// @DisplayName: Battery voltage compensation maximum voltage
// @Description: Battery voltage compensation maximum voltage (voltage above this will have no additional scaling effect on thrust). Recommend 4.4 * cell count, 0 = Disabled
// @DisplayName: Battery voltage compensation minimum voltage
// @Description: Battery voltage compensation minimum voltage (voltage below this will have no additional scaling effect on thrust). Recommend 3.5 * cell count, 0 = Disabled
#define AP_MOTORS_THR_LOW_CMP_DEFAULT 0.5f // ratio controlling the max throttle output during competing requests of low throttle from the pilot (or autopilot) and higher throttle for attitude control. Higher favours Attitude over pilot input
#define AP_MOTORS_THST_EXPO_DEFAULT 0.65f // set to 0 for linear and 1 for second order approximation
#define AP_MOTORS_THST_MAX_DEFAULT 0.95f // throttle which produces the maximum thrust. (i.e. 0 ~ 1 ) of the full throttle range
#define AP_MOTORS_CURR_MAX_DEFAULT 0.0f // current limiting max default
#define AP_MOTORS_SPIN_MAX_DEFAULT 0.95f // throttle which produces the maximum thrust. (i.e. 0 ~ 1 ) of the full throttle range
#define AP_MOTORS_BAT_VOLT_MAX_DEFAULT 0.0f// voltage limiting max default
#define AP_MOTORS_BAT_VOLT_MIN_DEFAULT 0.0f// voltage limiting min default (voltage dropping below this level will have no effect)
#define AP_MOTORS_BAT_CURR_MAX_DEFAULT 0.0f // current limiting max default
#define AP_MOTORS_CURRENT_LIMIT_P 0.2f // replace with parameter - Sets the current limit P term
#define AP_MOTORS_BATT_VOLT_FILT_HZ 0.5f // battery voltage filtered at 0.5hz