Plane: update sensor status error flags independently of sending a sys_status message
8 years ago
Peter Barker
Plane: support for AP_Stats (flight time, bootcount, runtime)
8 years ago
Global: remove mode line from headers
Using a global .dir-locals.el file is a better alternative than
reincluding the same emacs header in every file of the project.
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: reduce change of false rangefinder readings triggering a flare
This doesn't count repeated readings towards the rangefinder count,
and resets the counter if the change is more than 20% of full
range. This greatly reduces the impact of poor sonar sensors for
9 years ago
Ferrin Benjamin Katz
Plane: slow down home update
Moved the code theat updates the home position while the aircraft is
unarmed from 10hz loop to one second loop and ensured that is does not
update more then once every 5 seconds. Closes issue 4311.
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: support automatic servo trimming
now that we have separated RC input from servo output with
SERVO_RNG_ENABLE=1 we can do full automatic servo trimming as an
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: apply elevon and vtail mixers after SRV_Channel remap
this is needed to ensure that changes in RCn_MIN/MAX don't cause
changes in the output handling for elevon nd vtail planes
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fixed servo mixing for AFS and failsafe case
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added servo remapping object
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: separate out the output channel mixing
this provides a framework for other output mixing types
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: split out flap output functions
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: refactor more of servos output code to be easier to read
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added auto fence enable on VTOL takeoff
fixes issue#724
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: fix for AP_FrSky_Telem API change
9 years ago
Plane: compatibility with revised AP_Frsky_Telem class
9 years ago
Plane: removed frsky_telemetry_send scheduled task
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: add reason to set_mode()
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: add avoidance_adsb framework for object avoidance
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: remove adsb sensor library based avoidance
adsb based avoidance has been moved to AP_Avoidance library
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: add adsb to failsafe structure and report in heartbeat to GCS
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: re-work AFS for new AP_AdvancedFailsafe API
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: changes for AP_AdvancedFailsafe naming
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: remove AP_Vehicle::FixedWing dependency in ap_airspeed
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Revert "ArduPlane: Convert references to AP_Airspeed. Added automatic migration of ARSPD_FBW_MIN and ARSPD_FBW_MAX (plane parameter) to ARSPD_FBW_MIN and ARSPD_FBW_MAX (library parameter)."
This reverts commit da1b18d918
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Revert "Airspeed: store reference in libraries and populate it"
This reverts commit c090ba2257
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Airspeed: store reference in libraries and populate it
- also had to move the initial definition in plane.h so it happened before the others.
9 years ago
ArduPlane: Convert references to AP_Airspeed. Added automatic migration of ARSPD_FBW_MIN and ARSPD_FBW_MAX (plane parameter) to ARSPD_FBW_MIN and ARSPD_FBW_MAX (library parameter).
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: remove all threat logic in adsb lib in favor of avoidance lib
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added internal combustion engine support
this allows for automatic engine start and restart
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
ArduPlane: adjust for 16 channels in SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added AP_Button support for plane
this also adds the g2 parameter table
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: allow landing height adjustment on wp before land (aka approach wp)
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: separate out landing height adjustment from barometer changes
this stores a landing height adjustment for an aborted landing
without adjusting barometer readings, applying them only on landing
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Revert "Plane: coverity scan - variables not initialized in constructor"
This reverts commit 9b807fa8a5
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: coverity scan - variables not initialized in constructor
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: added auto_navigation_mode flag
this fixes a problem where modes like loiter and auto would allow for
rudder stick mixing even with STICK_MIXING=0
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: allow SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET to set rpy and throttle
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: remove guided roll flag, handle it with timer=0
9 years ago
Michael Day
Plane: Can now command roll from a companion computer.
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: re-order channel initialisation
this fixes a problem with spurious throttle output during board
startup. Many thanks to Marco for finding this!
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: removed demo_servos()
this really didn't help much and slows down startup
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: take advantage of rangefinder support in relative_ground_altitude()
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: add flag for auto_state.land_in_progress
9 years ago
Peter Barker
Plane: subclass GCS_MAVLink in place of defining its functions for it
9 years ago
Andrew Tridgell
Plane: don't stall EKF during baro cal
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: remove Tom Pittenger as an author since he's now listed as a lead
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: add Tom Pittenger as co-lead developer
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: handle large negative baro offsets (corner case) to self-trigger a land-abort go-around
new param: LAND_ABORT_DEG
@Description : This parameter is used when using a rangefinder during landing for altitude correction from baro drift (RNGFND_LANDING=1) and the altitude correction indicates your altitude is higher than the intended slope path. Steeper slopes can result in crashes so this allows the option to remember the baro offset and self-abort the landing and come around for a another landing with the correct baro offset applied for a perfect slope. An auto-abort go-around will only happen once, next attempt will not auto-abort again. This operation happens entirely automatically in AUTO mode. This value is the delta degrees threshold to trigger the go-around. Example: if set to 5 deg and the mission planned slope is 15 deg then if the new slope is 21 then it will go-around. Set to 0 to disable. Requires LAND_SLOPE_RCALC > 0.
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: store auto land slope
- also changed order of landing slope calc but is functionally the same
9 years ago
Tom Pittenger
Plane: re-calc landing glide slope to gracefully handle baro offset during long flights
@Description : This parameter is used when using a rangefinder during landing for altitude correction from baro drift (RNGFND_LANDING=1) and the altitude correction indicates your altitude is lower than the intended slope path. This value is the threshold of the correction to re-calculate the landing approach slope. Set to zero to keep the original slope all the way down and any detected baro drift will be corrected by pitching/throttling up to snap back to resume the original slope path. Otherwise, when a rangefinder altitude correction exceeds this threshold it will trigger a slope re-calculate to give a shallower slope. This also smoothes out the approach when flying over objects such as trees. Recommend a value of 2m.
default value is 2 (so, enabled by default)
9 years ago