/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- #define THISFIRMWARE "ArduCopter V3.0.0-rc2" /* * ArduCopter Version 3.0 * Creator: Jason Short * Lead Developer: Randy Mackay * Based on code and ideas from the Arducopter team: Pat Hickey, Jose Julio, Jani Hirvinen, Andrew Tridgell, Justin Beech, Adam Rivera, Jean-Louis Naudin, Roberto Navoni * Thanks to: Chris Anderson, Mike Smith, Jordi Munoz, Doug Weibel, James Goppert, Benjamin Pelletier, Robert Lefebvre, Marco Robustini * * This firmware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Special Thanks for Contributors (in alphabetical order by first name): * * Adam M Rivera :Auto Compass Declination * Amilcar Lucas :Camera mount library * Andrew Tridgell :General development, Mavlink Support * Angel Fernandez :Alpha testing * Doug Weibel :Libraries * Christof Schmid :Alpha testing * Dani Saez :V Octo Support * Gregory Fletcher :Camera mount orientation math * Guntars :Arming safety suggestion * HappyKillmore :Mavlink GCS * Hein Hollander :Octo Support * Igor van Airde :Control Law optimization * Leonard Hall :Flight Dynamics, Throttle, Loiter and Navigation Controllers * Jonathan Challinger :Inertial Navigation * Jean-Louis Naudin :Auto Landing * Max Levine :Tri Support, Graphics * Jack Dunkle :Alpha testing * James Goppert :Mavlink Support * Jani Hiriven :Testing feedback * John Arne Birkeland :PPM Encoder * Jose Julio :Stabilization Control laws * Marco Robustini :Lead tester * Michael Oborne :Mission Planner GCS * Mike Smith :Libraries, Coding support * Oliver :Piezo support * Olivier Adler :PPM Encoder * Robert Lefebvre :Heli Support & LEDs * Sandro Benigno :Camera support * * And much more so PLEASE PM me on DIYDRONES to add your contribution to the List * * Requires modified "mrelax" version of Arduino, which can be found here: * http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/downloads/list * */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Header includes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include // Common dependencies #include #include #include #include // AP_HAL #include #include #include #include #include #include // Application dependencies #include // MAVLink GCS definitions #include // ArduPilot GPS library #include // ArduPilot Mega Flash Memory Library #include // ArduPilot Mega Analog to Digital Converter Library #include #include #include // ArduPilot Mega Magnetometer Library #include // ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library #include // Curve used to linearlise throttle pwm to thrust #include // ArduPilot Mega Inertial Sensor (accel & gyro) Library #include #include // PI library #include // PID library #include // RC Channel Library #include // AP Motors library #include // Range finder library #include // Optical Flow library #include // Filter library #include // APM FIFO Buffer #include // APM relay #include // Photo or video camera #include // Camera/Antenna mount #include // needed for AHRS build #include // ArduPilot Mega inertial navigation library #include // ArduCopter waypoint navigation library #include // ArduPilot Mega Declination Helper Library #include // Arducopter Fence library #include // memory limit checker #include // software in the loop support #include // main loop scheduler // AP_HAL to Arduino compatibility layer #include "compat.h" // Configuration #include "defines.h" #include "config.h" #include "config_channels.h" // Local modules #include "Parameters.h" #include "GCS.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cliSerial //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cliSerial isn't strictly necessary - it is an alias for hal.console. It may // be deprecated in favor of hal.console in later releases. static AP_HAL::BetterStream* cliSerial; // N.B. we need to keep a static declaration which isn't guarded by macros // at the top to cooperate with the prototype mangler. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AP_HAL instance //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL_BOARD_DRIVER; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parameters //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Global parameters are all contained within the 'g' class. // static Parameters g; // main loop scheduler static AP_Scheduler scheduler; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // prototypes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void update_events(void); static void print_flight_mode(AP_HAL::BetterStream *port, uint8_t mode); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dataflash //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_APM2 static DataFlash_APM2 DataFlash; #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_APM1 static DataFlash_APM1 DataFlash; #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_AVR_SITL //static DataFlash_File DataFlash("/tmp/APMlogs"); static DataFlash_SITL DataFlash; #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_PX4 static DataFlash_File DataFlash("/fs/microsd/APM/logs"); #else static DataFlash_Empty DataFlash; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the rate we run the main loop at //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static const AP_InertialSensor::Sample_rate ins_sample_rate = AP_InertialSensor::RATE_200HZ; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sensors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // There are three basic options related to flight sensor selection. // // - Normal flight mode. Real sensors are used. // - HIL Attitude mode. Most sensors are disabled, as the HIL // protocol supplies attitude information directly. // - HIL Sensors mode. Synthetic sensors are configured that // supply data from the simulation. // // All GPS access should be through this pointer. static GPS *g_gps; // flight modes convenience array static AP_Int8 *flight_modes = &g.flight_mode1; #if HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_DISABLED #if CONFIG_ADC == ENABLED static AP_ADC_ADS7844 adc; #endif #if CONFIG_IMU_TYPE == CONFIG_IMU_MPU6000 static AP_InertialSensor_MPU6000 ins; #elif CONFIG_IMU_TYPE == CONFIG_IMU_OILPAN static AP_InertialSensor_Oilpan ins(&adc); #elif CONFIG_IMU_TYPE == CONFIG_IMU_SITL static AP_InertialSensor_Stub ins; #elif CONFIG_IMU_TYPE == CONFIG_IMU_PX4 static AP_InertialSensor_PX4 ins; #endif #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_AVR_SITL // When building for SITL we use the HIL barometer and compass drivers static AP_Baro_HIL barometer; static AP_Compass_HIL compass; static SITL sitl; #else // Otherwise, instantiate a real barometer and compass driver #if CONFIG_BARO == AP_BARO_BMP085 static AP_Baro_BMP085 barometer; #elif CONFIG_BARO == AP_BARO_PX4 static AP_Baro_PX4 barometer; #elif CONFIG_BARO == AP_BARO_MS5611 #if CONFIG_MS5611_SERIAL == AP_BARO_MS5611_SPI static AP_Baro_MS5611 barometer(&AP_Baro_MS5611::spi); #elif CONFIG_MS5611_SERIAL == AP_BARO_MS5611_I2C static AP_Baro_MS5611 barometer(&AP_Baro_MS5611::i2c); #else #error Unrecognized CONFIG_MS5611_SERIAL setting. #endif #endif #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_PX4 static AP_Compass_PX4 compass; #else static AP_Compass_HMC5843 compass; #endif #endif // real GPS selection #if GPS_PROTOCOL == GPS_PROTOCOL_AUTO AP_GPS_Auto g_gps_driver(&g_gps); #elif GPS_PROTOCOL == GPS_PROTOCOL_NMEA AP_GPS_NMEA g_gps_driver(); #elif GPS_PROTOCOL == GPS_PROTOCOL_SIRF AP_GPS_SIRF g_gps_driver(); #elif GPS_PROTOCOL == GPS_PROTOCOL_UBLOX AP_GPS_UBLOX g_gps_driver(); #elif GPS_PROTOCOL == GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK AP_GPS_MTK g_gps_driver(); #elif GPS_PROTOCOL == GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK19 AP_GPS_MTK19 g_gps_driver(); #elif GPS_PROTOCOL == GPS_PROTOCOL_NONE AP_GPS_None g_gps_driver(); #else #error Unrecognised GPS_PROTOCOL setting. #endif // GPS PROTOCOL #if DMP_ENABLED == ENABLED && CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_APM2 static AP_AHRS_MPU6000 