# fly ArduPlane in SIL import util, pexpect, sys, time, math, shutil, os from common import * import mavutil, random # get location of scripts testdir=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) HOME_LOCATION='-35.362938,149.165085,584,270' homeloc = None def takeoff(mavproxy, mav): '''takeoff get to 30m altitude''' mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA') # some rudder to counteract the prop torque mavproxy.send('rc 4 1600\n') # get it moving a bit first to avoid bad JSBSim ground physics mavproxy.send('rc 3 1040\n') mav.recv_match(condition='VFR_HUD.groundspeed>3', blocking=True) # a bit faster mavproxy.send('rc 3 1600\n') mav.recv_match(condition='VFR_HUD.groundspeed>10', blocking=True) # hit the gas harder now, and give it some elevator mavproxy.send('rc 4 1500\n') mavproxy.send('rc 2 1200\n') mavproxy.send('rc 3 1800\n') # gain a bit of altitude wait_altitude(mav, homeloc.alt+30, homeloc.alt+60, timeout=30) # level off mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n') print("TAKEOFF COMPLETE") return True def fly_left_circuit(mavproxy, mav): '''fly a left circuit, 200m on a side''' mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA') mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n') wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav) print("Flying left circuit") # do 4 turns for i in range(0,4): # hard left print("Starting turn %u" % i) mavproxy.send('rc 1 1000\n') wait_heading(mav, 270 - (90*i)) mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n') print("Starting leg %u" % i) wait_distance(mav, 100) print("Circuit complete") return True def fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav): '''fly to home''' print("Flying home in RTL") mavproxy.send('switch 2\n') wait_mode(mav, 'RTL') wait_location(mav, homeloc, accuracy=80, target_altitude=100, height_accuracy=10) print("RTL Complete") return True def fly_LOITER(mavproxy, mav): '''loiter where we are''' print("Testing LOITER") mavproxy.send('switch 3\n') wait_mode(mav, 'LOITER') while True: wait_heading(mav, 0) wait_heading(mav, 180) return True def wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav, accuracy=5, timeout=30): '''wait for level flight''' tstart = time.time() while time.time() < tstart + timeout: m = mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True) roll = math.degrees(m.roll) pitch = math.degrees(m.pitch) print("Roll=%.1f Pitch=%.1f" % (roll, pitch)) if math.fabs(roll) <= accuracy and math.fabs(pitch) <= accuracy: return True print("Failed to attain level flight") return False def change_altitude(mavproxy, mav, altitude, accuracy=10): '''get to a given altitude''' mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA') alt_error = mav.messages['VFR_HUD'].alt - altitude if alt_error > 0: mavproxy.send('rc 2 2000\n') else: mavproxy.send('rc 2 1000\n') wait_altitude(mav, altitude-accuracy/2, altitude+accuracy/2) mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n') print("Reached target altitude at %u" % mav.messages['VFR_HUD'].alt) return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav) def axial_left_roll(mavproxy, mav, count=1): '''fly a left axial roll''' # full throttle! mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n') change_altitude(mavproxy, mav, homeloc.alt+200) # fly the roll in manual mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') wait_mode(mav, 'MANUAL') while count > 0: print("Starting roll") mavproxy.send('rc 1 1000\n') wait_roll(mav, -150, accuracy=20) wait_roll(mav, 150, accuracy=20) wait_roll(mav, 0, accuracy=20) count -= 1 # back to FBWA mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n') mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA') mavproxy.send('rc 3 1700\n') return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav) def inside_loop(mavproxy, mav, count=1): '''fly a inside loop''' # full throttle! mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n') change_altitude(mavproxy, mav, homeloc.alt+200) # fly the loop in manual mavproxy.send('switch 6\n') wait_mode(mav, 'MANUAL') while count > 0: print("Starting loop") mavproxy.send('rc 2 1000\n') wait_pitch(mav, 80, accuracy=20) wait_pitch(mav, 0, accuracy=20) count -= 1 # back to FBWA mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n') mavproxy.send('switch 