boolhighYawRate;// true when the vehicle is doing rapid yaw rotation where gyro scel factor errors could cause loss of heading reference
floatyawRateFilt;// filtered yaw rate used to determine when the vehicle is doing rapid yaw rotation where gyro scel factor errors could cause loss of heading reference
booluseGpsVertVel;// true if GPS vertical velocity should be used
floatyawResetAngle;// Change in yaw angle due to last in-flight yaw reset in radians. A positive value means the yaw angle has increased.
boolyawResetAngleWaiting;// true when the yaw reset angle has been updated and has not been retrieved via the getLastYawResetAngle() function
// Used by smoothing of state corrections
Vector10gpsIncrStateDelta;// vector of corrections to attitude, velocity and position to be applied over the period between the current and next GPS measurement