ahrs(&ins, g_gps); // only works with APM2 #else static AP_AHRS_DCM ahrs(&ins, g_gps); #endif // ahrs2 object is the secondary ahrs to allow running DMP in parallel with DCM #if SECONDARY_DMP_ENABLED == ENABLED && CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_APM2 static AP_AHRS_MPU6000 ahrs2(&ins, g_gps); // only works with APM2 #endif #elif HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_SENSORS // sensor emulators static AP_ADC_HIL adc; static AP_Baro_HIL barometer; static AP_Compass_HIL compass; static AP_GPS_HIL g_gps_driver; static AP_InertialSensor_Stub ins; static AP_AHRS_DCM ahrs(&ins, g_gps); static int32_t gps_base_alt; #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_AVR_SITL // When building for SITL we use the HIL barometer and compass drivers static SITL sitl; #endif #elif HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE static AP_ADC_HIL adc; static AP_InertialSensor_Stub ins; static AP_AHRS_HIL ahrs(&ins, g_gps); static AP_GPS_HIL g_gps_driver; static AP_Compass_HIL compass; // never used static AP_Baro_HIL barometer; static int32_t gps_base_alt; #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_AVR_SITL // When building for SITL we use the HIL barometer and compass drivers static SITL sitl; #endif #else #error Unrecognised HIL_MODE setting. #endif // HIL MODE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Optical flow sensor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if OPTFLOW == ENABLED static AP_OpticalFlow_ADNS3080 optflow; #else static AP_OpticalFlow optflow; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GCS selection //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static GCS_MAVLINK gcs0; static GCS_MAVLINK gcs3; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SONAR selection //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ModeFilterInt16_Size3 sonar_mode_filter(1); #if CONFIG_SONAR == ENABLED static AP_HAL::AnalogSource *sonar_analog_source; static AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL *sonar; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef USERHOOK_VARIABLES #include USERHOOK_VARIABLES #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Radio values * Channel assignments * 1 Ailerons (rudder if no ailerons) * 2 Elevator * 3 Throttle * 4 Rudder (if we have ailerons) * 5 Mode - 3 position switch * 6 User assignable * 7 trainer switch - sets throttle nominal (toggle switch), sets accels to Level (hold > 1 second) * 8 TBD * Each Aux channel can be configured to have any of the available auxiliary functions assigned to it. * See libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel_aux.h for more information */ //Documentation of GLobals: static union { struct { uint8_t home_is_set : 1; // 0 uint8_t simple_mode : 1; // 1 // This is the state of simple mode uint8_t manual_attitude : 1; // 2 uint8_t manual_throttle : 1; // 3 uint8_t pre_arm_rc_check : 1; // 5 // true if rc input pre-arm checks have been completed successfully uint8_t pre_arm_check : 1; // 6 // true if all pre-arm checks (rc, accel calibration, gps lock) have been performed uint8_t auto_armed : 1; // 7 // stops auto missions from beginning until throttle is raised uint8_t logging_started : 1; // 8 // true if dataflash logging has started uint8_t low_battery : 1; // 9 // Used to track if the battery is low - LED output flashes when the batt is low uint8_t failsafe_radio : 1; // 10 // A status flag for the radio failsafe uint8_t failsafe_batt : 1; // 11 // A status flag for the battery failsafe uint8_t failsafe_gps : 1; // 12 // A status flag for the gps failsafe uint8_t failsafe_gcs : 1; // 13 // A status flag for the ground station failsafe uint8_t rc_override_active : 1; // 14 // true if rc control are overwritten by ground station uint8_t do_flip : 1; // 15 // Used to enable flip code uint8_t takeoff_complete : 1; // 16 uint8_t land_complete : 1; // 17 uint8_t compass_status : 1; // 18 uint8_t gps_status : 1; // 19 }; uint32_t value; } ap; static struct AP_System{ uint8_t GPS_light : 1; // 0 // Solid indicates we have full 3D lock and can navigate, flash = read uint8_t motor_light : 1; // 1 // Solid indicates Armed state uint8_t new_radio_frame : 1; // 2 // Set true if we have new PWM data to act on from the Radio uint8_t CH7_flag : 1; // 3 // true if ch7 aux switch is high uint8_t CH8_flag : 1; // 4 // true if ch8 aux switch is high uint8_t usb_connected : 1; // 5 // true if APM is powered from USB connection uint8_t yaw_stopped : 1; // 6 // Used to manage the Yaw hold capabilities } ap_system; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Radio //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the state of the flight control system // There are multiple states defined such as STABILIZE, ACRO, static int8_t control_mode = STABILIZE; // Used to maintain the state of the previous control switch position // This is set to -1 when we need to re-read the switch static uint8_t oldSwitchPosition; // receiver RSSI static uint8_t receiver_rssi; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Motor Output //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if FRAME_CONFIG == QUAD_FRAME #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsQuad #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == TRI_FRAME #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsTri #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == HEXA_FRAME #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsHexa #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == Y6_FRAME #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsY6 #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == OCTA_FRAME #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsOcta #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == OCTA_QUAD_FRAME #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsOctaQuad #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME #define MOTOR_CLASS AP_MotorsHeli #endif #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // helicopter constructor requires more arguments static MOTOR_CLASS motors(&g.rc_1, &g.rc_2, &g.rc_3, &g.rc_4, &g.rc_8, &g.heli_servo_1, &g.heli_servo_2, &g.heli_servo_3, &g.heli_servo_4); #elif FRAME_CONFIG == TRI_FRAME // tri constructor requires additional rc_7 argument to allow tail servo reversing static MOTOR_CLASS motors(&g.rc_1, &g.rc_2, &g.rc_3, &g.rc_4, &g.rc_7); #else static MOTOR_CLASS motors(&g.rc_1, &g.rc_2, &g.rc_3, &g.rc_4); #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PIDs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is a convienience accessor for the IMU roll rates. It's currently the raw IMU rates // and not the adjusted omega rates, but the name is stuck static Vector3f omega; // This is used to hold radio tuning values for in-flight CH6 tuning float tuning_value; // used to limit the rate that the pid controller output is logged so that it doesn't negatively affect performance static uint8_t pid_log_counter; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LED output //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is current status for the LED lights state machine // setting this value changes the output of the LEDs static uint8_t led_mode = NORMAL_LEDS; // Blinking indicates GPS status static uint8_t copter_leds_GPS_blink; // Blinking indicates battery status static uint8_t copter_leds_motor_blink; // Navigation confirmation blinks static int8_t copter_leds_nav_blink; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GPS variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is used to scale GPS values for EEPROM storage // 10^7 times Decimal GPS means 1 == 1cm // This approximation makes calculations integer and it's easy to read static const float t7 = 10000000.0; // We use atan2 and other trig techniques to calaculate angles // We need to scale the longitude up to make these calcs work // to account for decreasing distance between lines of longitude away from the equator static float scaleLongUp = 