#include "mode.h" #include "Plane.h" bool ModeLoiter::_enter() { plane.throttle_allows_nudging = true; plane.auto_throttle_mode = true; plane.auto_navigation_mode = true; plane.do_loiter_at_location(); plane.loiter_angle_reset(); #if SOARING_ENABLED == ENABLED if (plane.g2.soaring_controller.is_active() && plane.g2.soaring_controller.suppress_throttle()) { plane.g2.soaring_controller.init_thermalling(); plane.g2.soaring_controller.get_target(plane.next_WP_loc); // ahead on flight path } #endif return true; } void ModeLoiter::update() { plane.calc_nav_roll(); plane.calc_nav_pitch(); plane.calc_throttle(); } bool ModeLoiter::isHeadingLinedUp(const Location loiterCenterLoc, const Location targetLoc) { const uint16_t loiterRadius = abs(plane.aparm.loiter_radius); if (loiterCenterLoc.get_distance(targetLoc) < loiterRadius + loiterRadius*0.05) { /* Whenever next waypoint is within the loiter radius plus 5%, maintaining loiter would prevent us from ever pointing toward the next waypoint. Hence break out of loiter immediately */ return true; } // Bearing in centi-degrees const int32_t bearing_cd = plane.current_loc.get_bearing_to(targetLoc); return isHeadingLinedUp(bearing_cd); } bool ModeLoiter::isHeadingLinedUp(const float bearing) { const int32_t bearing_cd = bearing*100; return isHeadingLinedUp(bearing_cd); } bool ModeLoiter::isHeadingLinedUp(const int32_t bearing_cd) { // get current heading. const int32_t heading_cd = plane.gps.ground_course_cd(); const int32_t heading_err_cd = wrap_180_cd(bearing_cd - heading_cd); /* Check to see if the the plane is heading toward the land waypoint. We use 20 degrees (+/-10 deg) of margin so that we can handle 200 degrees/second of yaw. After every full circle, extend acceptance criteria to ensure aircraft will not loop forever in case high winds are forcing it beyond 200 deg/sec when passing the desired exit course */ // Use integer division to get discrete steps const int32_t expanded_acceptance = 1000 * (plane.loiter.sum_cd / 36000); if (labs(heading_err_cd) <= 1000 + expanded_acceptance) { // Want to head in a straight line from _here_ to the next waypoint instead of center of loiter wp // 0 to xtrack from center of waypoint, 1 to xtrack from tangent exit location if (plane.next_WP_loc.loiter_xtrack) { plane.next_WP_loc = plane.current_loc; } return true; } return false; }