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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\cf1\f0\fs22\par |
\tab Welcome to \b Michael Oborne\rquote s APM Planner\b0 , mission planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (\b UAV\b0 ).\par |
\tab Getting started:\par |
\tab\tab\b Flight mode Options \b0 (switch away from RC header)\par |
\tab\tab\tab\b Flight Data \endash \b0 Flying screen with location and attitude.\par |
\b\tab\tab\tab Flight Planner \endash \b0 Plans your flight and other scripted actions.\par |
\b\tab\tab\tab Configuration \endash \b0 Customises the PIDS and other critical settings.\par |
\b\tab\tab\tab Simulation \endash \b0 Used with Xplanes and Flightgear for HIL simulation when used with ArduPilot Mega.\par |
\b\tab\tab CLI/Setup mode Options \b0 (switch towards RC header)\tab\par |
\b\tab\tab\tab Firmware \endash \b0 Updates your APM Firmware with the latest stable build, sets up your new ArduCopter.\par |
\b\tab\tab\tab Terminal \endash \b0 Manual set up of your APM and run tests on sensors, log reading and setting functions.\par |
\pard\b\tab Developer:\b0 Michael Oborne\par |
\tab\b Design:\b0 Samantha Nelson\par |
\tab\b Contributions from:\b0 Andrew Radford, \par |
\pard\fi720\b ArduCopter Illustrations:\b0 Max Levine\par |
\par |
\tab\b Librarys:\b0, Sharpkml, SharpZipLib, IronPython, KMLib, OpenTK, ZedGraph \par |
\par |
Please visit {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf2}}}\f0\fs22 for further information.\par |
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