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Release 3.0.0, 5 April 2015 |
=========================== |
The ArduPilot development team is proud to announce the release of |
version 3.0.0 of APM:Rover. This is a major release with a lot of |
changes so please read the notes carefully! |
A huge thanks to ALL the ArduPilot developers. The Rover code |
benefits tremendously from all the hard work that goes into the Copter |
and Plane vehicle code. Most of the code changes in this |
release were not specifically for Rover however because of the |
fantastic architecture of the ArduPilot code Rover automatically get's |
those enhancements anyway. |
Note that the documentation hasn't yet caught up with all the changes |
in this release. We are still working on that, but meanwhile if you |
see a feature that interests you and it isn't documented yet then |
please ask. |
The 3.x.x releases and above DON'T support APM1/APM2 |
---------------------------------------------------- |
This release DOES NOT SUPPORT the old APM1/APM2 AVR based boards. The |
issue is the amount of effort required to keep the new code ported to |
the old platforms. We are very sorry this has to occur and if there |
is someone who is willing and technically capable of doing this work |
then please let us know. |
There will be a discussion created on ArduPilot forums where people |
can request features in the new code be backported to the APM code to |
run on the AVR boards and if it is reasonably easy and they are |
willing to do the beta testing we will do our best to make it happen. |
EKF2 - New Kalman Filter |
------------------------ |
Paul Riseborough has been working hard recently on the new |
EKF2 variant which fixes many issues seen with the old estimator. The |
key improvements are: |
- support for separate filters on each IMU for multi-IMU boards |
(such as the Pixhawk), giving a high degree of redundency |
- much better handling of gyro drift estimation, especially on |
startup |
- much faster recovery from attitude estimation errors |
After extensive testing of the new EKF code we decided to make it the |
default for this release. You can still use the old EKF if you want to |
by setting AHRS_EKF_TYPE to 1, although it is recommended that the new |
EKF be used for all vehicles. |
In order to use the EKF we need to be a bit more careful about the |
setup of the vehicle. That is why we enabled arming and pre-arm checks |
by default. Please don't disable the arming checks, they are there for |
very good reasons. |
UAVCAN new protocol |
------------------- |
The uavcan change to the new protocol has been a long time coming, and |
we'd like to thank Holger for both his great work on this and his |
patience given how long it has taken to be in a release. This adds |
support for automatic canbus node assignment which makes setup much |
easier, and also supports the latest versions of the Zubax canbus GPS. |
Support for 4 new Boards |
------------------------ |
The porting of ArduPilot to more boards continues, with support |
for 3 new boards in this release. They are: |
- the BHAT board |
- the PXFmini |
- the QualComm Flight |
- the Pixracer |
More information about the list of supported boards is available here: |
| |
Startup on a moving platform |
---------------------------- |
One of the benefits of the new EKF2 estimator is that it allows for |
rapid estimation of gyro offset without doing a gyro calibration on |
startup. This makes it possible to startup and arm on a moving |
platform by setting the INS_GYR_CAL parameter to zero (to disable gyro |
calibration on boot). This should be a big help for boats. |
Improved Camera Trigger Logging |
------------------------------- |
This release adds new CAM_FEEDBACK_PIN and CAM_FEEDBACK_POL |
parameters. These add support for separate CAM and TRIG log messages, |
where TRIG is logged when the camera is triggered and the CAM message |
is logged when an external pin indicates the camera has actually |
fired. This pin is typically based on the flash hotshoe of a camera |
and provides a way to log the exact time of camera triggering more |
accurately. Many thanks to Dario Andres and Jaime Machuca for their |
work on this feature. |
PID Tuning |
---------- |
You can now see the individual contributions of the P, I and D |
components for the Steering PID in the logs (PIDY), allowing you to |
get a much better picture of the performance. |
Vibration Logging |
----------------- |
This release includes a lot more options for diagnosing vibration |
