/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

  ArduPlane parameter definitions

  This firmware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

#define GSCALAR(v, name, def) { g.v.vtype, name, Parameters::k_param_ ## v, &g.v, {def_value:def} }
#define GGROUP(v, name, class) { AP_PARAM_GROUP, name, Parameters::k_param_ ## v, &g.v, {group_info:class::var_info} }
#define GOBJECT(v, name, class) { AP_PARAM_GROUP, name, Parameters::k_param_ ## v, &v, {group_info:class::var_info} }

const AP_Param::Info var_info[] PROGMEM = {
	GSCALAR(format_version,         "FORMAT_VERSION",   1),
	GSCALAR(software_type,          "SYSID_SW_TYPE",    Parameters::k_software_type),

	// misc
	GSCALAR(log_bitmask,            "LOG_BITMASK",      DEFAULT_LOG_BITMASK),
	GSCALAR(num_resets,             "SYS_NUM_RESETS",   0),
	GSCALAR(reset_switch_chan,      "RST_SWITCH_CH",    0),

    // @Param: RSSI_PIN
    // @DisplayName: Receiver RSSI sensing pin
    // @Description: This selects an analog pin for the receiver RSSI voltage. It assumes the voltage is 5V for max rssi, 0V for minimum
    // @Values: -1:Disabled, 0:A0, 1:A1, 13:A13
    // @User: Standard
    GSCALAR(rssi_pin,            "RSSI_PIN",         -1),

    // @Param: BATT_VOLT_PIN
    // @DisplayName: Battery Voltage sensing pin
    // @Description: Setting this to 0 ~ 13 will enable battery current sensing on pins A0 ~ A13.
    // @Values: -1:Disabled, 0:A0, 1:A1, 13:A13
    // @User: Standard
    GSCALAR(battery_volt_pin,    "BATT_VOLT_PIN",    1),

    // @Param: BATT_CURR_PIN
    // @DisplayName: Battery Current sensing pin
    // @Description: Setting this to 0 ~ 13 will enable battery current sensing on pins A0 ~ A13.
    // @Values: -1:Disabled, 1:A1, 2:A2, 12:A12
    // @User: Standard
    GSCALAR(battery_curr_pin,    "BATT_CURR_PIN",    2),

    // @Param: SYSID_THIS_MAV
    // @DisplayName: MAVLink system ID
    // @Description: ID used in MAVLink protocol to identify this vehicle
    // @User: Advanced
	GSCALAR(sysid_this_mav,         "SYSID_THISMAV",    MAV_SYSTEM_ID),

    // @Param: SYSID_MYGCS
    // @DisplayName: MAVLink ground station ID
    // @Description: ID used in MAVLink protocol to identify the controlling ground station
    // @User: Advanced
	GSCALAR(sysid_my_gcs,           "SYSID_MYGCS",      255),

    // @Param: SERIAL0_BAUD
    // @DisplayName: Telemetry Baud Rate
    // @Description: The baud rate used on the first serial port
    // @Values: 1:1200,2:2400,4:4800,9:9600,19:19200,38:38400,57:57600,111:111100,115:115200
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(serial0_baud,           "SERIAL0_BAUD",     SERIAL0_BAUD/1000),

    // @Param: SERIAL3_BAUD
    // @DisplayName: Telemetry Baud Rate
    // @Description: The baud rate used on the telemetry port
    // @Values: 1:1200,2:2400,4:4800,9:9600,19:19200,38:38400,57:57600,111:111100,115:115200
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(serial3_baud,           "SERIAL3_BAUD",     SERIAL3_BAUD/1000),

    // @Param: TELEM_DELAY
    // @DisplayName: Telemetry startup delay 
    // @Description: The amount of time (in seconds) to delay radio telemetry to prevent an Xbee bricking on power up
    // @User: Standard
    // @Units: seconds
    // @Range: 0 10
    // @Increment: 1
    GSCALAR(telem_delay,            "TELEM_DELAY",     0),

    // @Param: MAG_ENABLED
    // @DisplayName: Magnetometer (compass) enabled
    // @Description: This should be set to 1 if a compass is installed
    // @User: Standard
    // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled
	GSCALAR(compass_enabled,        "MAG_ENABLE",       MAGNETOMETER),

    // @Param: BATT_MONITOR
    // @DisplayName: Battery monitoring
    // @Description: Controls enabling monitoring of the battery's voltage and current
    // @Values: 0:Disabled,3:Voltage Only,4:Voltage and Current
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(battery_monitoring,     "BATT_MONITOR",     DISABLED),

    // @Param: VOLT_DIVIDER
    // @DisplayName: Voltage Divider
    // @Description: Used to convert the voltage of the voltage sensing pin (BATT_VOLT_PIN) to the actual battery's voltage (pin voltage * INPUT_VOLTS/1024 * VOLT_DIVIDER)
    // @User: Advanced
	GSCALAR(volt_div_ratio,         "VOLT_DIVIDER",     VOLT_DIV_RATIO),

    // @Param: AMP_PER_VOLT
    // @DisplayName: Current Amps per volt
    // @Description: Used to convert the voltage on the current sensing pin (BATT_CURR_PIN) to the actual current being consumed in amps (curr pin voltage * INPUT_VOLTS/1024 * AMP_PER_VOLT )
    // @User: Advanced
	GSCALAR(curr_amp_per_volt,      "AMP_PER_VOLT",     CURR_AMP_PER_VOLT),

    // @Param: INPUT_VOLTS
    // @DisplayName: Max internal voltage of the battery voltage and current sensing pins
    // @Description: Used to convert the voltage read in on the voltage and current pins for battery monitoring.  Normally 5 meaning 5 volts.
    // @User: Advanced
	GSCALAR(input_voltage,          "INPUT_VOLTS",      INPUT_VOLTAGE),

    // @Param: BATT_CAPACITY
    // @DisplayName: Battery Capacity
    // @Description: Battery capacity in milliamp-hours (mAh)
    // @Units: mAh
	GSCALAR(pack_capacity,          "BATT_CAPACITY",    HIGH_DISCHARGE),

    // @Param: XTRK_GAIN_SC
    // @DisplayName: Crosstrack Gain
    // @Description: This controls how hard the Rover tries to follow the lines between waypoints, as opposed to driving directly to the next waypoint. The value is the scale between distance off the line and angle to meet the line (in Degrees * 100)
    // @Range: 0 2000
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(crosstrack_gain,        "XTRK_GAIN_SC",     XTRACK_GAIN_SCALED),

    // @Param: XTRK_ANGLE_CD
    // @DisplayName: Crosstrack Entry Angle
    // @Description: Maximum angle used to correct for track following.
    // @Units: centi-Degrees
    // @Range: 0 9000
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: CRUISE_SPEED
    // @DisplayName: Target speed in auto modes
    // @Description: The target speed in auto missions.
    // @Units: m/s
    // @Range: 0 100
    // @Increment: 0.1
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(speed_cruise,        "CRUISE_SPEED",    5),

    // @Param: CH7_OPTION
    // @DisplayName: Channel 7 option
    // @Description: What to do use channel 7 for
    // @Values: 0:Nothing,1:LearnWaypoint
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(ch7_option,             "CH7_OPTION",          CH7_OPTION),

	GGROUP(channel_steer,           "RC1_", RC_Channel),
	GGROUP(rc_2,                    "RC2_", RC_Channel_aux),
	GGROUP(channel_throttle,        "RC3_", RC_Channel),
	GGROUP(rc_4,                    "RC4_", RC_Channel_aux),
	GGROUP(rc_5,                    "RC5_", RC_Channel_aux),
	GGROUP(rc_6,                    "RC6_", RC_Channel_aux),
	GGROUP(rc_7,                    "RC7_", RC_Channel_aux),
	GGROUP(rc_8,                    "RC8_", RC_Channel_aux),

    // @Param: THR_MIN
    // @DisplayName: Minimum Throttle
    // @Description: The minimum throttle setting to which the autopilot will apply. This is mostly useful for rovers with internal combustion motors, to prevent the motor from cutting out in auto mode.
    // @Units: Percent
    // @Range: 0 100
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(throttle_min,           "THR_MIN",          THROTTLE_MIN),

    // @Param: THR_MAX
    // @DisplayName: Maximum Throttle
    // @Description: The maximum throttle setting to which the autopilot will apply.
    // @Units: Percent
    // @Range: 0 100
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(throttle_max,           "THR_MAX",          THROTTLE_MAX),

    // @Param: CRUISE_THROTTLE
    // @DisplayName: Base throttle percentage in auto
    // @Description: The base throttle percentage to use in auto mode
    // @Units: Percent
    // @Range: 0 100
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(throttle_cruise,        "CRUISE_THROTTLE",    50),

    // @Param: THR_SLEWRATE
    // @DisplayName: Throttle slew rate
    // @Description: maximum percentage change in throttle per second. A setting of 10 means to not change the throttle by more than 10% of the full throttle range in one second. A value of zero means no limit.
    // @Units: Percent
    // @Range: 0 100
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(throttle_slewrate,      "THR_SLEWRATE",     0),

    // @Param: FS_ACTION
    // @DisplayName: Failsafe Action
    // @Description: What to do on a failsafe event
    // @Values: 0:Nothing,1:RTL,2:STOP
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(fs_action,    "FS_ACTION",     0),

    // @Param: FS_TIMEOUT
    // @DisplayName: Failsafe timeout
    // @Description: How long a failsafe event need to happen for before we trigger the failsafe action
	// @Units: seconds
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(fs_timeout,    "FS_TIMEOUT",     10),

