That is a workaround so that one can use `waf bin tests`, for example. In our
context, the only restriction to the task generators creation is values defined
during configuration. Thus, ideally, the recursion and task generators creation
should be done only once for multiple build calls. We should do that in the
1. That function creates a separate build context class instead of just
creating a wrapper for calling build (previous approach).
2. The check command isn't a build shortcut since there's no way of calling it
without using 'check' explicitly.
The following fixes where applied:
- Value for APM_BUILD_DIRECTORY must be prefixed with APM_BUILD_
- Renamed parameter name to sketchname, so we differentiate the real program
name from the legacy sketch name
- Use directory name instead of program name as argument for
Bind functions used in wscripts to build context. Additionally, a new function
is created and also decorated with @conf, common_vehicle_libraries(), which
returns COMMON_VEHICLE_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES. This patch is a preparation for
making wscripts use methods bound to the build context instead of using them
directly from ardupilotwaf.
The destination directory for binaries should be
<build_dir>/<board>/bin/ and not
The same reasoning can be applied for others: tools, examples, etc
should follow the same rule.
Before this patch, compiling for example ArduPlane for navio we would
[339/339] Linking build/navio/ArduPlane/bin/ArduPlane
And now we have:
[339/339] Linking build/navio/bin/ArduPlane
Use platform-neutral way in python to join path components to improve
readability. Both will work when passing down to waf's Node object, even
on Windows.
waf's terminology might be a bit confusing regarding the word 'target'. As an
attribute for a task generator, it means the paths of the files supposed to be
built. As a command line option (--target), it means the list of names of the
task generators to be used in the build.
Before this commit, only vehicles programs had their task generators' target
parameter value different from the name parameter. Now, there's no distinction
between those two parameters for the case of programs.
That enable the easy creation of custom build commands with the purpose of
creating "shortcuts" for execution from command line.
For example, consider the following code fragment from a wscript:
copter = ardupilotwaf.build_shortcut(targets='ArduCopter')
With that, one can just issue `waf copter` instead of
`waf --target ArduCopter`.
The parameter target is made optional because more parameters might be added to
this function in the future.
Benchmarks now go to `build/<board>/benchmarks/` and tests to
`build/<board>/tests/`. That's done by using ardupilotwaf.program() and passing
blddestdir and program_name.
The only exception is for binaries that go in 'bin', like vehicles.
That way, partial builds follow the rule:
- If building a vehicle or some helper that goes into 'bin', just use the
binary name as the argument for --target. Example: `waf --target
- For other binaries, the name of the directory they are placed in must be
used. Example: `waf --target tests/test_vectors`.
That param defines where the binary will be saved in the build directory,
namely `build/<board>/<blddestdir>`. The default is 'bin', for binaries that are
to be shipped for installation.