 * UARTDriver.cpp --- AP_HAL_SMACCM UART driver.
 * Copyright (C) 2012, Galois, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * This software is released under the "BSD3" license.  Read the file
 * "LICENSE" for more information.

#include "UARTDriver.h"


#include <stdio.h>              // for vsnprintf

using namespace SMACCM;

// XXX the AVR driver enables itself in the constructor.  This seems
// like a very bad idea, since it will run somewhere in the startup
// code before our clocks are all set up and such.
SMACCMUARTDriver::SMACCMUARTDriver(struct usart *dev)
  : m_dev(dev), m_initialized(false), m_blocking(true)

void SMACCMUARTDriver::begin(uint32_t baud)
  if (m_dev != NULL) {
    usart_init(m_dev, baud);

  m_initialized = true;

// XXX buffer sizes ignored
void SMACCMUARTDriver::begin(uint32_t baud, uint16_t rxS, uint16_t txS)

// XXX hwf4 doesn't support de-initializing a USART
void SMACCMUARTDriver::end()

// XXX hwf4 doesn't support flushing, could be tricky to get the
// synchronization right.  Would we just force the TX/RX queues to
// empty?
void SMACCMUARTDriver::flush()

bool SMACCMUARTDriver::is_initialized()
  return m_initialized;

void SMACCMUARTDriver::set_blocking_writes(bool blocking)
  m_blocking = blocking;

bool SMACCMUARTDriver::tx_pending()
  if (m_dev != NULL) {
    return usart_is_tx_pending(m_dev);

  return false;

/* SMACCM implementations of BetterStream virtual methods */
void SMACCMUARTDriver::print_P(const prog_char_t *pstr)
  while (*pstr)

void SMACCMUARTDriver::println_P(const prog_char_t *pstr)

// XXX this will be changing, putting this on the stack hurts but
// allows us to be easily re-entrant
void SMACCMUARTDriver::printf(const char *fmt, ...)
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, fmt);
  vprintf(fmt, ap);

void SMACCMUARTDriver::_printf_P(const prog_char *fmt, ...)
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, fmt);
  vprintf(fmt, ap);

void SMACCMUARTDriver::vprintf(const char *pstr, va_list ap)
  char buf[128];
  vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), pstr, ap);

void SMACCMUARTDriver::vprintf_P(const prog_char *pstr, va_list ap)
  vprintf(pstr, ap);

/* SMACCM implementations of Stream virtual methods */
int16_t SMACCMUARTDriver::available()
  if (m_dev != NULL)
    return (int16_t)usart_available(m_dev);

  return 0;

int16_t SMACCMUARTDriver::txspace()
  if (m_dev != NULL)
    return (int16_t)usart_txspace(m_dev);

  return 0;

// It looks like this should always be a non-blocking read, so return
// -1 if there is nothing to receive immediately.
int16_t SMACCMUARTDriver::read()
  uint8_t c;

  if (m_dev == NULL)
    return -1;

  if (usart_read_timeout(m_dev, 0, &c, 1) == 0)
    return -1;

  return (int16_t)c;

/* SMACCM implementations of Print virtual methods */
size_t SMACCMUARTDriver::write(uint8_t c)
  if (m_dev == NULL)
    return 1;

  portTickType delay = m_blocking ? portMAX_DELAY : 0;
  return usart_write_timeout(m_dev, delay, &c, 1);