111 lines
2.8 KiB

// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
#include <FastSerial.h>
#include <FastSerial.h>
# define Debug(fmt, args...) do {Serial.printf("%s:%d: " fmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ , ##args); delay(0); } while(0)
# define Debug(fmt, args...)
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include "GPS.h"
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
bool result;
uint32_t tnow;
// call the GPS driver to process incoming data
result = read();
tnow = millis();
// if we did not get a message, and the idle timer has expired, re-init
if (!result) {
if ((tnow - _idleTimer) > idleTimeout) {
Debug("gps read timeout %lu %lu", (unsigned long)tnow, (unsigned long)_idleTimer);
_status = NO_GPS;
// reset the idle timer
_idleTimer = tnow;
} else {
// we got a message, update our status correspondingly
_status = fix ? GPS_OK : NO_FIX;
valid_read = true;
new_data = true;
// reset the idle timer
_idleTimer = tnow;
if (_status == GPS_OK) {
// update our acceleration
float deltat = 1.0e-3 * (_idleTimer - last_fix_time);
float deltav = 1.0e-2 * ((float)ground_speed - (float)_last_ground_speed);
float gps_heading = ToRad(ground_course * 0.01);
float gps_speed = ground_speed * 0.01;
float sin_heading, cos_heading;
cos_heading = cos(gps_heading);
sin_heading = sin(gps_heading);
last_fix_time = _idleTimer;
_last_ground_speed = ground_speed;
_velocity_north = gps_speed * cos_heading;
_velocity_east = gps_speed * sin_heading;
if (deltat > 2.0 || deltat == 0) {
// we didn't get a fix for 2 seconds - set
// acceleration to zero, as the estimate will be too
// far out
_acceleration = 0;
_acceleration_north = 0;
_acceleration_east = 0;
} else {
// calculate a mildly smoothed acceleration value
_acceleration = (0.7 * _acceleration) + (0.3 * (deltav/deltat));
// calculate the components, to save time in the AHRS code
_acceleration_north = _acceleration * cos_heading;
_acceleration_east = _acceleration * sin_heading;
GPS::setHIL(uint32_t _time, float _latitude, float _longitude, float _altitude,
float _ground_speed, float _ground_course, float _speed_3d, uint8_t _num_sats)
// XXX this is probably the wrong way to do it, too
GPS::_error(const char *msg)
/// write a block of configuration data to a GPS
void GPS::_write_progstr_block(Stream *_fs, const prog_char *pstr, uint8_t size)
while (size--) {