new param: LAND_ABORT_DEG
@Description: This parameter is used when using a rangefinder during landing for altitude correction from baro drift (RNGFND_LANDING=1) and the altitude correction indicates your altitude is higher than the intended slope path. Steeper slopes can result in crashes so this allows the option to remember the baro offset and self-abort the landing and come around for a another landing with the correct baro offset applied for a perfect slope. An auto-abort go-around will only happen once, next attempt will not auto-abort again. This operation happens entirely automatically in AUTO mode. This value is the delta degrees threshold to trigger the go-around. Example: if set to 5 deg and the mission planned slope is 15 deg then if the new slope is 21 then it will go-around. Set to 0 to disable. Requires LAND_SLOPE_RCALC > 0.
@Description: This parameter is used when using a rangefinder during landing for altitude correction from baro drift (RNGFND_LANDING=1) and the altitude correction indicates your altitude is lower than the intended slope path. This value is the threshold of the correction to re-calculate the landing approach slope. Set to zero to keep the original slope all the way down and any detected baro drift will be corrected by pitching/throttling up to snap back to resume the original slope path. Otherwise, when a rangefinder altitude correction exceeds this threshold it will trigger a slope re-calculate to give a shallower slope. This also smoothes out the approach when flying over objects such as trees. Recommend a value of 2m.
default value is 2 (so, enabled by default)
@Description: This parameter reduces the pitch minimum limit of an auto-takeoff just a few seconds before it reaches the target altitude. This reduces overshoot by allowing the flight controller to start leveling off a few seconds before reaching the target height. When set to zero, the mission pitch min is enforced all the way to and through the target altitude, otherwise the pitch min slowly reduces to zero in the final segment. This is the pitch_min, not the demand. The flight controller should still be commanding to gain altitude to finish the takeoff but with this param it is not forcing it higher than it wants to be. (+1 squashed commits)
// @Description: When enabled, after an autoland and auto-disarm via LAND_DISARMDELAY happens then set all servos to neutral. This is helpful when an aircraft has a rough landing upside down or a crazy angle causing the servos to strain.
Reverse thrust for controlled landings, even with much steeper approach slopes. This is achieved by allowing throttle demand to go negative to maintain a target airspeed. A Pre-Flare stage was added, triggered by an altitude, to allow for a slower airspeed just before land. That lower airspeed can be near stall.
@Description: X-Axis deceleration threshold to notify the crash detector that there was a possible impact which helps disarm the motor quickly after a crash. This value should be much higher than normal negative x-axis forces during normal flight, check flight log files to determine the average IMU.x values for your aircraft and motor type. Higher value means less sensative (triggers on higher impact). For electric planes that don't vibrate much during fight a value of 25 is good (that's about 2.5G). For petrol/nitro planes you'll want a higher value. Set to 0 to disable the collision detector.
- new 1Hz adsb_update task to compare list against for threat detection
- perform object avoidance via loiter or loiter_and_descend. More methods are welcome!
- enabled via new param LAND_ABORT_THR default is 0 (disabled)
- Triggered via 95% throttle during landing, a landing abort will take place.
- This copies all takeoff params for right now, we can make this better later if needed
- added mission item command to NAV_LAND which is the abort takeoff altitude. If 0 then use last takeoff if available, else use 30m
- hold heading, just like takeoff, until altitude is reached
- pitch is constrained to takeoff pitch, or else 10deg if not available
- After abort altitude is reached, the normal landing restart happens (DO_LAND_START or decrement mission)
- restart landing by jumping to DO_LAND_START or decrement mission on mode change