621 lines
15 KiB
621 lines
15 KiB
/* |
software I2C driver via timer interrupts (c) Night_Ghost@ykoctpa.ru |
each wave divided to 4 points |
___ |
SCL ___/ \__ |
p 0 1 2 3 |
points 0 & 2 are when f_sda is high, these points to set(0) or read (2) data. Covered by 1st switch |
points 1 & 3 are when f_sda is low, these points to change SCL state |
state variable is relative to SCL, changed forcely only in point 2 |
naming: A_0L - Address bit 0 need to set low - point3 - will be low at data stage (data point 0) |
R_AH - Read data bit ACK need to set high - point1 - will be high at data stage (data point 2) |
in START/STOP lines are exchanged: |
start: f_sda set high so it starts form SCL stage |
___ |
SCL \_ |
_ |
SDA \___ |
p 1 2 |
stop: |
__ ___ |
SCL \_/ |
_ |
SDA x \___/ |
p 2 0 1 0 -- SDA stage of STOP2 not required |
\ \ \ \- SCL stage of STOP2 - set SDA high |
\ \ \- SDA stage of STOP - set SCL high |
\ \- SCL stage of STOP - set SCL low and SDA low |
\- here we found that STOP required and changed state, and set SDA low |
restart: |
__ _____ |
SCL \_/ \_ |
___ |
SDA x / \_____ |
p 2 0 1 0 1 0 |
\ \ \ \ \ \- SCL stage of address bit 0 |
\ \ \ \ \- SDA stage of restart2, here we do nothing |
\ \ \ \- SCL stage of restart2, here we set SDA low - restart formed |
\ \ \- SDA stage of restart, set SCL high |
\ \- here 1st SCL state of RESTART and we begins restart forming by setting SDA high and SCL low |
\- here we found that restart required |
sometimes low state of SCL is twice less than required period but low side is much forcer than upper |
it requires 189 interrupts to receive 2 bytes (with adressing and restart) and takes 9673 cycles (plus 24*189=4536 cycles for interrupt itself), |
or ~75 cycles per one interrupt of 168+168 available (0.5MHz), or ~22% of CPU |
it requires 16326 cycles to receive 6 bytes (with addressing and restart) |
*/ |
#pragma GCC optimize ("O2") |
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> |
#include "tim_i2c.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <i2c.h> |
// Software I2C driver |
// Can be configured to use any suitable pins |
using namespace F4Light; |
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; |
#define SCL_H {scl_port->BSRRL = scl_pin; } |
#define SCL_L {scl_port->BSRRH = scl_pin; } |
#define SDA_H {sda_port->BSRRL = sda_pin; } |
#define SDA_L {sda_port->BSRRH = sda_pin; } |
#define SCL_read ((scl_port->IDR & scl_pin)!=0) |
#define SDA_read ((sda_port->IDR & sda_pin)!=0) |
#define I2C_yield(x) hal_yield(x) |
#define SI2C_BIT_TIME 8 |
#ifdef SI2C_DEBUG |
Soft_I2C::SI2C_State Soft_I2C::log[SI2C_LOG_SIZE]; |
uint16_t Soft_I2C::log_ptr; |
#endif |
#ifdef SI2C_PROF |
uint64_t Soft_I2C::full_time IN_CCM; |
#endif |
static void delay_10us(){ |
hal_delay_microseconds(10); |
} |
Soft_I2C::Soft_I2C() |
: _scl_dev(NULL) |
, _sda_dev(NULL) |
{ // empty constructor for 1st initialization. real initializations in init_hw() |
} |
// prepare but don't touch pins |
void Soft_I2C::init_hw( const gpio_dev *scl_dev, uint8_t scl_bit, const gpio_dev *sda_dev, uint8_t sda_bit, const timer_dev * tim) |
