/* ToneAlarm PX4 driver */ /* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <AP_HAL.h> #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_PX4 #include "ToneAlarm_PX4.h" #include "AP_Notify.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <drivers/drv_tone_alarm.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; bool ToneAlarm_PX4::init() { // open the tone alarm device _tonealarm_fd = open(TONEALARM_DEVICE_PATH, 0); if (_tonealarm_fd == -1) { hal.console->printf("Unable to open " TONEALARM_DEVICE_PATH); return false; } // set initial boot states. This prevents us issueing a arming // warning in plane and rover on every boot flags.armed = AP_Notify::flags.armed; flags.failsafe_battery = AP_Notify::flags.failsafe_battery; return true; } // play_tune - play one of the pre-defined tunes bool ToneAlarm_PX4::play_tune(const uint8_t tune_number) { int ret = ioctl(_tonealarm_fd, TONE_SET_ALARM, tune_number); return (ret == 0); } // update - updates led according to timed_updated. Should be called at 50Hz void ToneAlarm_PX4::update() { // exit immediately if we haven't initialised successfully if (_tonealarm_fd == -1) { return; } // check for arming failure if(flags.arming_failed != AP_Notify::flags.arming_failed) { flags.arming_failed = AP_Notify::flags.arming_failed; if(flags.arming_failed) { play_tune(TONE_ARMING_FAILURE_TUNE); } } // check if arming status has changed if (flags.armed != AP_Notify::flags.armed) { flags.armed = AP_Notify::flags.armed; if (flags.armed) { // arming tune play_tune(TONE_ARMING_WARNING_TUNE); }else{ // disarming tune play_tune(TONE_NOTIFY_NEUTRAL_TUNE); } } // check if battery status has changed if (flags.failsafe_battery != AP_Notify::flags.failsafe_battery) { flags.failsafe_battery = AP_Notify::flags.failsafe_battery; if (flags.failsafe_battery) { // low battery warning tune play_tune(TONE_BATTERY_WARNING_FAST_TUNE); } } // check gps glitch if (flags.gps_glitching != AP_Notify::flags.gps_glitching) { flags.gps_glitching = AP_Notify::flags.gps_glitching; if (flags.gps_glitching) { // gps glitch warning tune play_tune(TONE_GPS_WARNING_TUNE); } } // check gps failsafe if (flags.failsafe_gps != AP_Notify::flags.failsafe_gps) { flags.failsafe_gps = AP_Notify::flags.failsafe_gps; if (flags.failsafe_gps) { // gps glitch warning tune play_tune(TONE_GPS_WARNING_TUNE); } } // check parachute release if (flags.parachute_release != AP_Notify::flags.parachute_release) { flags.parachute_release = AP_Notify::flags.parachute_release; if (flags.parachute_release) { // parachute release warning tune play_tune(TONE_PARACHUTE_RELEASE_TUNE); } } } #endif // CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_PX4