/* example implementing MSP and BLHeli passthrough protocol in ArduPilot With thanks to betaflight for a great reference implementation */ #include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h> #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #include "ch.h" #include "hal.h" #include "hwdef.h" #include <AP_HAL/utility/RingBuffer.h> #include <AP_Math/crc.h> #include "msp_protocol.h" #include "blheli_4way_protocol.h" const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL(); void setup(); void loop(); //#pragma GCC optimize("Og") /* implementation of MSP protocol based on betaflight */ enum mspState { MSP_IDLE=0, MSP_HEADER_START, MSP_HEADER_M, MSP_HEADER_ARROW, MSP_HEADER_SIZE, MSP_HEADER_CMD, MSP_COMMAND_RECEIVED }; enum mspPacketType { MSP_PACKET_COMMAND, MSP_PACKET_REPLY }; enum escProtocol { PROTOCOL_SIMONK = 0, PROTOCOL_BLHELI = 1, PROTOCOL_KISS = 2, PROTOCOL_KISSALL = 3, PROTOCOL_CASTLE = 4, PROTOCOL_MAX = 5, PROTOCOL_NONE = 0xfe, PROTOCOL_4WAY = 0xff }; enum motorPwmProtocol { PWM_TYPE_STANDARD = 0, PWM_TYPE_ONESHOT125, PWM_TYPE_ONESHOT42, PWM_TYPE_MULTISHOT, PWM_TYPE_BRUSHED, PWM_TYPE_DSHOT150, PWM_TYPE_DSHOT300, PWM_TYPE_DSHOT600, PWM_TYPE_DSHOT1200, PWM_TYPE_PROSHOT1000, }; enum MSPFeatures { FEATURE_RX_PPM = 1 << 0, FEATURE_INFLIGHT_ACC_CAL = 1 << 2, FEATURE_RX_SERIAL = 1 << 3, FEATURE_MOTOR_STOP = 1 << 4, FEATURE_SERVO_TILT = 1 << 5, FEATURE_SOFTSERIAL = 1 << 6, FEATURE_GPS = 1 << 7, FEATURE_RANGEFINDER = 1 << 9, FEATURE_TELEMETRY = 1 << 10, FEATURE_3D = 1 << 12, FEATURE_RX_PARALLEL_PWM = 1 << 13, FEATURE_RX_MSP = 1 << 14, FEATURE_RSSI_ADC = 1 << 15, FEATURE_LED_STRIP = 1 << 16, FEATURE_DASHBOARD = 1 << 17, FEATURE_OSD = 1 << 18, FEATURE_CHANNEL_FORWARDING = 1 << 20, FEATURE_TRANSPONDER = 1 << 21, FEATURE_AIRMODE = 1 << 22, FEATURE_RX_SPI = 1 << 25, FEATURE_SOFTSPI = 1 << 26, FEATURE_ESC_SENSOR = 1 << 27, FEATURE_ANTI_GRAVITY = 1 << 28, FEATURE_DYNAMIC_FILTER = 1 << 29, }; /* state of MSP command processing */ static struct { enum mspState state; enum mspPacketType packetType; uint8_t offset; uint8_t dataSize; uint8_t checksum; uint8_t buf[192]; uint8_t cmdMSP; enum escProtocol escMode; uint8_t portIndex; } msp; #define MSP_PORT_INBUF_SIZE sizeof(msp.buf) enum blheliState { BLHELI_IDLE=0, BLHELI_HEADER_START, BLHELI_HEADER_CMD, BLHELI_HEADER_ADDR_LOW, BLHELI_HEADER_ADDR_HIGH, BLHELI_HEADER_LEN, BLHELI_CRC1, BLHELI_CRC2, BLHELI_COMMAND_RECEIVED }; /* state of blheli 4way protocol handling */ static struct { enum blheliState state; uint8_t command; uint16_t address; uint16_t param_len; uint16_t offset; uint8_t buf[256+3+8]; uint8_t crc1; uint16_t crc; uint8_t interface_mode; uint8_t deviceInfo[4]; uint8_t chan; uint8_t ack; } blheli; // start of 12 byte CPU ID #ifndef UDID_START #define UDID_START 0x1FFF7A10 #endif // fixed number of channels for now #define NUM_ESC_CHANNELS 4 /* process one byte of serial input for MSP protocol */ static bool msp_process_byte(uint8_t c) { if (msp.state == MSP_IDLE) { msp.escMode = PROTOCOL_NONE; if (c == '$') { msp.state = MSP_HEADER_START; } else { return false; } } else if (msp.state == MSP_HEADER_START) { msp.state = (c == 'M') ? MSP_HEADER_M : MSP_IDLE; } else if (msp.state == MSP_HEADER_M) { msp.state = MSP_IDLE; switch (c) { case '<': // COMMAND msp.packetType = MSP_PACKET_COMMAND; msp.state = MSP_HEADER_ARROW; break; case '>': // REPLY msp.packetType = MSP_PACKET_REPLY; msp.state = MSP_HEADER_ARROW; break; default: break; } } else if (msp.state == MSP_HEADER_ARROW) { if (c > MSP_PORT_INBUF_SIZE) { msp.state = MSP_IDLE; } else { msp.dataSize = c; msp.offset = 0; msp.checksum = 0; msp.checksum ^= c; msp.state = MSP_HEADER_SIZE; } } else if (msp.state == MSP_HEADER_SIZE) { msp.cmdMSP = c; msp.checksum ^= c; msp.state = MSP_HEADER_CMD; } else if (msp.state == MSP_HEADER_CMD && msp.offset < msp.dataSize) { msp.checksum ^= c; msp.buf[msp.offset++] = c; } else if (msp.state == MSP_HEADER_CMD && msp.offset >= msp.dataSize) { if (msp.checksum == c) { msp.state = MSP_COMMAND_RECEIVED; } else { msp.state = MSP_IDLE; } } return true; } /* update CRC state for blheli protocol */ static void blheli_crc_update(uint8_t c) { blheli.crc = crc_xmodem_update(blheli.crc, c); } /* process one byte of serial input for blheli 4way protocol */ static bool blheli_4way_process_byte(uint8_t c) { if (blheli.state == BLHELI_IDLE) { if (c == cmd_Local_Escape) { blheli.state = BLHELI_HEADER_START; blheli.crc = 0; blheli_crc_update(c); } else { return false; } } else if (blheli.state == BLHELI_HEADER_START) { blheli.command = c; blheli_crc_update(c); blheli.state = BLHELI_HEADER_CMD; } else if (blheli.state == BLHELI_HEADER_CMD) { blheli.address = c<<8; blheli.state = BLHELI_HEADER_ADDR_HIGH; blheli_crc_update(c); } else if (blheli.state == BLHELI_HEADER_ADDR_HIGH) { blheli.address |= c; blheli.state = BLHELI_HEADER_ADDR_LOW; blheli_crc_update(c); } else if (blheli.state == BLHELI_HEADER_ADDR_LOW) { blheli.state = BLHELI_HEADER_LEN; blheli.param_len = c?c:256; blheli.offset = 0; blheli_crc_update(c); } else if (blheli.state == BLHELI_HEADER_LEN) { blheli.buf[blheli.offset++] = c; blheli_crc_update(c); if (blheli.offset == blheli.param_len) { blheli.state = BLHELI_CRC1; } } else if (blheli.state == BLHELI_CRC1) { blheli.crc1 = c; blheli.state = BLHELI_CRC2; } else if (blheli.state == BLHELI_CRC2) { uint16_t crc = blheli.crc1<<8 | c; if (crc == blheli.crc) { blheli.state = BLHELI_COMMAND_RECEIVED; } else { blheli.state = BLHELI_IDLE; } } return true; } /* send a MSP protocol reply */ static void msp_send_reply(uint8_t cmd, const uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) { uint8_t *b = &msp.buf[0]; *b++ = '$'; *b++ = 'M'; *b++ = '>'; *b++ = len; *b++ = cmd; memcpy(b, buf, len); b += len; uint8_t c = 0; for (uint8_t i=0; i<len+2; i++) { c ^= msp.buf[i+3]; } *b++ = c; hal.uartC->write(&msp.buf[0], len+6); } static void putU16(uint8_t *b, uint16_t v) { b[0] = v; b[1] = v >> 8; } static uint16_t getU16(const uint8_t *b) { return b[0] | (b[1]<<8); } static void putU32(uint8_t *b, uint32_t v) { b[0] = v; b[1] = v >> 8; b[2] = v >> 16; b[3] = v >> 24; } static void putU16_BE(uint8_t *b, uint16_t v) { b[0] = v >> 8; b[1] = v; } /* process a MSP command from GCS */ static void msp_process_command(void) { hal.console->printf("MSP cmd %u len=%u\n", msp.cmdMSP, msp.dataSize); switch (msp.cmdMSP) { case MSP_API_VERSION: { uint8_t buf[3] = { MSP_PROTOCOL_VERSION, API_VERSION_MAJOR, API_VERSION_MINOR }; msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_FC_VARIANT: msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, (const uint8_t *)ARDUPILOT_IDENTIFIER, FLIGHT_CONTROLLER_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH); break; case MSP_FC_VERSION: { uint8_t version[3] = { 3, 3, 0 }; msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, version, sizeof(version)); break; } case MSP_BOARD_INFO: { // send a generic 'ArduPilot ChibiOS' board type uint8_t buf[7] = { 'A', 'R', 'C', 'H', 0, 0, 0 }; msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_BUILD_INFO: { // build date, build time, git version uint8_t buf[26] { 0x4d, 0x61, 0x72, 0x20, 0x31, 0x36, 0x20, 