1; // Sometimes we need to remove the scaling for distance calcs static float scaleLongDown = 1; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Location & Navigation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the angle from the copter to the next waypoint in centi-degrees static int32_t wp_bearing; // The original bearing to the next waypoint. used to check if we've passed the waypoint static int32_t original_wp_bearing; // The location of home in relation to the copter in centi-degrees static int32_t home_bearing; // distance between plane and home in cm static int32_t home_distance; // distance between plane and next waypoint in cm. is not static because AP_Camera uses it uint32_t wp_distance; // navigation mode - options include NAV_NONE, NAV_LOITER, NAV_CIRCLE, NAV_WP static uint8_t nav_mode; // Register containing the index of the current navigation command in the mission script static int16_t command_nav_index; // Register containing the index of the previous navigation command in the mission script // Used to manage the execution of conditional commands static uint8_t prev_nav_index; // Register containing the index of the current conditional command in the mission script static uint8_t command_cond_index; // Used to track the required WP navigation information // options include // NAV_ALTITUDE - have we reached the desired altitude? // NAV_LOCATION - have we reached the desired location? // NAV_DELAY - have we waited at the waypoint the desired time? static float lon_error, lat_error; // Used to report how many cm we are from the next waypoint or loiter target position static int16_t control_roll; static int16_t control_pitch; static uint8_t rtl_state; // records state of rtl (initial climb, returning home, etc) static uint8_t land_state; // records state of land (flying to location, descending) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Orientation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convienience accessors for commonly used trig functions. These values are generated // by the DCM through a few simple equations. They are used throughout the code where cos and sin // would normally be used. // The cos values are defaulted to 1 to get a decent initial value for a level state static float cos_roll_x = 1.0; static float cos_pitch_x = 1.0; static float cos_yaw = 1.0; static float sin_yaw; static float sin_roll; static float sin_pitch; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SIMPLE Mode //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Used to track the orientation of the copter for Simple mode. This value is reset at each arming // or in SuperSimple mode when the copter leaves a 20m radius from home. static int32_t initial_simple_bearing; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rate contoller targets //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static uint8_t rate_targets_frame = EARTH_FRAME; // indicates whether rate targets provided in earth or body frame static int32_t roll_rate_target_ef; static int32_t pitch_rate_target_ef; static int32_t yaw_rate_target_ef; static int32_t roll_rate_target_bf; // body frame roll rate target static int32_t pitch_rate_target_bf; // body frame pitch rate target static int32_t yaw_rate_target_bf; // body frame yaw rate target //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Throttle variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int16_t throttle_accel_target_ef; // earth frame throttle acceleration target static bool throttle_accel_controller_active; // true when accel based throttle controller is active, false when higher level throttle controllers are providing throttle output directly static float throttle_avg; // g.throttle_cruise as a float static int16_t desired_climb_rate; // pilot desired climb rate - for logging purposes only static float target_alt_for_reporting; // target altitude in cm for reporting (logs and ground station) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACRO Mode //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Used to control Axis lock static int32_t roll_axis; static int32_t pitch_axis; // Filters #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME static LowPassFilterFloat rate_roll_filter; // Rate Roll filter static LowPassFilterFloat rate_pitch_filter; // Rate Pitch filter // LowPassFilterFloat rate_yaw_filter; // Rate Yaw filter #endif // HELI_FRAME //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Circle Mode / Loiter control //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Vector3f circle_center; // circle position expressed in cm from home location. x = lat, y = lon // angle from the circle center to the copter's desired location. Incremented at circle_rate / second static float circle_angle; // the total angle (in radians) travelled static float circle_angle_total; // deg : how many times to circle as specified by mission command static uint8_t circle_desired_rotations; // How long we should stay in Loiter Mode for mission scripting (time in seconds) static uint16_t loiter_time_max; // How long have we been loitering - The start time in millis static uint32_t loiter_time; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CH7 and CH8 save waypoint control //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This register tracks the current Mission Command index when writing // a mission using Ch7 or Ch8 aux switches in flight static int8_t aux_switch_wp_index; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Battery Sensors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Battery Voltage of battery, initialized above threshold for filter static float battery_voltage1 = LOW_VOLTAGE * 1.05f; // refers to the instant amp draw – based on an Attopilot Current sensor static float current_amps1; // refers to the total amps drawn – based on an Attopilot Current sensor static float current_total1; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Altitude //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The (throttle) controller desired altitude in cm static float controller_desired_alt; // The cm we are off in altitude from next_WP.alt – Positive value means we are below the WP static int32_t altitude_error; // The cm/s we are moving up or down based on filtered data - Positive = UP static int16_t climb_rate; // The altitude as reported by Sonar in cm – Values are 20 to 700 generally. static int16_t sonar_alt; static uint8_t sonar_alt_health; // true if we can trust the altitude from the sonar // The altitude as reported by Baro in cm – Values can be quite high static int32_t baro_alt; static int16_t saved_toy_throttle; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // flight modes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flight modes are combinations of Roll/Pitch, Yaw and Throttle control modes // Each Flight mode is a unique combination of these modes // // The current desired control scheme for Yaw static uint8_t yaw_mode; // The current desired control scheme for roll and pitch / navigation static uint8_t roll_pitch_mode; // The current desired control scheme for altitude hold static uint8_t throttle_mode; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // flight specific //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // An additional throttle added to keep the copter at the same altitude when banking static int16_t angle_boost; // counter to verify landings static uint16_t land_detector; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3D Location vectors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // home location is stored when we have a good GPS lock and arm the copter // Can be reset each the copter is re-armed static struct Location home; // Current location of the copter static struct Location current_loc; // Holds the current loaded command from the EEPROM for navigation static struct Location command_nav_queue; // Holds the current loaded command from the EEPROM for conditional scripts static struct Location