{ |
_scl_dev=scl_dev; |
_scl_bit=scl_bit; |
_sda_dev=sda_dev; |
_sda_bit=sda_bit; |
sda_port = sda_dev->GPIOx; |
sda_pin = 1<<sda_bit; |
scl_port = scl_dev->GPIOx; |
scl_pin = 1<<scl_bit; |
SCL_H; // passive in high state |
SDA_H; |
gpio_set_mode(_scl_dev, _scl_bit, GPIO_OUTPUT_OD_PU); |
gpio_set_mode(_sda_dev, _sda_bit, GPIO_OUTPUT_OD_PU); |
gpio_set_speed(_scl_dev, _scl_bit, GPIO_speed_2MHz); // low speed to prevent glitches |
gpio_set_speed(_sda_dev, _sda_bit, GPIO_speed_2MHz); |
_timer = tim; |
} |
// start using |
void Soft_I2C::init() { // nothing to do |
} |
void Soft_I2C::tick() { // ISR |
#ifdef SI2C_PROF |
uint32_t t = stopwatch_getticks(); |
int_count++; |
#endif |
if(wait_scl) { |
if(!SCL_read) return; // wait SCL |
wait_scl = false; |
} |
f_sda = !f_sda; |
#ifdef SI2C_DEBUG |
SI2C_State &sp = log[log_ptr]; // remember last operation |
sp.time = hal_micros(); |
sp.state = state; |
sp.f_sda = f_sda; |
sp.sda = SDA_read; |
log_ptr++; |
if(log_ptr>=SI2C_LOG_SIZE) log_ptr=0; |
#endif |
if(f_sda) { // time to write/read data |
State s = state; |
state = (State) (state+1); // change to next state |
switch(s){ |
case RESTART: |
SCL_H; |
break; |
case RESTART2: |
data = (_addr << 1) | I2C_Direction_Receiver; |
state = A_0L; // will send address at next tick |
break; |
case START: |
SCL_L; |
break; |
case STOP: |
SCL_H; |
break; |
case A_AH: // ACK for address - read on high level of SCL |
if(SDA_read){ // nack; |
if(was_restart) result = I2C_NO_REGISTER; |
else result = I2C_NO_DEVICE; |
done = true; |
timer_pause(_timer); |
} else { // ack - will send data |
if(send_len) { // send first |
data = *send++; |
--send_len; |
state=W_0L; |
} else { // just receive, all sent before |
state=R_0L; |
} |
} |
break; |
case W_AH: // ACK for write byte - read on high level of SCL |
if(SDA_read){ // nack; |
result = I2C_ERR_WRITE; |
done = true; |
timer_pause(_timer); |
} else { |
if(send_len == 0) { // all data sent |
if(recv_len) { |
state=RESTART; // restart to read |
} else { |
state=STOP; // last byte sent |
} |
} else { |
data = *send++; |
send_len--; |
state=W_0L; // beginning of next byte |
} |
} |
break; |
case R_AL: // do ACK for read byte |
*recv++ = data; |
recv_len--; |
if(recv_len) { |
SDA_L; // ACK |
} else { |
SDA_H; // NACK on last byte |
} |
break; |
case R_AH: // only after R_AL |
if(recv_len) { |
state=R_0L; // will receive next byte |
} else { |
state = STOP; |
} |
break; |
// send address - change SDA on low SCL |
case A_0L: |
case A_1L: |
case A_2L: |
case A_3L: |
case A_4L: |
case A_5L: |
case A_6L: |
case A_7L: |
// byte write |
case W_0L: |
case W_1L: |
case W_2L: |
case W_3L: |
case W_4L: |
case W_5L: |
case W_6L: |
case W_7L: |
if (data & 0x80) { SDA_H; } |
else { SDA_L; } |
data <<=1; |
break; |
// byte read - when SCL is high |
case R_0H: |
case R_1H: |
case R_2H: |
case R_3H: |
case R_4H: |
case R_5H: |
case R_6H: |
case R_7H: |
data <<= 1; |
if (SDA_read) data |= 0x01; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
#ifdef SI2C_PROF |