0x32, 0x30, 0x31, 0x38, 0x30, 0x38, 0x3A, 0x34, 0x32, 0x3a, 0x32, 0x39, 0x62, 0x30, 0x66, 0x66, 0x39, 0x32, 0x38}; msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_REBOOT: hal.console->printf("MSP: rebooting\n"); hal.scheduler->reboot(false); break; case MSP_UID: // MCU identifer msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, (const uint8_t *)UDID_START, 12); break; case MSP_ADVANCED_CONFIG: { uint8_t buf[10]; buf[0] = 1; // gyro sync denom buf[1] = 4; // pid process denom buf[2] = 0; // use unsynced pwm buf[3] = (uint8_t)PWM_TYPE_DSHOT150; // motor PWM protocol putU16(&buf[4], 480); // motor PWM Rate putU16(&buf[6], 450); // idle offset value buf[8] = 0; // use 32kHz buf[9] = 0; // motor PWM inversion msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_FEATURE_CONFIG: { uint8_t buf[4]; putU32(buf, 0); // from MSPFeatures enum msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_STATUS: { uint8_t buf[21]; putU16(&buf[0], 2500); // loop time usec putU16(&buf[2], 0); // i2c error count putU16(&buf[4], 0x27); // available sensors putU32(&buf[6], 0); // flight modes buf[10] = 0; // pid profile index putU16(&buf[11], 5); // system load percent putU16(&buf[13], 0); // gyro cycle time buf[15] = 0; // flight mode flags length buf[16] = 18; // arming disable flags count putU32(&buf[17], 0); // arming disable flags msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_MOTOR_3D_CONFIG: { uint8_t buf[6]; putU16(&buf[0], 1406); // 3D deadband low putU16(&buf[2], 1514); // 3D deadband high putU16(&buf[4], 1460); // 3D neutral msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_MOTOR_CONFIG: { uint8_t buf[6]; putU16(&buf[0], 1070); // min throttle putU16(&buf[2], 2000); // max throttle putU16(&buf[4], 1000); // min command msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_MOTOR: { // get the output going to each motor uint8_t buf[16]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { putU16(&buf[2*i], hal.rcout->read(i)); } msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case MSP_SET_MOTOR: { // set the output to each motor uint8_t nmotors = msp.dataSize / 2; hal.console->printf("MSP_SET_MOTOR %u\n", nmotors); hal.rcout->cork(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < nmotors; i++) { uint16_t v = getU16(&msp.buf[i*2]); hal.console->printf("MSP_SET_MOTOR %u %u\n", i, v); hal.rcout->write(i, v); } hal.rcout->push(); break; } case MSP_SET_4WAY_IF: { if (msp.dataSize == 0) { msp.escMode = PROTOCOL_4WAY; } else if (msp.dataSize == 2) { msp.escMode = (enum escProtocol)msp.buf[0]; msp.portIndex = msp.buf[1]; } hal.console->printf("escMode=%u portIndex=%u\n", msp.escMode, msp.portIndex); uint8_t n = NUM_ESC_CHANNELS; switch (msp.escMode) { case PROTOCOL_4WAY: break; default: n = 0; hal.rcout->serial_end(); break; } msp_send_reply(msp.cmdMSP, &n, 1); break; } default: hal.console->printf("Unknown MSP command %u\n", msp.cmdMSP); break; } } /* send a blheli 4way protocol reply */ static void blheli_send_reply(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { uint8_t *b = &blheli.buf[0]; *b++ = cmd_Remote_Escape; *b++ = blheli.command; putU16_BE(b, blheli.address); b += 2; *b++ = len==256?0:len; memcpy(b, buf, len); b += len; *b++ = blheli.ack; putU16_BE(b, crc_xmodem(&blheli.buf[0], len+6)); hal.uartC->write(&blheli.buf[0], len+8); hal.console->printf("OutB(%u) 0x%02x ack=0x%02x\n", len+8, (unsigned)blheli.command, blheli.ack); } /* CRC used when talking to ESCs */ static uint16_t BL_CRC(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { uint16_t crc = 0; while (len--) { uint8_t xb = *buf++; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (((xb & 0x01) ^ (crc & 0x0001)) !