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* SailboatLaser.h
* Created on: May 1, 2011
* Author: jgoppert
// vehicle options
static const MAV_TYPE vehicle = UGV_SURFACE_SHIP;
static const apo::halMode_t halMode = apo::MODE_LIVE;
static const apo::board_t board = apo::BOARD_ARDUPILOTMEGA_1280;
static const uint8_t heartBeatTimeout = 3;
// algorithm selection
#define CONTROLLER_CLASS ControllerSailboat
#define GUIDE_CLASS MavlinkGuide
#define NAVIGATOR_CLASS DcmNavigator
#define COMMLINK_CLASS MavlinkComm
// hardware selection
#define ADC_CLASS AP_ADC_ADS7844
#define COMPASS_CLASS AP_Compass_HMC5843
#define BARO_CLASS APM_BMP085_Class
#define RANGE_FINDER_CLASS AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL
// baud rates
static const uint32_t debugBaud = 57600;
static const uint32_t telemBaud = 57600;
static const uint32_t gpsBaud = 38400;
static const uint32_t hilBaud = 115200;
// optional sensors
static const bool gpsEnabled = false;
static const bool baroEnabled = false;
static const bool compassEnabled = true;
static const Matrix3f compassOrientation = AP_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_UP_PINS_FORWARD;
// compass orientation: See AP_Compass_HMC5843.h for possible values
// battery monitoring
static const bool batteryMonitorEnabled = false;
static const uint8_t batteryPin = 0;
static const float batteryVoltageDivRatio = 6;
static const float batteryMinVolt = 10.0;
static const float batteryMaxVolt = 12.4;
static const bool rangeFinderFrontEnabled = false;
static const bool rangeFinderBackEnabled = false;
static const bool rangeFinderLeftEnabled = false;
static const bool rangeFinderRightEnabled = false;
static const bool rangeFinderUpEnabled = false;
static const bool rangeFinderDownEnabled = false;
// loop rates
static const float loopRate = 150; // attitude nav
static const float loop0Rate = 50; // controller
static const float loop1Rate = 5; // pos nav/ gcs fast
static const float loop2Rate = 1; // gcs slow
static const float loop3Rate = 0.1;
// gains
static const float steeringP = 0.1;
static const float steeringI = 0.0;
static const float steeringD = 0.1;
static const float steeringIMax = 0.0;
static const float steeringYMax = 1;
static const float steeringDFCut = 25.0;
static const float throttleP = 0.1;
static const float throttleI = 0.0;
static const float throttleD = 0.0;
static const float throttleIMax = 0.0;
static const float throttleYMax = 1;
static const float throttleDFCut = 0.0;
// guidance
static const float velCmd = 5;
static const float xt = 10;
static const float xtLim = 90;
#include "ControllerSailboat.h"
#endif /* SAILBOATLASER_H_ */
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