state 11
// @LoggerMessage: XKV2
// @Description: more EKF3 State Variances (primary core)
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: V12: Variance for state 12
// @Field: V13: Variance for state 13
// @Field: V14: Variance for state 14
// @Field: V15: Variance for state 15
// @Field: V16: Variance for state 16
// @Field: V17: Variance for state 17
// @Field: V18: Variance for state 18
// @Field: V19: Variance for state 19
// @Field: V20: Variance for state 20
// @Field: V21: Variance for state 21
// @Field: V22: Variance for state 22
// @Field: V23: Variance for state 23
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