=0 ) { crc = crc >> 1; crc = crc ^ 0xA001; } else { crc = crc >> 1; } xb = xb >> 1; } } return crc; } static bool isMcuConnected(void) { return blheli.deviceInfo[0] > 0; } static void setDisconnected(void) { blheli.deviceInfo[0] = 0; blheli.deviceInfo[1] = 0; } /* send a set of bytes to an RC output channel */ static bool BL_SendBuf(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { bool send_crc = isMcuConnected(); if (!hal.rcout->serial_setup_output(blheli.chan, 19200)) { blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } memcpy(blheli.buf, buf, len); uint16_t crc = BL_CRC(buf, len); blheli.buf[len] = crc; blheli.buf[len+1] = crc>>8; if (!hal.rcout->serial_write_bytes(blheli.buf, len+(send_crc?2:0))) { blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } return true; } static bool BL_ReadBuf(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { bool check_crc = isMcuConnected() && len > 0; uint16_t req_bytes = len+(check_crc?3:1); uint16_t n = hal.rcout->serial_read_bytes(blheli.buf, req_bytes); hal.console->printf("BL_ReadBuf %u -> %u\n", len, n); if (req_bytes != n) { hal.console->printf("short read\n"); blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } if (check_crc) { uint16_t crc = BL_CRC(blheli.buf, len); if ((crc & 0xff) != blheli.buf[len] || (crc >> 8) != blheli.buf[len+1]) { hal.console->printf("bad CRC\n"); blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } if (blheli.buf[len+2] != brSUCCESS) { hal.console->printf("bad ACK\n"); blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } } else { if (blheli.buf[len] != brSUCCESS) { hal.console->printf("bad ACK1\n"); blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } } if (len > 0) { memcpy(buf, blheli.buf, len); } return true; } static uint8_t BL_GetACK(uint16_t timeout_ms=2) { uint8_t ack; uint32_t start_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); while (AP_HAL::millis() - start_ms < timeout_ms) { if (hal.rcout->serial_read_bytes(&ack, 1) == 1) { return ack; } } // return brNONE, meaning no ACK received in the timeout return brNONE; } static bool BL_SendCMDSetAddress() { // skip if adr == 0xFFFF if (blheli.address == 0xFFFF) { return true; } hal.console->printf("BL_SendCMDSetAddress 0x%04x\n", blheli.address); uint8_t sCMD[] = {CMD_SET_ADDRESS, 0, uint8_t(blheli.address>>8), uint8_t(blheli.address)}; BL_SendBuf(sCMD, 4); return BL_GetACK() == brSUCCESS; } static bool BL_ReadA(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t n) { if (BL_SendCMDSetAddress()) { uint8_t sCMD[] = {cmd, uint8_t(n==256?0:n)}; if (!BL_SendBuf(sCMD, 2)) { return false; } return BL_ReadBuf(buf, n); } return false; } /* connect to a blheli ESC */ static bool BL_ConnectEx(void) { hal.console->printf("BL_ConnectEx start\n"); setDisconnected(); const uint8_t BootInit[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x0D,'B','L','H','e','l','i',0xF4,0x7D}; BL_SendBuf(BootInit, 21); uint8_t BootInfo[8]; if (!BL_ReadBuf(BootInfo, 8)) { return false; } // reply must start with 471 if (strncmp((const char *)BootInfo, "471", 3) != 0) { blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } // extract device information blheli.deviceInfo[2] = BootInfo[3]; blheli.deviceInfo[1] = BootInfo[4]; blheli.deviceInfo[0] = BootInfo[5]; blheli.interface_mode = 0; uint16_t *devword = (uint16_t *)blheli.deviceInfo; switch (*devword) { case 0x9307: case 0x930A: case 0x930F: case 0x940B: blheli.interface_mode = imATM_BLB; hal.console->printf("Interface