issues. You will notice new VIBRATION messages in MAVLink and VIBE |
messages in the dataflash logs. Those give you a good idea of your |
(unfiltered) vibration levels. For really detailed analysis you can |
setup your LOG_BITMASK to include raw logging, which gives you every |
accel and gyro sample on your Pixhawk. You can then do a FFT on the |
result and plot the distribution of vibration level with |
frequency. That is great for finding the cause of vibration |
issues. Note that you need a very fast microSD card for that to work! |
Steering Disarm |
--------------- |
This is the first release that allows you to disarm using steering |
if you want to. It isn't enabled by default. You can enable it |
with the ARMING_RUDDER parameter by setting it to 2. It will only |
allow you to disarm if the autopilot thinks you are not moving at the |
time. |
More Sensors |
------------ |
This release includes support for a bunch more sensors. It now supports |
3 different interfaces for the LightWare range of Lidars (serial, I2C |
and analog), and also supports the very nice Septentrio RTK |
dual-frequency GPS (the first dual-frequency GPS we have support |
for). It also supports the new "blue label" Lidar from Pulsed Light |
(both on I2C and PWM). |
For the uBlox GPS, we now have a lot more configurability of the |
driver, with the ability to set the GNSS mode for different |
constellations. Also in the uBlox driver we support logging of the raw |
carrier phase and pseudo range data, which allows for post RTK |
analysis with raw-capable receivers for really accurate photo |
missions. |
Better Linux support |
-------------------- |
This release includes a lot of improvements to the Linux based |
autopilot boards, including the NavIO+, the PXF and ERLE boards and |
the BBBMini and the new RasPilot board. |
On-board compass calibrator |
--------------------------- |
We also have a new on-board compass calibrator, which also adds calibration |
for soft iron effects, allowing for much more accurate compass |
calibration. |
Lots of other changes! |
---------------------- |
The above list is just a taste of the changes that have gone into this |
release. Thousands of small changes have gone into this release with |
dozens of people contributing. Many thanks to everyone who helped! |
Other key changes |
----------------- |
- fixed the MAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME (thanks salonijain12) |
- fixed bug when reverse throttle would increase speed in AUTO |
- fixed a bug going into guided and rover still moving |
- loitering at a waypoint if Param1 is non-zero |
- update uavcan to new protocol |
- fixed reporting of armed state with safety switch |
- added optional arming check for minimum voltage |
- improved text message queueing to ground stations |
- re-organisation of HAL_Linux bus API |
- improved NMEA parsing in GPS driver |
- improved autoconfig of uBlox GPS driver |
- support a wider range of Lightware serial Lidars |
- improved non-GPS performance of EKF2 |
- improved compass fusion in EKF2 |
- improved support for Pixracer board |
- improved NavIO2 support |
- added BATT_WATT_MAX parameter |
- enable messages for MAVLink gimbal support |
- use 64 bit timestamps in dataflash logs |
- added realtime PID tuning messages and PID logging |
- fixed a failure case for the px4 failsafe mixer |
- added DSM binding support on Pixhawk |
- added vibration level logging |
- ignore low voltage failsafe while disarmed |
- added delta velocity and delta angle logging |
- allow steering disarm based on ARMING_RUDDER parameter |
- prevent mode switch changes changing WP tracking |
- fixed parameter documentation spelling errors |
- send MISSION_ITEM_REACHED messages on waypoint completion |
- enable EKF by default on rover |
- Improve gyro bias learning rate for plane and rover |
- Allow switching primary GPS instance with 1 sat difference |
- added NSH over MAVLink support |
- added support for mpu9250 on pixhawk and pixhawk2 |
- Add support for logging ublox RXM-RAWX messages |
- lots of updates to improve support for Linux based boards |
- added ORGN message in dataflash |
- added support for new "blue label" Lidar |
- switched to real hdop in uBlox driver |
- improved auto-config of uBlox |
- raise accel discrepancy arming threshold to 0.75 |
- improved support for tcp and udp connections on Linux |
- switched to delta-velocity and delta-angles in DCM |
- improved detection of which accel to use in EKF |