command_cond_queue; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Navigation Roll/Pitch functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // all angles are deg * 100 : target yaw angle // The Commanded ROll from the autopilot. static int32_t nav_roll; // The Commanded pitch from the autopilot. negative Pitch means go forward. static int32_t nav_pitch; // The Commanded ROll from the autopilot based on optical flow sensor. static int32_t of_roll; // The Commanded pitch from the autopilot based on optical flow sensor. negative Pitch means go forward. static int32_t of_pitch; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Navigation Throttle control //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Commanded Throttle from the autopilot. static int16_t nav_throttle; // 0-1000 for throttle control // This is a simple counter to track the amount of throttle used during flight // This could be useful later in determining and debuging current usage and predicting battery life static uint32_t throttle_integrator; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Navigation Yaw control //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Commanded Yaw from the autopilot. static int32_t nav_yaw; static uint8_t yaw_timer; // Yaw will point at this location if yaw_mode is set to YAW_LOOK_AT_LOCATION static Vector3f yaw_look_at_WP; // bearing from current location to the yaw_look_at_WP static int32_t yaw_look_at_WP_bearing; // yaw used for YAW_LOOK_AT_HEADING yaw_mode static int32_t yaw_look_at_heading; // Deg/s we should turn static int16_t yaw_look_at_heading_slew; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Repeat Mission Scripting Command //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The type of repeating event - Toggle a servo channel, Toggle the APM1 relay, etc static uint8_t event_id; // Used to manage the timimng of repeating events static uint32_t event_timer; // How long to delay the next firing of event in millis static uint16_t event_delay; // how many times to fire : 0 = forever, 1 = do once, 2 = do twice static int16_t event_repeat; // per command value, such as PWM for servos static int16_t event_value; // the stored value used to undo commands - such as original PWM command static int16_t event_undo_value; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Delay Mission Scripting Command //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int32_t condition_value; // used in condition commands (eg delay, change alt, etc.) static uint32_t condition_start; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMU variables //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Integration time for the gyros (DCM algorithm) // Updated with the fast loop static float G_Dt = 0.02; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inertial Navigation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static AP_InertialNav inertial_nav(&ahrs, &ins, &barometer, &g_gps); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Waypoint navigation object // To-Do: move inertial nav up or other navigation variables down here //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static AC_WPNav wp_nav(&inertial_nav, &ahrs, &g.pi_loiter_lat, &g.pi_loiter_lon, &g.pid_loiter_rate_lat, &g.pid_loiter_rate_lon); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Performance monitoring //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The number of GPS fixes we have had static uint8_t gps_fix_count; static int16_t pmTest1; // System Timers // -------------- // Time in microseconds of main control loop static uint32_t fast_loopTimer; // Counters for branching from 10 hz control loop static uint8_t medium_loopCounter; // Counters for branching from 3 1/3hz control loop static uint8_t slow_loopCounter; // Counter of main loop executions. Used for performance monitoring and failsafe processing static uint16_t mainLoop_count; // Delta Time in milliseconds for navigation computations, updated with every good GPS read static float dTnav; // Counters for branching from 4 minute control loop used to save Compass offsets static int16_t superslow_loopCounter; // Loiter timer - Records how long we have been in loiter static uint32_t rtl_loiter_start_time; // disarms the copter while in Acro or Stabilize mode after 30 seconds of no flight static uint8_t auto_disarming_counter; // prevents duplicate GPS messages from entering system static uint32_t last_gps_time; // the time when the last HEARTBEAT message arrived from a GCS - used for triggering gcs failsafe static uint32_t last_heartbeat_ms; // Used to exit the roll and pitch auto trim function static uint8_t auto_trim_counter; // Reference to the relay object (APM1 -> PORTL 2) (APM2 -> PORTB 7) static AP_Relay relay; //Reference to the camera object (it uses the relay object inside it) #if CAMERA == ENABLED static AP_Camera camera(&relay); #endif // a pin for reading the receiver RSSI voltage. static AP_HAL::AnalogSource* rssi_analog_source; // Input sources for battery voltage, battery current, board vcc static AP_HAL::AnalogSource* batt_volt_analog_source; static AP_HAL::AnalogSource* batt_curr_analog_source; static AP_HAL::AnalogSource* board_vcc_analog_source; #if CLI_ENABLED == ENABLED static int8_t setup_show (uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv); #endif // Camera/Antenna mount tracking and stabilisation stuff // -------------------------------------- #if MOUNT == ENABLED // current_loc uses the baro/gps soloution for altitude rather than gps only. // mabe one could use current_loc for lat/lon too and eliminate g_gps alltogether? static AP_Mount camera_mount(¤t_loc, g_gps, &ahrs, 0); #endif #if MOUNT2 == ENABLED // current_loc uses the baro/gps soloution for altitude rather than gps only. // mabe one could use current_loc for lat/lon too and eliminate g_gps alltogether? static AP_Mount camera_mount2(¤t_loc, g_gps, &ahrs, 1); #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AC_Fence library to reduce fly-aways //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if AC_FENCE == ENABLED AC_Fence fence(&inertial_nav); #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function definitions to keep compiler from complaining about undeclared functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void get_throttle_althold(int32_t target_alt, int16_t min_climb_rate, int16_t max_climb_rate); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Top-level logic //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // setup the var_info table AP_Param param_loader(var_info, WP_START_BYTE); /* scheduler table - all regular tasks apart from the fast_loop() should be listed here, along with how often they should be called (in 10ms units) and the maximum time they are expected to take (in microseconds) */ static const AP_Scheduler::Task scheduler_tasks[] PROGMEM = { { update_GPS, 2, 900 }, { update_navigation, 10, 500 }, { medium_loop, 2, 700 }, { update_altitude, 10, 1000 }, { fifty_hz_loop, 2, 950 }, { run_nav_updates, 10, 800 }, { slow_loop, 10, 500 }, { gcs_check_input, 2, 700 }, { gcs_send_heartbeat, 100, 700 }, { gcs_data_stream_send, 2, 1500 }, { gcs_send_deferred, 2, 1200 }, { compass_accumulate, 2, 700 }, { barometer_accumulate, 2, 900 }, { super_slow_loop, 100, 1100 }, { perf_update, 1000, 500 } }; void setup() { // this needs to be the first call, as it fills memory with // sentinel values memcheck_init(); cliSerial = hal.console; // Load the default values of variables listed in var_info[]s AP_Param::setup_sketch_defaults(); #if CONFIG_SONAR == ENABLED #if CONFIG_SONAR_SOURCE == SONAR_SOURCE_ADC sonar_analog_source = new AP_ADC_AnalogSource( &adc, CONFIG_SONAR_SOURCE_ADC_CHANNEL, 0.25); #elif CONFIG_SONAR_SOURCE == SONAR_SOURCE_ANALOG_PIN sonar_analog_source = hal.analogin->channel( CONFIG_SONAR_SOURCE_ANALOG_PIN); #else #warning "Invalid CONFIG_SONAR_SOURCE" #endif sonar = new AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL(sonar_analog_source, &sonar_mode_filter); #endif