type imATM_BLB\n"); break; case 0xF310: case 0xF330: case 0xF410: case 0xF390: case 0xF850: case 0xE8B1: case 0xE8B2: blheli.interface_mode = imSIL_BLB; hal.console->printf("Interface type imSIL_BLB\n"); break; case 0x1F06: case 0x3306: case 0x3406: case 0x3506: blheli.interface_mode = imARM_BLB; hal.console->printf("Interface type imARM_BLB\n"); break; default: blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; hal.console->printf("Unknown interface type 0x%04x\n", *devword); break; } blheli.deviceInfo[3] = blheli.interface_mode; return true; } static bool BL_SendCMDKeepAlive(void) { uint8_t sCMD[] = {CMD_KEEP_ALIVE, 0}; if (!BL_SendBuf(sCMD, 2)) { return false; } if (BL_GetACK() != brERRORCOMMAND) { return false; } return true; } static bool BL_PageErase(void) { if (BL_SendCMDSetAddress()) { uint8_t sCMD[] = {CMD_ERASE_FLASH, 0x01}; BL_SendBuf(sCMD, 2); return BL_GetACK(1000) == brSUCCESS; } return false; } static void BL_SendCMDRunRestartBootloader(void) { uint8_t sCMD[] = {RestartBootloader, 0}; blheli.deviceInfo[0] = 1; BL_SendBuf(sCMD, 2); } static uint8_t BL_SendCMDSetBuffer(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t nbytes) { uint8_t sCMD[] = {CMD_SET_BUFFER, 0, uint8_t(nbytes>>8), uint8_t(nbytes&0xff)}; if (!BL_SendBuf(sCMD, 4)) { return false; } uint8_t ack; if ((ack = BL_GetACK()) != brNONE) { hal.console->printf("BL_SendCMDSetBuffer ack failed 0x%02x\n", ack); blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } if (!BL_SendBuf(buf, nbytes)) { hal.console->printf("BL_SendCMDSetBuffer send failed\n"); blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } return (BL_GetACK(40) == brSUCCESS); } static bool BL_WriteA(uint8_t cmd, const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t nbytes, uint32_t timeout) { if (BL_SendCMDSetAddress()) { if (!BL_SendCMDSetBuffer(buf, nbytes)) { blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } uint8_t sCMD[] = {cmd, 0x01}; BL_SendBuf(sCMD, 2); return (BL_GetACK(timeout) == brSUCCESS); } blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; return false; } static uint8_t BL_WriteFlash(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t n) { return BL_WriteA(CMD_PROG_FLASH, buf, n, 250); } static bool BL_VerifyFlash(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t n) { if (BL_SendCMDSetAddress()) { if (!BL_SendCMDSetBuffer(buf, n)) { return false; } uint8_t sCMD[] = {CMD_VERIFY_FLASH_ARM, 0x01}; BL_SendBuf(sCMD, 2); uint8_t ack = BL_GetACK(40); switch (ack) { case brSUCCESS: blheli.ack = ACK_OK; break; case brERRORVERIFY: blheli.ack = ACK_I_VERIFY_ERROR; break; default: blheli.ack = ACK_D_GENERAL_ERROR; break; } return true; } return false; } /* process a blheli 4way command from GCS */ static void blheli_process_command(void) { hal.console->printf("BLHeli cmd 0x%02x len=%u\n", blheli.command, blheli.param_len); blheli.ack = ACK_OK; switch (blheli.command) { case cmd_InterfaceTestAlive: { hal.console->printf("cmd_InterfaceTestAlive\n"); BL_SendCMDKeepAlive(); if (blheli.ack != ACK_OK) { setDisconnected(); } uint8_t b = 0; blheli_send_reply(&b, 1); break; } case cmd_ProtocolGetVersion: { hal.console->printf("cmd_ProtocolGetVersion\n"); uint8_t buf[1]; buf[0] = SERIAL_4WAY_PROTOCOL_VER; blheli_send_reply(buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case cmd_InterfaceGetName: { hal.console->printf("cmd_InterfaceGetName\n"); uint8_t buf[5] = { 4, 'A', 'R', 'D', 'U' }; blheli_send_reply(buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case cmd_InterfaceGetVersion: { hal.console->printf("cmd_InterfaceGetVersion\n"); uint8_t buf[2] = { SERIAL_4WAY_VERSION_HI, SERIAL_4WAY_VERSION_LO }; blheli_send_reply(buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case cmd_InterfaceExit: { hal.console->printf("cmd_InterfaceExit\n"); msp.escMode = PROTOCOL_NONE; uint8_t b = 0; blheli_send_reply(&b, 1); hal.rcout->serial_end(); break; } case cmd_DeviceReset: { hal.console->printf("cmd_DeviceReset(%u)\n", unsigned(blheli.buf[0])); blheli.chan = blheli.buf[0]; switch (blheli.interface_mode) { case imSIL_BLB: case imATM_BLB: case imARM_BLB: BL_SendCMDRunRestartBootloader(); break; case imSK: break; } blheli_send_reply(&blheli.chan, 1); setDisconnected(); break; } case cmd_DeviceInitFlash: { hal.console->printf("cmd_DeviceInitFlash(%u)\n", unsigned(blheli.buf[0])); blheli.chan = blheli.buf[0]; for (uint8_t tries=0; tries<5; tries++) { blheli.ack = ACK_OK; setDisconnected(); if (BL_ConnectEx()) { break; } hal.scheduler->delay(5); } uint8_t buf[4] = {blheli.deviceInfo[0], blheli.deviceInfo[1], blheli.deviceInfo[2], blheli.deviceInfo[3]}; // device ID blheli_send_reply(buf, sizeof(buf)); break; } case cmd_InterfaceSetMode: { hal.console->printf("cmd_InterfaceSetMode(%u)\n", unsigned(blheli.buf[0])); blheli.interface_mode = blheli.buf[0]; blheli_send_reply(&blheli.interface_mode, 1); break; } case cmd_DeviceRead: { uint16_t nbytes = blheli.buf[0]?blheli.buf[0]:256; hal.console->printf("cmd_DeviceRead(%u) n=%u\n", blheli.chan, nbytes); uint8_t buf[nbytes]; if (!BL_ReadA(CMD_READ_FLASH_SIL, buf, nbytes)) { nbytes = 1; } blheli_send_reply(buf, nbytes); break; } case cmd_DevicePageErase: { uint8_t page = blheli.buf[0]; hal.console->printf("cmd_DevicePageErase(%u) im=%u\n", page, blheli.interface_mode); switch (blheli.interface_mode) { case imSIL_BLB: case imARM_BLB: { if (blheli.interface_mode == imARM_BLB) { // Address =Page * 1024 blheli.address = page << 10; } else { // Address =Page * 512 blheli.address = page << 9; } hal.console->printf("ARM PageErase 0x%04x\n", blheli.address); BL_PageErase(); blheli.address = 0; blheli_send_reply(&page, 1); break; } default: blheli.ack = ACK_I_INVALID_CMD; blheli_send_reply(&page, 1); break; } break; } case cmd_DeviceWrite: { uint16_t nbytes = blheli.param_len; hal.console->printf("cmd_DeviceWrite n=%u im=%u\n", nbytes, blheli.interface_mode); uint8_t buf[nbytes]; memcpy(buf, blheli.buf, nbytes); switch (blheli.interface_mode) { case imSIL_BLB: case imATM_BLB: case imARM_BLB: { BL_WriteFlash(buf, nbytes); break; } case imSK: { hal.console->printf("Unsupported flash mode imSK\n"); break; } } uint8_t b=0; blheli_send_reply(&b, 1); break; } case cmd_DeviceVerify: { uint16_t nbytes = blheli.param_len; hal.console->printf("cmd_DeviceWrite n=%u im=%u\n", nbytes, blheli.interface_mode); switch (blheli.interface_mode) { case imARM_BLB: { uint8_t buf[nbytes]; memcpy(buf, blheli.buf, nbytes); BL_VerifyFlash(buf, nbytes); break; } default: blheli.ack = ACK_I_INVALID_CMD; break; } uint8_t b=0; blheli_send_reply(&b, 1); break; } case cmd_DeviceEraseAll: case cmd_DeviceC2CK_LOW: case cmd_DeviceReadEEprom: case cmd_DeviceWriteEEprom: default: // ack=unknown command blheli.ack = ACK_I_INVALID_CMD; hal.console->printf("Unknown BLHeli protocol 0x%02x\n", blheli.command); uint8_t b = 0; blheli_send_reply(&b, 1); break; } } static void test_dshot_out(void) { hal.rcout->cork(); for (uint8_t i=0; i<6; i++) { hal.rcout->enable_ch(i); hal.rcout->write(i, 1100+i*100); } hal.rcout->push(); } static void MSP_protocol_update(void) { uint32_t n = hal.uartC->available(); if (n > 0) { for (uint32_t