@ -103,6 +103,18 @@ uint32_t get_distance_cm(const struct Location &loc1, const struc
@@ -103,6 +103,18 @@ uint32_t get_distance_cm(const struct Location &loc1, const struc
// return bearing in centi-degrees between two locations
int32_t get_bearing_cd(const struct Location &loc1, const struct Location &loc2); |
// return determinant of square matrix
float detnxn(const float C[], const uint8_t n); |
// Output inverted nxn matrix when returns true, otherwise matrix is Singular
bool inversenxn(const float x[], float y[], const uint8_t n); |
// invOut is an inverted 4x4 matrix when returns true, otherwise matrix is Singular
bool inverse3x3(float m[], float invOut[]); |
// invOut is an inverted 3x3 matrix when returns true, otherwise matrix is Singular
bool inverse4x4(float m[],float invOut[]); |
// see if location is past a line perpendicular to
// the line between point1 and point2. If point1 is
// our previous waypoint and point2 is our target waypoint