rssi_analog_source = hal.analogin->channel(g.rssi_pin); batt_volt_analog_source = hal.analogin->channel(g.battery_volt_pin); batt_curr_analog_source = hal.analogin->channel(g.battery_curr_pin); board_vcc_analog_source = hal.analogin->channel(ANALOG_INPUT_BOARD_VCC); init_ardupilot(); // initialise the main loop scheduler scheduler.init(&scheduler_tasks[0], sizeof(scheduler_tasks)/sizeof(scheduler_tasks[0])); } /* if the compass is enabled then try to accumulate a reading */ static void compass_accumulate(void) { if (g.compass_enabled) { compass.accumulate(); } } /* try to accumulate a baro reading */ static void barometer_accumulate(void) { barometer.accumulate(); } // enable this to get console logging of scheduler performance #define SCHEDULER_DEBUG 0 static void perf_update(void) { if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PM) Log_Write_Performance(); if (scheduler.debug()) { cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("PERF: %u/%u %lu\n"), (unsigned)perf_info_get_num_long_running(), (unsigned)perf_info_get_num_loops(), (unsigned long)perf_info_get_max_time()); } perf_info_reset(); gps_fix_count = 0; pmTest1 = 0; } void loop() { uint32_t timer = micros(); // We want this to execute fast // ---------------------------- if (ins.num_samples_available() >= 2) { // check loop time perf_info_check_loop_time(timer - fast_loopTimer); G_Dt = (float)(timer - fast_loopTimer) / 1000000.f; // used by PI Loops fast_loopTimer = timer; // for mainloop failure monitoring mainLoop_count++; // Execute the fast loop // --------------------- fast_loop(); // tell the scheduler one tick has passed scheduler.tick(); } else { uint16_t dt = timer - fast_loopTimer; if (dt < 10000) { uint16_t time_to_next_loop = 10000 - dt; scheduler.run(time_to_next_loop); } } } // Main loop - 100hz static void fast_loop() { // IMU DCM Algorithm // -------------------- read_AHRS(); // reads all of the necessary trig functions for cameras, throttle, etc. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- update_trig(); // Acrobatic control if (ap.do_flip) { if(abs(g.rc_1.control_in) < 4000) { // calling roll_flip will override the desired roll rate and throttle output roll_flip(); }else{ // force an exit from the loop if we are not hands off sticks. ap.do_flip = false; Log_Write_Event(DATA_EXIT_FLIP); } } // run low level rate controllers that only require IMU data run_rate_controllers(); // write out the servo PWM values // ------------------------------ set_servos_4(); // Inertial Nav // -------------------- read_inertia(); // optical flow // -------------------- #if OPTFLOW == ENABLED if(g.optflow_enabled) { update_optical_flow(); } #endif // OPTFLOW == ENABLED // Read radio and 3-position switch on radio // ----------------------------------------- read_radio(); read_control_switch(); // custom code/exceptions for flight modes // --------------------------------------- update_yaw_mode(); update_roll_pitch_mode(); // update targets to rate controllers update_rate_contoller_targets(); // agmatthews - USERHOOKS #ifdef USERHOOK_FASTLOOP USERHOOK_FASTLOOP #endif } // stuff that happens at 50 hz // --------------------------- static void fifty_hz_loop() { // get altitude and climb rate from inertial lib read_inertial_altitude(); // Update the throttle ouput // ------------------------- update_throttle_mode(); #if TOY_EDF == ENABLED edf_toy(); #endif // check auto_armed status update_auto_armed(); #ifdef USERHOOK_50HZLOOP USERHOOK_50HZLOOP #endif #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_DISABLED && FRAME_CONFIG != HELI_FRAME // HIL for a copter needs very fast update of the servo values gcs_send_message(MSG_RADIO_OUT); #endif #if MOUNT == ENABLED // update camera mount's position camera_mount.update_mount_position(); #endif #if MOUNT2 == ENABLED // update camera mount's position camera_mount2.update_mount_position(); #endif #if CAMERA == ENABLED camera.trigger_pic_cleanup(); #endif # if HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_DISABLED if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST && motors.armed()) { Log_Write_Attitude(); #if SECONDARY_DMP_ENABLED == ENABLED Log_Write_DMP(); #endif } if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_IMU && motors.armed()) DataFlash.Log_Write_IMU(&ins); #endif } // medium_loop - runs at 10hz static void medium_loop() { // This is the start of the medium (10 Hz) loop pieces // ----------------------------------------- switch(medium_loopCounter) { // This case deals with the GPS and Compass //----------------------------------------- case 0: medium_loopCounter++; // read battery before compass because it may be used for motor interference compensation if (g.battery_monitoring != 0) { read_battery(); } #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE // don't execute in HIL mode if(g.compass_enabled) { if (compass.read()) { compass.null_offsets(); } } #endif // auto_trim - stores roll and pitch radio inputs to ahrs auto_trim(); // record throttle output // ------------------------------ throttle_integrator += g.rc_3.servo_out; break; // This case performs some navigation computations //------------------------------------------------ case 1: medium_loopCounter++; read_receiver_rssi(); break; // command processing //------------------- case 2: medium_loopCounter++; // log compass information if (motors.armed() && (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_COMPASS)) { Log_Write_Compass(); } if(control_mode == TOY_A) { update_toy_throttle(); if(throttle_mode == THROTTLE_AUTO) { update_toy_altitude(); } } break; // This case deals with sending high rate telemetry //------------------------------------------------- case 3: medium_loopCounter++; if(motors.armed()) { if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_MED) { Log_Write_Attitude(); #if SECONDARY_DMP_ENABLED == ENABLED Log_Write_DMP(); #endif } if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_MOTORS) Log_Write_Motors(); } break; // This case controls the slow loop //--------------------------------- case 4: medium_loopCounter = 0; // check ch7 and ch8 aux switches read_aux_switches(); // Check for engine arming // ----------------------- arm_motors(); // agmatthews - USERHOOKS #ifdef USERHOOK_MEDIUMLOOP USERHOOK_MEDIUMLOOP #endif #if COPTER_LEDS == ENABLED update_copter_leds(); #endif break; default: // this is just a catch all // ------------------------ medium_loopCounter = 0; break; } } // slow_loop - 3.3hz loop static void slow_loop() { // This is the slow (3 1/3 Hz) loop pieces //---------------------------------------- switch (slow_loopCounter) { case 0: slow_loopCounter++; superslow_loopCounter++; // check if we've lost contact with the ground station failsafe_gcs_check(); // record if the compass is healthy set_compass_healthy(compass.healthy); if(superslow_loopCounter > 1200) { #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE if(g.rc_3.control_in == 0 && control_mode == STABILIZE && g.compass_enabled) { compass.save_offsets(); superslow_loopCounter = 0; } #endif } if(!motors.armed()) { // check the user hasn't updated the frame orientation motors.set_frame_orientation(g.frame_orientation); } #if AC_FENCE == ENABLED // check if we have breached a fence fence_check(); #endif // AC_FENCE_ENABLED break; case 1: slow_loopCounter++; #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_PX4 update_aux_servo_function(&g.rc_5, &g.rc_6, &g.rc_7, &g.rc_8, &g.rc_9, &g.rc_10, &g.rc_11, &g.rc_12); #elif MOUNT == ENABLED update_aux_servo_function(&g.rc_5, &g.rc_6, &g.rc_7, &g.rc_8, &g.rc_10, &g.rc_11); #endif enable_aux_servos(); #if MOUNT == ENABLED camera_mount.update_mount_type(); #endif #if MOUNT2 == ENABLED camera_mount2.update_mount_type(); #endif // agmatthews - USERHOOKS #ifdef USERHOOK_SLOWLOOP USERHOOK_SLOWLOOP #endif break; case 2: slow_loopCounter = 0; update_events(); // blink if we are armed update_lights(); if(g.radio_tuning > 0) tuning(); #if USB_MUX_PIN > 0 check_usb_mux(); #endif