########################################################################################################################################################### # mRo Control Zero OEM H7 Flight Controller # STM32H753IIK6 # 8x PWM / IO - DMA capable, buffered and level shiftable - 3.3v (default) / 5v Logic # Bottom Connectors: 36pin front and 40pin back Samtec FTM-118-02-F-DV 1.00 mm Surface Mount Micro Low Profile Terminal Strip # 3x IMUs (BMI088 6DOF, ICM20602 6DOF, ICM20948 9DOF) # DPS310 Baro, FRAM (256Bb), SDCARD Socket, TC2030 JTAG # 5x UARTs (2x with hardware flow control), 2x CAN, 1x SPI, 3x I2C # Onboard 3 color LED and buzzer # 20mm x 34mm / 3.66g # M10059C - Initial Release ########################################################################################################################################################### # MCU class and specific type MCU STM32H7xx STM32H743xx # USB setup USB_STRING_MANUFACTURER "mRo" # crystal frequency OSCILLATOR_HZ 24000000 # board ID for firmware load APJ_BOARD_ID 1024 FLASH_SIZE_KB 2048 # bootloader is installed at zero offset FLASH_RESERVE_START_KB 0 # the location where the bootloader will put the firmware FLASH_BOOTLOADER_LOAD_KB 128 PB11 LED_BOOTLOADER OUTPUT # define all 3 to make LED output White. PB1 LED_ACTIVITY OUTPUT PB3 LED_ACTIVITY2 OUTPUT # PB11 LED_ACTIVITY3 OUTPUT define HAL_LED_ON 0 # order of UARTs (and USB) SERIAL_ORDER OTG1 PA11 OTG_FS_DM OTG1 PA12 OTG_FS_DP OTG1 PA13 JTMS-SWDIO SWD PA14 JTCK-SWCLK SWD define HAL_USE_EMPTY_STORAGE 1 define HAL_STORAGE_SIZE 16384 # Add CS pins to ensure they are high in bootloader PC2 ICM_20602_CS CS PD7 BARO_CS CS PD10 FRAM_CS CS SPEED_VERYLOW NODMA PE15 ICM_20948_CS CS PF6 BMI088_ACCEL_CS CS PF10 BMI088_GYRO_CS CS PG9 EXTERNAL CS