full_time += stopwatch_getticks() - t; |
#endif |
return; // data part is over |
} |
// SCL part |
switch(state){ |
default: // something went wrong |
case DUMMY: |
f_sda=true; // never change state |
#ifdef SI2C_PROF |
full_time += stopwatch_getticks() - t; |
#endif |
return; |
case RESTART: |
SCL_L; |
delay_ns100(1); |
SDA_H; // release SDA |
break; |
case RESTART2: |
case START: |
SDA_L; |
break; |
// address |
case A_0L: // high to low - end of state in the middle of byte |
case A_1L: |
case A_2L: |
case A_3L: |
case A_4L: |
case A_5L: |
case A_6L: |
case A_7L: |
// byte write |
case W_0L: |
case W_1L: |
case W_2L: |
case W_3L: |
case W_4L: |
case W_5L: |
case W_6L: |
case W_7L: |
// byte read |
case R_1L: |
case R_2L: |
case R_3L: |
case R_4L: |
case R_5L: |
case R_6L: |
case R_7L: |
case R_AL: // on read we control SDA line at ATC bit |
SCL_L; |
break; |
case R_0L: // start of read - give SDA control to slave |
SCL_L; |
delay_ns100(1); |
SDA_H; // release SDA to slave |
break; |
case A_AL: // will be ack bit. on address and write we should give SDA to slave |
case W_AL: |
SCL_L; |
delay_ns100(1); |
SDA_H; // release SDA to slave |
break; |
case A_0H: // low to high - strobe. just set SCL |
case A_1H: |
case A_2H: |
case A_3H: |
case A_4H: |
case A_5H: |
case A_6H: |
case A_7H: |
case A_AH: |
case W_0H: |
case W_1H: |
case W_2H: |
case W_3H: |
case W_4H: |
case W_5H: |
case W_6H: |
case W_7H: |
case W_AH: |
case R_0H: |
case R_1H: |
case R_2H: |
case R_3H: |
case R_4H: |
case R_5H: |
case R_6H: |
case R_7H: |
case R_AH: |
SCL_H; |
if (!SCL_read) wait_scl=true; |
break; |
case STOP: |
SCL_L; |
delay_ns100(1); |
SDA_L; // prepare to get it high |
break; |
case STOP2: |
SDA_H; |
done = true; |
timer_pause(_timer); |
result = I2C_OK; |
break; |
} |
#ifdef SI2C_PROF |
full_time += stopwatch_getticks() - t; |
#endif |
} |
bool Soft_I2C::_start(void) |
{ |
while(_timer->state->busy) { |
hal_yield(0); |
} |
SDA_H; // just in case |
SCL_H; |
if (!SCL_read) return false; // bus busy |
if (!SDA_read) return false; // bus busy |
state = DUMMY;// to skip interrupt on init |
f_sda = true; // will be SCL phase |
_timer->state->busy = true; |
#define SI2C_PERIOD 2 // time between interrups in uS |
// timers are per bus so re-init timer before use |
uint32_t freq = configTimeBase(_timer, 0, 10000); //10MHz |
Revo_handler h = { .mp = FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&Soft_I2C::tick, void) }; |
timer_attach_interrupt(_timer, TIMER_UPDATE_INTERRUPT, h.h, TIMER_I2C_INT_PRIORITY); // high priority |
timer_set_reload(_timer, SI2C_PERIOD * freq / 1000000); // period to generate 2uS requests - 500kHz interrupts /4 = 125kHz I2C. |
// I hope that there will be a time between interrupts :) |
bit_time = SI2C_PERIOD*4; |
state = START; |
result = I2C_OK; |
wait_scl=false; |
f_sda = true; // we did START touching sda |
done = false; |
was_restart = false; |
#ifdef SI2C_DEBUG |
memset(log, 0, sizeof(log)); |
log_ptr=0; |
#endif |
#ifdef SI2C_PROF |
full_time = 0; |
int_count = 0; |
#endif |
data = _addr << 1 | I2C_Direction_Transmitter; // generate address to send |