- improved auto-detections of flow control on pixhawk UARTs |
- added HDOP to uavcan GPS driver |
- improved sending of autopilot version |
- log zero rangefinder distance when unhealthy |
- added PRU firmware files for BeagleBoneBlack port |
- fix for recent STORM32 gimbal support |
- changed sending of STATUSTEXT severity to use correct values |
- added new RSSI library with PWM input support |
- fixed MAVLink heading report for UAVCAN GPS |
- support LightWare I2C rangefinder on Linux |
- improved staging of parameters and formats on startup to dataflash |
- added new on-board compass calibrator |
- improved RCOutput code for NavIO port |
- added support for Septentrio GPS receiver |
- support DO_MOUNT_CONTROl via command-long interface |
- added CAM_RELAY_ON parameter |
- moved SKIP_GYRO_CAL functionality to INS_GYR_CAL |
- new waf build system |
- new async accel calibrator |
- better rangefinder power control |
- dataflash over mavlink support |
- settable main loop rate |
- hideable parameters |
- improved logging for dual-GPS setups |
- improvements to multiple RTK GPS drivers |
- numerous HAL_Linux improvements |
- improved logging of CAM messages |
- added support for IMU heaters in HAL_Linux |
- support for RCInput over UDP in HAL_Linux |
- improved EKF startup checks for GPS accuracy |
- added raw IMU logging for all platforms |
- configurable RGB LED brightness |
- improvements to the lsm303d driver for Linux |
Release 2.50, 19 June 2015 |
========================== |
The ardupilot development team has released version 2.50 of |
APM:Rover. This release is mostly a backend improvement to ArduPilot |
but a few new features and bug fixes are included. |
Re-do Accelerometer Calibration |
------------------------------- |
Due to a change in the maximum accelerometer range on the Pixhawk all |
users must re-do their accelerometer calibration for this release. |
Only 3D accel calibration |
------------------------- |
The old "1D" accelerometer calibration method has now been removed, so |
you must use the 3D accelerometer calibration method. The old method |
was removed because a significant number of users had poor experiences. |
Changes in this release are: |
- CLI_ENABLED parameter added so the CLI can now be accessed |
in Rover |
- PID logging for the steering controller. It its now |
possible to graph what the P, I and D are doing as your |
driving the rover around to enable much better tuning of the |
vehicle. |
- Transition from .pde file to .cpp files for improved |
development. |
- GIT Submodules created for PX4Firmware, PX4Nuttx and uavcan |
git repositories for improved development. |
- Followme mode now works for Rover |
- GUIDED mode significantly improved. If you have a GCS which is in |
Followme mode if the user then changes mode with the RC transmitter to |
HOLD or anything else then the Rover will STOP listening to the |
Followme updated guided mode waypoints. |
- When going into GUIDED mode the rover went into RTL - this |
is fixed. |
- Added EKF_STATUS_REPORT MAVLink message |
- 64-bit timestamps in dataflash logs |
- Numerous EKF improvements |
- Added support for 4th Mavlink channel |
- Added support for raw IMU logging |
- updated Piksi RTK GPS driver |
- improved support for GPS data injection (for Piksi RTK GPS) |
- The SITL software in the loop simulation system has been completely |
rewritten for this release. A major change is to make it possible to |
run SITL on native windows without needing a Linux virtual |
machine. (thanks Tridge) |
Release 2.49, March 4th 2015 |
---------------------------- |
The ardupilot development team has released version 2.49 of |
APM:Rover. This release is a bug fix release with two important bugs |
found by Marco Walther - Thanks Marco! |
The bug fixes in this release are: |
- fixed a sonar problem where objects to the left wouldn't be |
identified - thanks Marco Walther! |
- Fixed the ordering of the AP_Notify call so the main indicator |
light would be correct on startup - thanks Marco Walther! |
Release 2.48, February 20th 2015 |
-------------------------------- |
The ardupilot development team has released version 2.48 of |
APM:Rover. This release is a bug fix release with some important bugs |
found by the users of ardupilot. |
The changes in this release are: |
- fixed a bug that could cause short term loss of RC control with |
some receiver systems and configurations |
- allowed for shorter sync pulse widths for PPM-SUM receivers on |
APM1 and APM2 |