i=0; i<n; i++) { int16_t b = hal.uartC->read(); if (b < 0) { break; } if (msp.escMode == PROTOCOL_4WAY && blheli.state == BLHELI_IDLE && b == '$') { hal.console->printf("Change to MSP mode\n"); msp.escMode = PROTOCOL_NONE; hal.rcout->serial_end(); } if (msp.escMode != PROTOCOL_4WAY && msp.state == MSP_IDLE && b == '/') { hal.console->printf("Change to BLHeli mode\n"); msp.escMode = PROTOCOL_4WAY; } if (msp.escMode == PROTOCOL_4WAY) { blheli_4way_process_byte(b); } else { msp_process_byte(b); } } } if (msp.escMode == PROTOCOL_4WAY) { if (blheli.state == BLHELI_COMMAND_RECEIVED) { blheli_process_command(); blheli.state = BLHELI_IDLE; msp.state = MSP_IDLE; } } else if (msp.state == MSP_COMMAND_RECEIVED) { if (msp.packetType == MSP_PACKET_COMMAND) { msp_process_command(); } msp.state = MSP_IDLE; blheli.state = BLHELI_IDLE; } static uint32_t last_tick_ms; uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now - last_tick_ms > 1000) { hal.console->printf("tick\n"); last_tick_ms = now; while (hal.console->available() > 0) { hal.console->read(); } #if 0 BL_ConnectEx(); hal.scheduler->delay(5); blheli.chan = 0; blheli.address = 0x7c00; BL_ReadA(CMD_READ_FLASH_SIL, blheli.buf, 256); #endif } } static void test_output_modes(void) { static uint8_t mode; hal.console->printf("Test mode %u\n", mode); switch (mode) { case 0: // test normal hal.rcout->set_output_mode(0xF, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_NORMAL); hal.rcout->set_freq(0xF, 250); break; case 1: // test oneshot hal.rcout->set_output_mode(0xF, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_ONESHOT); hal.rcout->set_freq(0xF, 400); break; case 2: // test brushed hal.rcout->set_output_mode(0xF, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_BRUSHED); hal.rcout->set_freq(0xF, 16000); break; case 3: // test dshot150 hal.rcout->set_output_mode(0xF, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_DSHOT150); break; case 4: // test dshot300 hal.rcout->set_output_mode(0xF, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_DSHOT300); break; case 5: // test dshot600 hal.rcout->set_output_mode(0xF, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_DSHOT600); break; case 6: // test dshot1200 hal.rcout->set_output_mode(0xF, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_DSHOT1200); break; case 7: // test serial hal.rcout->serial_setup_output(0, 19200); hal.scheduler->delay(10); hal.rcout->serial_write_bytes((const uint8_t *)"Hello World", 12); hal.scheduler->delay(10); hal.rcout->serial_end(); hal.scheduler->delay(10); break; case 8: hal.rcout->set_output_mode(0xF, AP_HAL::RCOutput::MODE_PWM_NONE); break; default: break; } hal.rcout->cork(); hal.rcout->enable_ch(0); hal.rcout->enable_ch(4); hal.rcout->enable_ch(5); hal.rcout->write(0, 1100 + mode*100); hal.rcout->write(4, 1000 + mode*100); hal.rcout->write(5, 1000 + mode*100); hal.rcout->push(); mode = (mode+1) % 9; } void setup(void) { hal.console->begin(115200); hal.scheduler->delay(1000); hal.console->printf("Starting\n"); hal.uartC->begin(115200, 256, 256); hal.rcout->init(); hal.rcout->set_esc_scaling(1000, 2000); hal.rcout->cork(); for (uint8_t i=0; i<NUM_ESC_CHANNELS; i++) { hal.rcout->enable_ch(i); hal.rcout->write(i, 1000); } hal.rcout->push(); } void loop(void) { hal.scheduler->delay(200); //test_dshot_out(); //MSP_protocol_update(); test_output_modes(); // allow for firmware upload without power cycling for rapid // development if (hal.console->available() > 10) { hal.console->printf("rebooting\n"); hal.scheduler->delay(1000); hal.scheduler->reboot(false); } } AP_HAL_MAIN();