break; default: slow_loopCounter = 0; break; } } #define AUTO_DISARMING_DELAY 25 // super_slow_loop - runs at 1Hz static void super_slow_loop() { if (g.log_bitmask != 0) { Log_Write_Data(DATA_AP_STATE, ap.value); } // log battery info to the dataflash if ((g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_CURRENT) && motors.armed()) Log_Write_Current(); // perform pre-arm checks pre_arm_checks(); // this function disarms the copter if it has been sitting on the ground for any moment of time greater than 25 seconds // but only of the control mode is manual if((control_mode <= ACRO) && (g.rc_3.control_in == 0) && motors.armed()) { auto_disarming_counter++; if(auto_disarming_counter == AUTO_DISARMING_DELAY) { init_disarm_motors(); }else if (auto_disarming_counter > AUTO_DISARMING_DELAY) { auto_disarming_counter = AUTO_DISARMING_DELAY + 1; } }else{ auto_disarming_counter = 0; } // agmatthews - USERHOOKS #ifdef USERHOOK_SUPERSLOWLOOP USERHOOK_SUPERSLOWLOOP #endif } // called at 100hz but data from sensor only arrives at 20 Hz #if OPTFLOW == ENABLED static void update_optical_flow(void) { static uint32_t last_of_update = 0; static uint8_t of_log_counter = 0; // if new data has arrived, process it if( optflow.last_update != last_of_update ) { last_of_update = optflow.last_update; optflow.update_position(ahrs.roll, ahrs.pitch, sin_yaw, cos_yaw, current_loc.alt); // updates internal lon and lat with estimation based on optical flow // write to log at 5hz of_log_counter++; if( of_log_counter >= 4 ) { of_log_counter = 0; if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_OPTFLOW) { Log_Write_Optflow(); } } } } #endif // OPTFLOW == ENABLED // called at 50hz static void update_GPS(void) { // A counter that is used to grab at least 10 reads before commiting the Home location static uint8_t ground_start_count = 10; g_gps->update(); update_GPS_light(); set_gps_healthy(g_gps->status() >= GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D); if (g_gps->new_data && last_gps_time != g_gps->time && g_gps->status() >= GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) { // clear new data flag g_gps->new_data = false; // save GPS time so we don't get duplicate reads last_gps_time = g_gps->time; // log location if we have at least a 2D fix if (g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_GPS && motors.armed()) { DataFlash.Log_Write_GPS(g_gps, current_loc.alt); } // for performance monitoring gps_fix_count++; // check if we can initialise home yet if (!ap.home_is_set) { // if we have a 3d lock and valid location if(g_gps->status() >= GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D && g_gps->latitude != 0) { if( ground_start_count > 0 ) { ground_start_count--; }else{ // after 10 successful reads store home location // ap.home_is_set will be true so this will only happen once ground_start_count = 0; init_home(); if (g.compass_enabled) { // Set compass declination automatically compass.set_initial_location(g_gps->latitude, g_gps->longitude); } } }else{ // start again if we lose 3d lock ground_start_count = 10; } } } // check for loss of gps failsafe_gps_check(); } // set_yaw_mode - update yaw mode and initialise any variables required bool set_yaw_mode(uint8_t new_yaw_mode) { // boolean to ensure proper initialisation of throttle modes bool yaw_initialised = false; // return immediately if no change if( new_yaw_mode == yaw_mode ) { return true; } switch( new_yaw_mode ) { case YAW_HOLD: case YAW_ACRO: yaw_initialised = true; break; case YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP: if( ap.home_is_set ) { yaw_initialised = true; } break; case YAW_LOOK_AT_LOCATION: if( ap.home_is_set ) { // update bearing - assumes yaw_look_at_WP has been intialised before set_yaw_mode was called yaw_look_at_WP_bearing = pv_get_bearing_cd(inertial_nav.get_position(), yaw_look_at_WP); yaw_initialised = true; } break; case YAW_CIRCLE: if( ap.home_is_set ) { // set yaw to point to center of circle yaw_look_at_WP = circle_center; // initialise bearing to current heading yaw_look_at_WP_bearing = ahrs.yaw_sensor; yaw_initialised = true; } break; case YAW_LOOK_AT_HEADING: yaw_initialised = true; break; case YAW_LOOK_AT_HOME: if( ap.home_is_set ) { yaw_initialised = true; } break; case YAW_TOY: yaw_initialised = true; break; case YAW_LOOK_AHEAD: if( ap.home_is_set ) { yaw_initialised = true; } break; } // if initialisation has been successful update the yaw mode if( yaw_initialised ) { yaw_mode = new_yaw_mode; } // return success or failure return yaw_initialised; } // update_yaw_mode - run high level yaw controllers // 100hz update rate void update_yaw_mode(void) { switch(yaw_mode) { case YAW_HOLD: // heading hold at heading held in nav_yaw but allow input from pilot get_yaw_rate_stabilized_ef(g.rc_4.control_in); break; case YAW_ACRO: // pilot controlled yaw using rate controller if(g.axis_enabled) { get_yaw_rate_stabilized_ef(g.rc_4.control_in); }else{ get_acro_yaw(g.rc_4.control_in); } break; case YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP: // point towards next waypoint (no pilot input accepted) // we don't use wp_bearing because we don't want the copter to turn too much during flight nav_yaw = get_yaw_slew(nav_yaw, original_wp_bearing, AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE); get_stabilize_yaw(nav_yaw); // if there is any pilot input, switch to YAW_HOLD mode for the next iteration if( g.rc_4.control_in != 0 ) { set_yaw_mode(YAW_HOLD); } break; case YAW_LOOK_AT_LOCATION: // point towards a location held in yaw_look_at_WP get_look_at_yaw(); // if there is any pilot input, switch to YAW_HOLD mode for the next iteration if( g.rc_4.control_in != 0 ) { set_yaw_mode(YAW_HOLD); } break; case YAW_CIRCLE: // points toward the center of the circle or does a panorama get_circle_yaw(); // if there is any pilot input, switch to YAW_HOLD mode for the next iteration if( g.rc_4.control_in != 0 ) { set_yaw_mode(YAW_HOLD); } break; case YAW_LOOK_AT_HOME: // keep heading always pointing at home with no pilot input allowed nav_yaw = get_yaw_slew(nav_yaw, home_bearing, AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE); get_stabilize_yaw(nav_yaw); // if there is any pilot input, switch to YAW_HOLD mode for the next iteration if( g.rc_4.control_in != 0 ) { set_yaw_mode(YAW_HOLD); } break; case YAW_LOOK_AT_HEADING: // keep heading pointing in the direction held in yaw_look_at_heading with no pilot input allowed nav_yaw = get_yaw_slew(nav_yaw, yaw_look_at_heading, yaw_look_at_heading_slew); get_stabilize_yaw(nav_yaw); break; case YAW_LOOK_AHEAD: // Commanded Yaw to automatically look ahead. get_look_ahead_yaw(g.rc_4.control_in); break; #if TOY_LOOKUP == TOY_EXTERNAL_MIXER case YAW_TOY: // update to allow external roll/yaw mixing // keep heading always pointing at home with no pilot input allowed nav_yaw = get_yaw_slew(nav_yaw, home_bearing, AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE); get_stabilize_yaw(nav_yaw); break; #endif } } // get yaw mode based on WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR parameter // set rtl parameter to true if this is during an RTL uint8_t get_wp_yaw_mode(bool rtl) { switch (g.wp_yaw_behavior) { case WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP: return YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP; break; case WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP_EXCEPT_RTL: if( rtl ) { return YAW_HOLD; }else{ return YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP; } break; case WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR_LOOK_AHEAD: return YAW_LOOK_AHEAD; break; default: return YAW_HOLD; break; } } // set_roll_pitch_mode - update roll/pitch mode and initialise any variables as required bool set_roll_pitch_mode(uint8_t new_roll_pitch_mode) { // boolean to ensure proper initialisation of throttle modes bool roll_pitch_initialised = false; // return immediately if no change if( new_roll_pitch_mode == roll_pitch_mode ) { return true; } switch( new_roll_pitch_mode ) { case ROLL_PITCH_STABLE: case ROLL_PITCH_ACRO: case ROLL_PITCH_AUTO: case ROLL_PITCH_STABLE_OF: case ROLL_PITCH_TOY: roll_pitch_initialised = true; break; case ROLL_PITCH_LOITER: // require gps lock if( ap.home_is_set ) { roll_pitch_initialised = true; } break; } // if initialisation has been successful update the yaw mode if( roll_pitch_initialised ) { roll_pitch_mode = new_roll_pitch_mode; } // return success or failure return roll_pitch_initialised; } // update_roll_pitch_mode - run high level roll and pitch controllers // 100hz update rate void update_roll_pitch_mode(void) { switch(roll_pitch_mode) { case ROLL_PITCH_ACRO: // copy user input for reporting purposes control_roll = g.rc_1.control_in; control_pitch = g.rc_2.control_in; #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME if(g.axis_enabled) { get_roll_rate_stabilized_ef(g.rc_1.control_in); get_pitch_rate_stabilized_ef(g.rc_2.control_in); }else{ // ACRO does not get SIMPLE mode ability if (motors.flybar_mode == 1) { g.rc_1.servo_out = g.rc_1.control_in; g.rc_2.servo_out = g.rc_2.control_in; } else { get_acro_roll(g.rc_1.control_in); get_acro_pitch(g.rc_2.control_in); } } #else // !HELI_FRAME if(g.axis_enabled) { get_roll_rate_stabilized_ef(g.rc_1.control_in); get_pitch_rate_stabilized_ef(g.rc_2.control_in); }else{ // ACRO does not get SIMPLE mode ability get_acro_roll(g.rc_1.control_in); get_acro_pitch(g.rc_2.control_in); } #endif // HELI_FRAME break; case ROLL_PITCH_STABLE: // apply SIMPLE mode transform if(ap.simple_mode && ap_system.new_radio_frame) { update_simple_mode(); } control_roll = g.rc_1.control_in; control_pitch = g.rc_2.control_in; get_stabilize_roll(control_roll); get_stabilize_pitch(control_pitch); break; case ROLL_PITCH_AUTO: // copy latest output from nav controller to stabilize controller nav_roll = wp_nav.get_desired_roll(); nav_pitch = wp_nav.get_desired_pitch(); get_stabilize_roll(nav_roll); get_stabilize_pitch(nav_pitch); // copy control_roll and pitch for reporting purposes control_roll = nav_roll; control_pitch = nav_pitch; break; case ROLL_PITCH_STABLE_OF: // apply SIMPLE mode transform if(ap.simple_mode && ap_system.new_radio_frame) { update_simple_mode(); } control_roll = g.rc_1.control_in; control_pitch = g.rc_2.control_in; // mix in user control with optical flow get_stabilize_roll(get_of_roll(control_roll)); get_stabilize_pitch(get_of_pitch(control_pitch)); break; // THOR // a call out to the main toy logic case ROLL_PITCH_TOY: roll_pitch_toy(); break; case ROLL_PITCH_LOITER: // apply SIMPLE mode transform if(ap.simple_mode && ap_system.new_radio_frame) { update_simple_mode(); } // copy user input for logging purposes control_roll = g.rc_1.control_in; control_pitch = g.rc_2.control_in; // update loiter target from user controls - max velocity is 5.0 m/s wp_nav.move_loiter_target(control_roll, control_pitch,0.01f); // copy latest output from nav controller to stabilize controller nav_roll = wp_nav.get_desired_roll(); nav_pitch = wp_nav.get_desired_pitch(); get_stabilize_roll(nav_roll); get_stabilize_pitch(nav_pitch); break; } #if FRAME_CONFIG != HELI_FRAME if(g.rc_3.control_in == 0 && control_mode <= ACRO) { reset_rate_I(); reset_stability_I(); } #endif //HELI_FRAME if(ap_system.new_radio_frame) { // clear new radio frame info ap_system.new_radio_frame = false; } } // new radio frame is used to make sure we only call this at 50hz void update_simple_mode(void) { static uint8_t simple_counter = 0; // State machine counter for Simple Mode static float simple_sin_y=0, simple_cos_x=0; // used to manage state machine // which improves speed of function simple_counter++; int16_t delta = wrap_360_cd(ahrs.yaw_sensor - initial_simple_bearing)/100; if (simple_counter == 1) { // roll simple_cos_x = sinf(radians(90 - delta)); }else if (simple_counter > 2) { // pitch simple_sin_y = cosf(radians(90 - delta)); simple_counter = 0; } // Rotate input by the initial bearing int16_t _roll = g.rc_1.control_in * simple_cos_x + g.rc_2.control_in * simple_sin_y; int16_t _pitch = -(g.rc_1.control_in * simple_sin_y - g.rc_2.control_in * simple_cos_x); g.rc_1.control_in = _roll; g.rc_2.control_in = _pitch; } // update_super_simple_bearing - adjusts simple bearing based on location // should be called after home_bearing has been updated void update_super_simple_bearing() { // are we in SIMPLE mode? if(ap.simple_mode && g.super_simple) { // get distance to home if(home_distance > SUPER_SIMPLE_RADIUS) { // 10m from home // we reset the angular offset to be a vector from home to the quad initial_simple_bearing = wrap_360_cd(home_bearing+18000); } } } // set_throttle_mode - sets the throttle mode and initialises any variables as required bool set_throttle_mode( uint8_t new_throttle_mode ) { // boolean to ensure proper initialisation of throttle modes bool throttle_initialised = false; // return immediately if no change if( new_throttle_mode == throttle_mode ) { return true; } // initialise any variables required for the new throttle mode switch(new_throttle_mode) { case THROTTLE_MANUAL: case THROTTLE_MANUAL_TILT_COMPENSATED: throttle_accel_deactivate(); // this controller does not use accel based throttle controller altitude_error = 0; // clear altitude error reported to GCS throttle_initialised = true; break; case THROTTLE_HOLD: case THROTTLE_AUTO: controller_desired_alt = get_initial_alt_hold(current_loc.alt, climb_rate); // reset controller desired altitude to current altitude wp_nav.set_desired_alt(controller_desired_alt); // same as above but for loiter controller if ( throttle_mode <= THROTTLE_MANUAL_TILT_COMPENSATED ) { // reset the alt hold I terms if previous throttle mode was manual reset_throttle_I(); set_accel_throttle_I_from_pilot_throttle(get_pilot_desired_throttle(g.rc_3.control_in)); } throttle_initialised = true; break; case THROTTLE_LAND: set_land_complete(false); // mark landing as incomplete land_detector = 0; // A counter that goes up if our climb rate stalls out. controller_desired_alt = get_initial_alt_hold(current_loc.alt, climb_rate); // reset controller desired altitude to current altitude throttle_initialised = true; break; default: // To-Do: log an error message to the dataflash or tlogs instead of printing to the serial port cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("Unsupported throttle mode: %d!!"),new_throttle_mode); break; } // update the throttle mode if( throttle_initialised ) { throttle_mode = new_throttle_mode; // reset some variables used for logging desired_climb_rate = 0; nav_throttle = 0; } // return success or failure return throttle_initialised; } // update_throttle_mode - run high level throttle controllers // 50 hz update rate void update_throttle_mode(void) { int16_t pilot_climb_rate; int16_t pilot_throttle_scaled; if(ap.do_flip) // this is pretty bad but needed to flip in AP modes. return; // do not run throttle controllers if motors disarmed if( !motors.armed() ) { set_throttle_out(0, false); throttle_accel_deactivate(); // do not allow the accel based throttle to override our command set_target_alt_for_reporting(0); return; } #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME if (control_mode == STABILIZE){ motors.stab_throttle = true; } else { motors.stab_throttle = false; } #endif // HELI_FRAME switch(throttle_mode) { case THROTTLE_MANUAL: // completely manual throttle if(g.rc_3.control_in <= 0){ set_throttle_out(0, false); }else{ // send pilot's output directly to motors pilot_throttle_scaled = get_pilot_desired_throttle(g.rc_3.control_in); set_throttle_out(pilot_throttle_scaled, false); // update estimate of throttle cruise #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME update_throttle_cruise(motors.coll_out); #else update_throttle_cruise(pilot_throttle_scaled); #endif //HELI_FRAME // check if we've taken off yet if (!ap.takeoff_complete && motors.armed()) { if (pilot_throttle_scaled > g.throttle_cruise) { // we must be in the air by now set_takeoff_complete(true); } } } set_target_alt_for_reporting(0); break; case