4\n') wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA') mavproxy.send('rc 3 1700\n') return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav) def setup_rc(mavproxy): '''setup RC override control''' for chan in [1,2,4,5,6,7]: mavproxy.send('rc %u 1500\n' % chan) mavproxy.send('rc 3 1000\n') mavproxy.send('rc 8 1800\n') def fly_mission(mavproxy, mav, filename, height_accuracy=-1, target_altitude=None): '''fly a mission from a file''' global homeloc mavproxy.send('wp load %s\n' % filename) mavproxy.expect('flight plan received') mavproxy.send('wp list\n') mavproxy.expect('Requesting [0-9]+ waypoints') mavproxy.send('switch 1\n') # auto mode wait_mode(mav, 'AUTO') if not wait_distance(mav, 30, timeout=120): return False if not wait_location(mav, homeloc, accuracy=50, timeout=600, target_altitude=target_altitude, height_accuracy=height_accuracy): return False print("Mission OK") return True def fly_ArduPlane(viewerip=None): '''fly ArduPlane in SIL you can pass viewerip as an IP address to optionally send fg and mavproxy packets too for local viewing of the flight in real time ''' global homeloc options = '--sitl= --out= --streamrate=5' if viewerip: options += " --out=%s:14550" % viewerip sil = util.start_SIL('ArduPlane', wipe=True) mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('ArduPlane', options=options) mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') # setup test parameters mavproxy.send('param set SYSID_THISMAV %u\n' % random.randint(100, 200)) mavproxy.send("param load %s/ArduPlane.parm\n" % testdir) mavproxy.expect('Loaded [0-9]+ parameters') # restart with new parms util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sil) cmd = util.reltopdir("Tools/autotest/jsbsim/runsim.py") cmd += " --home=%s --wind=5,180,0.2" % ( HOME_LOCATION, util.reltopdir("Tools/autotest/jsbsim")) if viewerip: cmd += " --fgout=%s:5503" % viewerip runsim = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=sys.stdout, timeout=10) runsim.delaybeforesend = 0 util.pexpect_autoclose(runsim) runsim.expect('Simulator ready to fly') sil = util.start_SIL('ArduPlane') mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SIL('ArduPlane', options=options) mavproxy.expect('Logging to (\S+)') logfile = mavproxy.match.group(1) print("LOGFILE %s" % logfile) buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduPlane-test.mavlog") print("buildlog=%s" % buildlog) if os.path.exists(buildlog): os.unlink(buildlog) os.link(logfile, buildlog) mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters') util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback) expect_list_clear() expect_list_extend([runsim, sil, mavproxy]) print("Started simulator") # get a mavlink connection going try: mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True) except Exception, msg: print("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg) raise mav.message_hooks.append(message_hook) mav.idle_hooks.append(idle_hook) failed = False e = 'None' try: mav.wait_heartbeat() setup_rc(mavproxy) mavproxy.expect('APM: init home') mav.recv_match(type='GPS_RAW', condition='MAV.flightmode!="INITIALISING" and GPS_RAW.fix_type==2 and GPS_RAW.lat != 0 and GPS_RAW.alt != 0 and VFR_HUD.alt > 10', blocking=True) homeloc = current_location(mav) print("Home location: %s" % homeloc) if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav): print("Failed takeoff") failed = True if not fly_left_circuit(mavproxy, mav): print("Failed left circuit") failed = True if not axial_left_roll(mavproxy, mav, 1): print("Failed left roll") failed = True if not inside_loop(mavproxy, mav): print("Failed inside loop") failed = True if not fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav): print("Failed RTL") failed = True if not fly_mission(mavproxy, mav, os.path.join(testdir, "ap1.txt"), height_accuracy = 10, target_altitude=homeloc.alt+100): print("Failed mission") failed = True except pexpect.TIMEOUT, e: failed = True mav.close() util.pexpect_close(mavproxy) util.pexpect_close(sil) util.pexpect_close(runsim) if os.path.exists('ArduPlane-valgrind.log'): os.chmod('ArduPlane-valgrind.log', 0644) shutil.copy("ArduPlane-valgrind.log", util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduPlane-valgrind.log")) if failed: print("FAILED: %s" % e) return False return True