@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ static inline size_t strlcat_P(char *buffer, const prog_char_t *pstr, size_t buf
@@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ static inline size_t strlcat_P(char *buffer, const prog_char_t *pstr, size_t buf
/// @name Types
/// Data structures and types used throughout the libraries and applications. 0 = default
/// bit 0: Altitude is stored 0: Absolute, 1: Relative
/// bit 1: Chnage Alt between WP 0: Gradually, 1: ASAP
/// bit 2: Yaw towards WP when flying 0: No, 1: Yes (for quads)
/// bit 3:
/// bit 4:
/// bit 0: Altitude is stored 0: Absolute, 1: Relative
/// bit 1: Chnage Alt between WP 0: Gradually, 1: ASAP
/// bit 2: Yaw towards WP when flying 0: No, 1: Yes (mostly for quads)
/// bit 3: Req.to hit WP.alt to continue 0: No, 1: Yes
/// bit 4: Relative to Home 0: No, 1: Yes
/// bit 5:
/// bit 6:
/// bit 7: Move to next Command 0: YES, 1: Loiter until commanded
/// bit 7: Move to next Command 0: YES, 1: Loiter until commanded