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#!/usr/bin/env python
check that replay produced identical results
import time
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("--condition", default=None, help="condition for packets")
parser.add_argument("--ekf2-only", action='store_true', help="only check EKF2")
parser.add_argument("--ekf3-only", action='store_true', help="only check EKF3")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true', help="verbose output")
parser.add_argument("logs", metavar="LOG", nargs="+")
args = parser.parse_args()
from pymavlink import mavutil
failure = 0
errors = 0
def check_log(logfile):
'''check replay log for matching output'''
print("Processing log %s" % filename)
count = 0
base_count = 0
counts = {}
base_counts = {}
global errors, failure
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename)
ek2_list = ['NKF1','NKF2','NKF3','NKF4','NKF5','NKF0','NKQ']
ek3_list = ['XKF1','XKF2','XKF3','XKF4','XKF0','XKFS','XKQ','XKFD','XKV1','XKV2']
if args.ekf2_only:
mlist = ek2_list
elif args.ekf3_only:
mlist = ek3_list
mlist = ek2_list + ek3_list
base = {}
for m in mlist:
base[m] = {}
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(type=mlist)
if m is None:
if not hasattr(m,'C'):
mtype = m.get_type()
if not mtype in counts:
counts[mtype] = 0
base_counts[mtype] = 0
core = m.C
if core < 100:
base[mtype][core] = m
base_count += 1
base_counts[mtype] += 1
mb = base[mtype][core-100]
count += 1
counts[mtype] += 1
mismatch = False
for f in m._fieldnames:
if f == 'C':
v1 = getattr(m,f)
v2 = getattr(mb,f)
if v1 != v2:
mismatch = True
errors += 1
print("Mismatch in field %s.%s: %s %s" % (mtype, f, str(v1), str(v2)))
if mismatch:
print("Processed %u/%u messages, %u errors" % (count, base_count, errors))
if args.verbose:
for mtype in counts.keys():
print("%s %u/%u %d" % (mtype, counts[mtype], base_counts[mtype], base_counts[mtype]-counts[mtype]))
if count == 0 or count != base_count:
failure += 1
for filename in args.logs:
if failure != 0 or errors != 0:
print("FAILED: %u %u" % (failure, errors))