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#ifndef PID_h
#define PID_h
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include "WProgram.h"
//#define PID_SIZE 8
class PID {
long get_pid(long err, long dt, float scaler);
void reset_I();
void load_gains(int address);
void save_gains(int address);
void set_P(float p);
void set_I(float i);
void set_D(float d);
void set_imax(int imax);
void test(void);
float get_P(void);
float get_I(void);
float get_D(void);
int get_imax(void);
float _imax; // integrator max
float _integrator; // integrator value
float _last_error; // last error for derivative
float _kp;
float _ki;
float _kd;