- fix an issue where battery reporting could be intermittent (thanks |
Georgii Staroselskii!) |
- fixed a mission handling bug that could cause a crash if jump |
commands form an infinite loop (thanks to Dellarb for reporting |
this bug) |
- improved support for in-kernel SPI handling on Linux (thanks to John Williams) |
- support UAVCAN based ESCs and GPS modules on Pixhawk (thanks to |
Pavel, Holger and and PX4 dev team) |
- Multiple updates for the NavIO+ cape on RaspberryPi (thanks to |
Emlid) |
- Lots of EKF changes |
- added support for MAVLink packet routing |
- added detection and recovery from faulty gyro and accel sensors |
- added support for BBBMini Linux port |
- increased number of AVR input channels from 8 to 11 |
- auto-set system clock based on GPS in Linux ports |
- added SBUS FrSky telemetry support (thanks to Mathias) |
- Added AK8963 MAG support (thanks Staroselskii Georgii) |
- Added support for second battery |
- Auto formatting of SDCard if it cannot be accessed on startup |
- A number of significant performance improvements for the PX4 platform |
The most important bug fix is the one for short term loss of RC |
control. This is a very long standing bug which didn't have a |
noticible impact for most people, but could cause loss of RC control |
for around 1 or 2 seconds for some people in certain circumstances. |
The bug was in the the AP_HAL RCInput API. Each HAL backend has a flag |
that says whether there is a new RC input frame available. That flag |
was cleared by the read() method (typically hal.rcin->read()). Callers |
would check for new input by checking the boolean |
hal.rcin->new_input() function. |
The problem was that read() was called from multiple places. Normally |
this is fine as reads from other than the main radio input loop happen |
before the other reads, but if the timing of the new radio frame |
exactly matched the loop frequency then a read from another place |
could clear the new_input flag and we would not see the new RC input |
frame. If that happened enough times we would go into a short term RC |
failsafe and ignore RC inputs, even in manual mode. |
The fix was very simple - it is the new_input() function itself that |
should clear the flag, not read(). |
Many thanks to MarkM for helping us track down this bug by providing |
us with sufficient detail on how to reproduce it. In Marks case his |
OpenLRSng configuration happened to produce exactly the worst case |
timing needed to reproduce the issue. Once Tridge copied his OpenLRS |
settings to his TX/RX he was able to reproduce the problem and it was |
easy to find and fix. |
A number of users have reported occasional glitches in manual control |
where servos pause for short periods in past releases. It is likely |
that some of those issues were caused by this bug. The dev team would |
like to apologise for taking so long to track down this bug! |
The other main change was also related to RC input. Some receivers use |
a PPM-SUM sync pulse width shorter than what the APM1/APM2 code was |
setup to handle. The OpenLRSng default sync pulse width is 3000 |
microseconds, but the APM1/APM2 code was written for a mininum sync |
pulse width of 4000 microseconds. For this release we have changed the |
APM1/APM2 driver to accept a sync pulse width down to 2700 |
microseconds. |
Auto format of SD Card |
====================== |
From time to time the SD cards in the PX4 autopilots get corrupted. |
This isn't a surprise considering what we do to them. Your all |
familiar with the windows "please unmount or eject your SDCard before |
removing" process. Well we don't do that. In fact normal operation |
is to just pull the power on the SDCard - whilst its being written |
too!! Not to metion the horrible vibration rich environment the |
SDCard exists in. If the autopilot is setup in the internal innards |
of your plane/copter/rover this can be a nightmare to get to. To |
resolve that problem Tridge has added code at startup so when |
ArduPilot tries to mount to SDCard to access it - if that fails it |
will then try to format the SDCard and if successful mount the card |
and proceed. If the format fails then you will get the usual SOS |
Audio that makes most of us want to find the buzzer and rip its heart |
out. |
I mention this in case anyone has precious logs saved on the SDCard or |
they are using the SDCard out of their phone with their wedding |
photo's on it. Probably best not to do that and assume any data on |
the SDCard can be deleted. |
We are also looking to add a parameter to control whether the card is |