timer_resume(_timer); // all another in interrupt |
timer_generate_update(_timer); |
return true; |
} |
uint8_t Soft_I2C::wait_done(){ |
uint32_t t = hal_micros(); |
uint32_t timeout = SI2C_BIT_TIME*9*(send_len+recv_len+1); // time to full transfer |
while(!done) { |
uint32_t dt = hal_micros() - t; |
if(dt > timeout*16) { // 16 times of full transfer |
timer_pause(_timer); |
if(state==STOP2) break; // all fine |
if(SDA_read) { // low SDA first |
if(SCL_read) { // at low SCL |
SCL_L; |
hal_delay_microseconds(2); |
} |
SDA_L; |
hal_delay_microseconds(2); |
} |
SCL_H; |
hal_delay_microseconds(2); |
SDA_H; |
if(state>=STOP) break; // data received |
result = I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT; |
break; |
} |
hal_yield(timeout); |
timer_resume(_timer); // just for case |
} |
timer_detach_interrupt(_timer, TIMER_UPDATE_INTERRUPT); |
_timer->state->busy = false; |
#if 0 // to set breakpoint on error |
if(result<I2C_ERROR || result == I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT) return result; |
hal_delay_microseconds(2); |
printf("\ni2c error on timer %lx\n",(uint32_t)_timer); |
#endif |
return result; |
} |
uint8_t Soft_I2C::writeBuffer( uint8_t addr, uint8_t len, const uint8_t *buf) |
{ |
recv_len = 0; |
send_len = len; |
send = buf; |
_addr = addr; |
if (!_start()) { |
return I2C_ERROR; // bus busy |
} |
return wait_done(); |
} |
uint8_t Soft_I2C::read( uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf) |
{ |
recv_len = len; |
recv = buf; |
send_len = 1; |
send = ® |
_addr = addr; |
if (!_start()) { |
return I2C_ERROR; |
} |
return wait_done(); |
} |
uint8_t Soft_I2C::transfer(uint8_t addr, uint8_t _send_len, const uint8_t *_send, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf){ |
recv_len= len; |
recv = buf; |
send_len= _send_len; |
send = _send; |
_addr = addr; |
if (!_start()) { |
return I2C_ERROR; |
} |
return wait_done(); |
} |
#define MAX_I2C_TIME 300 // 300ms before device turn off |
bool Soft_I2C::bus_reset(void) { |
uint32_t t=systick_uptime(); |
again: |
/* Wait for any clock stretching to finish */ |
while (!SCL_read) {// device can output 1 so check clock first |
hal_yield(0); // пока ожидаем - пусть другие работают |
if(systick_uptime()-t > MAX_I2C_TIME) return false; |
} |
delay_10us(); // 50kHz |
while (!SDA_read) { |
/* Wait for any clock stretching to finish */ |
while (!SCL_read) { |
SCL_H; // may be another thread causes LOW |
hal_yield(0); // while we wait - let others work |
if(systick_uptime()-t > MAX_I2C_TIME) return false; |
} |
delay_10us(); // 50kHz |
/* Pull low */ |
SCL_L; |
delay_10us(); |
/* Release high again */ |
SCL_H; |
delay_10us(); |
SDA_H; |
} |
/* Generate start then stop condition */ |
SDA_L; |
delay_10us(); |
SCL_L; |
delay_10us(); |
SCL_H; |
delay_10us(); |
SDA_H; |
{ |
uint32_t rtime = stopwatch_getticks(); |
uint32_t dt = us_ticks * 50; // 50uS |
while ((stopwatch_getticks() - rtime) < dt) { |
if (!SCL_read) goto again; // any SCL activity after STOP |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |