#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_PUMP_RATE 10.0f // default quantity of spray per meter travelled
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_PUMP_MIN 0 // default minimum pump speed expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_SPINNER_PWM 1300 // default speed of spinner (higher means spray is throw further horizontally
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_SPEED_MIN 100 // we must be travelling at least 1m/s to begin spraying
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_TURN_ON_DELAY 100 // delay between when we reach the minimum speed and we begin spraying. This reduces the likelihood of constantly turning on/off the pump
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_SHUT_OFF_DELAY 1000 // shut-off delay in milli seconds. This reduces the likelihood of constantly turning on/off the pump
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_PUMP_RATE 10.0f ///< default quantity of spray per meter travelled
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_PUMP_MIN 0 ///< default minimum pump speed expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_SPINNER_PWM 1300 ///< default speed of spinner (higher means spray is throw further horizontally
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_SPEED_MIN 100 ///< we must be travelling at least 1m/s to begin spraying
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_TURN_ON_DELAY 100 ///< delay between when we reach the minimum speed and we begin spraying. This reduces the likelihood of constantly turning on/off the pump
#define AC_SPRAYER_DEFAULT_SHUT_OFF_DELAY 1000 ///< shut-off delay in milli seconds. This reduces the likelihood of constantly turning on/off the pump
/// @class AC_Sprayer
/// @brief Object managing a crop sprayer comprised of a spinner and a pump both controlled by pwm