auto formatted on startup or not but it isn't in there yet. |
Release 2.47, November 15th 2014 |
-------------------------------- |
The ardupilot development team is proud to announce the release of |
version 2.47 of APM:Rover. This is a minor bug fix release. The most |
important change in this release is the fixing of the skid steering |
support but there have been a number of fixes in other areas as well. |
Full changes list for this release: |
- add support for controlling safety switch on Pixhawk from ground station |
- prevent reports of failed AHRS during initialisation |
- fixed skid steering that was broken in the last release |
- report gyro unhealthy if gyro calibration failed |
- fixed dual sonar support in CLI sonar test |
- fixed Nuttx crash on Pixhawk with bad I2C cables |
- added GPS_SBAS_MODE parameter - turns on/off satellite based augemtation system for GPS |
- added GPS_MIN_ELEV parameter - specifiy the elevation mask for GPS satellites |
- added RELAY_DEFAULT parameter to control default of relay on startup |
- fixed bug in FRAM storage on Pixhawk that could cause parameters changes not to be saved |
- better handling of compass errors in the EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) |
- improved support for linux based autopilots |
- added support for PulsedLight LIDAR as a range finder |
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, especially |
Tom Coyle and Linus Penzlien for their excellent testing and feedback. |
Happy driving! |
Release 2.46, August 26th 2014 |
------------------------------ |
The ardupilot development team is proud to announce the release of |
version 2.46 of APM:Rover. This is a major release with a lot of new |
features and bug fixes. |
This release is based on a lot of development and testing that |
happened prior to the AVC competition where APM based vehicles |
performed very well. |
Full changes list for this release: |
- added support for higher baudrates on telemetry ports, to make it |
easier to use high rate telemetry to companion boards. Rates of up |
to 1.5MBit are now supported to companion boards. |
- new Rangefinder code with support for a wider range of rangefinder |
types including a range of Lidars (thanks to Allyson Kreft) |
- added logging of power status on Pixhawk |
- added PIVOT_TURN_ANGLE parameter for pivot based turns on skid |
steering rovers |
- lots of improvements to the EKF support for Rover, thanks to Paul |
Riseborough and testing from Tom Coyle. Using the EKF can greatly |
improve navigation accuracy for fast rovers. Enable with |
- improved support for dual GPS on Pixhawk. Using a 2nd GPS can |
greatly improve performance when in an area with an obstructed |
view of the sky |
- support for up to 14 RC channels on Pihxawk |
- added BRAKING_PERCENT and BRAKING_SPEEDERR parameters for better |
breaking support when cornering |
- added support for FrSky telemetry via SERIAL2_PROTOCOL parameter |
(thanks to Matthias Badaire) |
- added support for Linux based autopilots, initially with the PXF |
BeagleBoneBlack cape and the Erle robotics board. Support for more |
boards is expected in future releases. Thanks to Victor, Sid and |
Anuj for their great work on the Linux port. |
- added StorageManager library, which expands available FRAM storage |
on Pixhawk to 16 kByte. This allows for 724 waypoints, 50 rally |
points and 84 fence points on Pixhawk. |
- improved reporting of magnetometer and barometer errors to the GCS |
- fixed a bug in automatic flow control detection for serial ports |
in Pixhawk |
- fixed use of FMU servo pins as digital inputs on Pixhawk |
- imported latest updates for VRBrain boards (thanks to Emile |
Castelnuovo and Luca Micheletti) |
- updates to the Piksi GPS support (thanks to Niels Joubert) |
- improved gyro estimate in DCM (thanks to Jon Challinger) |
- improved position projection in DCM in wind (thanks to Przemek |
Lekston) |
- several updates to AP_NavEKF for more robust handling of errors |
(thanks to Paul Riseborough) |
- lots of small code cleanups thanks to Daniel Frenzel |
- initial support for NavIO board from Mikhail Avkhimenia |
- fixed logging of RCOU for up to 12 channels (thanks to Emile |
Castelnuovo) |
- code cleanups from Silvia Nunezrivero |
- improved parameter download speed on radio links with no flow |
control |
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, especially |
Tom Coyle and Linus Penzlien for their excellent testing and feedback. |
Happy driving!