THROTTLE_MANUAL_TILT_COMPENSATED: // manual throttle but with angle boost if (g.rc_3.control_in <= 0) { set_throttle_out(0, false); // no need for angle boost with zero throttle }else{ pilot_throttle_scaled = get_pilot_desired_throttle(g.rc_3.control_in); set_throttle_out(pilot_throttle_scaled, true); // update estimate of throttle cruise #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME update_throttle_cruise(motors.coll_out); #else update_throttle_cruise(pilot_throttle_scaled); #endif //HELI_FRAME if (!ap.takeoff_complete && motors.armed()) { if (pilot_throttle_scaled > g.throttle_cruise) { // we must be in the air by now set_takeoff_complete(true); } } } set_target_alt_for_reporting(0); break; case THROTTLE_HOLD: // alt hold plus pilot input of climb rate pilot_climb_rate = get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(g.rc_3.control_in); if( sonar_alt_health >= SONAR_ALT_HEALTH_MAX ) { // if sonar is ok, use surface tracking get_throttle_surface_tracking(pilot_climb_rate); // this function calls set_target_alt_for_reporting for us }else{ // if no sonar fall back stabilize rate controller get_throttle_rate_stabilized(pilot_climb_rate); // this function calls set_target_alt_for_reporting for us } break; case THROTTLE_AUTO: // auto pilot altitude controller with target altitude held in wp_nav.get_desired_alt() if(ap.auto_armed) { get_throttle_althold_with_slew(wp_nav.get_desired_alt(), -wp_nav.get_descent_velocity(), wp_nav.get_climb_velocity()); set_target_alt_for_reporting(wp_nav.get_desired_alt()); // To-Do: return get_destination_alt if we are flying to a waypoint } // To-Do: explicitly set what the throttle output should be (probably min throttle). Without setting it the throttle is simply left in it's last position although that is probably zero throttle anyway break; case THROTTLE_LAND: // landing throttle controller get_throttle_land(); set_target_alt_for_reporting(0); break; } } // set_target_alt_for_reporting - set target altitude in cm for reporting purposes (logs and gcs) static void set_target_alt_for_reporting(float alt_cm) { target_alt_for_reporting = alt_cm; } // get_target_alt_for_reporting - returns target altitude in cm for reporting purposes (logs and gcs) static float get_target_alt_for_reporting() { return target_alt_for_reporting; } static void read_AHRS(void) { // Perform IMU calculations and get attitude info //----------------------------------------------- #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_DISABLED // update hil before ahrs update gcs_check_input(); #endif ahrs.update(); omega = ins.get_gyro(); #if SECONDARY_DMP_ENABLED == ENABLED ahrs2.update(); #endif } static void update_trig(void){ Vector2f yawvector; const Matrix3f &temp = ahrs.get_dcm_matrix(); yawvector.x = temp.a.x; // sin yawvector.y = temp.b.x; // cos yawvector.normalize(); cos_pitch_x = safe_sqrt(1 - (temp.c.x * temp.c.x)); // level = 1 cos_roll_x = temp.c.z / cos_pitch_x; // level = 1 cos_pitch_x = constrain_float(cos_pitch_x, 0, 1.0); // this relies on constrain_float() of infinity doing the right thing, // which it does do in avr-libc cos_roll_x = constrain_float(cos_roll_x, -1.0, 1.0); sin_yaw = constrain_float(yawvector.y, -1.0, 1.0); cos_yaw = constrain_float(yawvector.x, -1.0, 1.0); // added to convert earth frame to body frame for rate controllers sin_pitch = -temp.c.x; sin_roll = temp.c.y / cos_pitch_x; // update wp_nav controller with trig values wp_nav.set_cos_sin_yaw(cos_yaw, sin_yaw, cos_pitch_x); //flat: // 0 ° = cos_yaw: 1.00, sin_yaw: 0.00, // 90° = cos_yaw: 0.00, sin_yaw: 1.00, // 180 = cos_yaw: -1.00, sin_yaw: 0.00, // 270 = cos_yaw: 0.00, sin_yaw: -1.00, } // read baro and sonar altitude at 20hz static void update_altitude() { #if HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE // we are in the SIM, fake out the baro and Sonar baro_alt = g_gps->altitude - gps_base_alt; if(g.sonar_enabled) { sonar_alt = baro_alt; } #else // read in baro altitude baro_alt = read_barometer(); // read in sonar altitude sonar_alt = read_sonar(); #endif // HIL_MODE == HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE // write altitude info to dataflash logs if ((g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_CTUN) && motors.armed()) { Log_Write_Control_Tuning(); } } static void tuning(){ tuning_value = (float)g.rc_6.control_in / 1000.0f; g.rc_6.set_range(g.radio_tuning_low,g.radio_tuning_high); // 0 to 1 switch(g.radio_tuning) { case CH6_RATE_KD: g.pid_rate_roll.kD(tuning_value); g.pid_rate_pitch.kD(tuning_value); break; case CH6_STABILIZE_KP: g.pi_stabilize_roll.kP(tuning_value); g.pi_stabilize_pitch.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_STABILIZE_KI: g.pi_stabilize_roll.kI(tuning_value); g.pi_stabilize_pitch.kI(tuning_value); break; case CH6_ACRO_KP: g.acro_p = tuning_value; break; case CH6_RATE_KP: g.pid_rate_roll.kP(tuning_value); g.pid_rate_pitch.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_RATE_KI: g.pid_rate_roll.kI(tuning_value); g.pid_rate_pitch.kI(tuning_value); break; case CH6_YAW_KP: g.pi_stabilize_yaw.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_YAW_KI: g.pi_stabilize_yaw.kI(tuning_value); break; case CH6_YAW_RATE_KP: g.pid_rate_yaw.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_YAW_RATE_KD: g.pid_rate_yaw.kD(tuning_value); break; case CH6_THROTTLE_KP: g.pid_throttle.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_THROTTLE_KI: g.pid_throttle.kI(tuning_value); break; case CH6_THROTTLE_KD: g.pid_throttle.kD(tuning_value); break; case CH6_RELAY: if (g.rc_6.control_in > 525) relay.on(); if (g.rc_6.control_in < 475) relay.off(); break; case CH6_WP_SPEED: // set waypoint navigation horizontal speed to 0 ~ 1000 cm/s wp_nav.set_horizontal_velocity(g.rc_6.control_in); break; case CH6_LOITER_KP: g.pi_loiter_lat.kP(tuning_value); g.pi_loiter_lon.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_LOITER_KI: g.pi_loiter_lat.kI(tuning_value); g.pi_loiter_lon.kI(tuning_value); break; case CH6_LOITER_RATE_KP: g.pid_loiter_rate_lon.kP(tuning_value); g.pid_loiter_rate_lat.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_LOITER_RATE_KI: g.pid_loiter_rate_lon.kI(tuning_value); g.pid_loiter_rate_lat.kI(tuning_value); break; case CH6_LOITER_RATE_KD: g.pid_loiter_rate_lon.kD(tuning_value); g.pid_loiter_rate_lat.kD(tuning_value); break; #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME case CH6_HELI_EXTERNAL_GYRO: motors.ext_gyro_gain = tuning_value; break; #endif case CH6_THR_HOLD_KP: g.pi_alt_hold.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_OPTFLOW_KP: g.pid_optflow_roll.kP(tuning_value); g.pid_optflow_pitch.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_OPTFLOW_KI: g.pid_optflow_roll.kI(tuning_value); g.pid_optflow_pitch.kI(tuning_value); break; case CH6_OPTFLOW_KD: g.pid_optflow_roll.kD(tuning_value); g.pid_optflow_pitch.kD(tuning_value); break; #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE // do not allow modifying _kp or _kp_yaw gains in HIL mode case CH6_AHRS_YAW_KP: ahrs._kp_yaw.set(tuning_value); break; case CH6_AHRS_KP: ahrs._kp.set(tuning_value); break; #endif case CH6_INAV_TC: // To-Do: allowing tuning TC for xy and z separately inertial_nav.set_time_constant_xy(tuning_value); inertial_nav.set_time_constant_z(tuning_value); break; case CH6_THR_ACCEL_KP: g.pid_throttle_accel.kP(tuning_value); break; case CH6_THR_ACCEL_KI: g.pid_throttle_accel.kI(tuning_value); break; case CH6_THR_ACCEL_KD: g.pid_throttle_accel.kD(tuning_value); break; case CH6_DECLINATION: // set declination to +-20degrees compass.set_declination(ToRad((2.0f * g.rc_6.control_in - g.radio_tuning_high)/100.0f), false); // 2nd parameter is false because we do not want to save to eeprom because this would have a performance impact break; case CH6_CIRCLE_RATE: // set circle rate g.circle_rate.set(g.rc_6.control_in/25-20); // allow approximately 45 degree turn rate in either direction //cliSerial->printf_P(PSTR("\nRate:%4.2f"),(float)g.circle_rate); break; } } AP_HAL_MAIN();