    // @Param: FS_THR_ENABLE
    // @DisplayName: Throttle Failsafe Enable
    // @Description: The throttle failsafe allows you to configure a software failsafe activated by a setting on the throttle input channel to a low value. This can be used to detect the RC transmitter going out of range.
    // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(fs_throttle_enabled,    "FS_THR_ENABLE",     0),

    // @Param: FS_THR_VALUE
    // @DisplayName: Throttle Failsafe Value
    // @Description: The PWM level on channel 3 below which throttle sailsafe triggers.
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(fs_throttle_value,      "FS_THR_VALUE",     900),

    // @Param: FS_GCS_ENABLE
    // @DisplayName: GCS failsafe enable
    // @Description: Enable ground control station telemetry failsafe
    // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(fs_gcs_enabled, "FS_GCS_ENABLE",   0),

	// @Param: SONAR_ENABLE
	// @DisplayName: Enable Sonar
	// @Description: Setting this to Enabled(1) will enable the sonar. Setting this to Disabled(0) will disable the sonar
	// @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled
	// @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(sonar_trigger,      "SONAR_TRIGGER",    SONAR_TRIGGER),
	GSCALAR(sonar_enabled,	    "SONAR_ENABLE",     SONAR_ENABLED),

    // @Param: MODE_CH
    // @DisplayName: Mode channel
    // @Description: RC Channel to use for driving mode control
    // @User: Advanced
	GSCALAR(mode_channel,    "MODE_CH",       MODE_CHANNEL),

    // @Param: MODE1
    // @DisplayName: Mode1
    // @Values: 0:Manual,2:LEARNING,10:Auto,11:RTL,15:Guided
    // @User: Standard
    // @Description: Driving mode for switch position 1 (910 to 1230 and above 2049)
	GSCALAR(mode1,           "MODE1",         MODE_1),

    // @Param: MODE2
    // @DisplayName: Mode2
    // @Description: Driving mode for switch position 2 (1231 to 1360)
    // @Values: 0:Manual,2:LEARNING,10:Auto,11:RTL,15:Guided
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(mode2,           "MODE2",         MODE_2),

    // @Param: MODE3
    // @DisplayName: Mode3
    // @Description: Driving mode for switch position 3 (1361 to 1490)
    // @Values: 0:Manual,2:LEARNING,10:Auto,11:RTL,15:Guided
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(mode3,           "MODE3",         MODE_3),

    // @Param: MODE4
    // @DisplayName: Mode4
    // @Description: Driving mode for switch position 4 (1491 to 1620)
    // @Values: 0:Manual,2:LEARNING,10:Auto,11:RTL,15:Guided
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(mode4,           "MODE4",         MODE_4),

    // @Param: MODE5
    // @DisplayName: Mode5
    // @Description: Driving mode for switch position 5 (1621 to 1749)
    // @Values: 0:Manual,2:LEARNING,10:Auto,11:RTL,15:Guided
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(mode5,           "MODE5",         MODE_5),

    // @Param: MODE6
    // @DisplayName: Mode6
    // @Description: Driving mode for switch position 6 (1750 to 2049)
    // @Values: 0:Manual,2:LEARNING,10:Auto,11:RTL,15:Guided
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(mode6,           "MODE6",         MODE_6),

	GSCALAR(command_total,          "CMD_TOTAL",        0),
	GSCALAR(command_index,          "CMD_INDEX",        0),

    // @Param: WP_RADIUS
    // @DisplayName: Waypoint radius
    // @Description: The distance in meters from a waypoint when we consider the waypoint has been reached. This determines when the rover will turn along the next waypoint path.
    // @Units: meters
    // @Range: 0 1000
    // @Increment: 0.1
    // @User: Standard
	GSCALAR(waypoint_radius,        "WP_RADIUS",        2.0f),

	GGROUP(pidNavSteer,             "HDNG2STEER_",  PID),
	GGROUP(pidServoSteer,           "STEER2SRV_",   PID),
	GGROUP(pidSpeedThrottle,        "SPEED2THR_", PID),

	// variables not in the g class which contain EEPROM saved variables
	GOBJECT(compass,                "COMPASS_",	Compass),
	GOBJECT(gcs0,					"SR0_",     GCS_MAVLINK),
	GOBJECT(gcs3,					"SR3_",     GCS_MAVLINK),

    // @Group: INS_
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.cpp
    GOBJECT(ins,                            "INS_", AP_InertialSensor),

    // @Group: SIM_
    // @Path: ../libraries/SITL/SITL.cpp
    GOBJECT(sitl, "SIM_", SITL),

    // @Group: AHRS_
    // @Path: ../libraries/AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.cpp
    GOBJECT(ahrs,                   "AHRS_",    AP_AHRS),


static void load_parameters(void)
	if (!g.format_version.load() ||
	     g.format_version != Parameters::k_format_version) {

		// erase all parameters
		cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("Firmware change: erasing EEPROM...\n"));

		// save the current format version
    } else {
	    unsigned long before = micros();
	    // Load all auto-loaded EEPROM variables

	    cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("load_all took %luus\n"), micros() - before);