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from LogAnalyzer import Test,TestResult
import DataflashLog
class TestPitchRollCoupling(Test):
'''test for divergence between input and output pitch/roll, i.e. mechanical failure or bad PID tuning'''
def __init__(self): = "Pitch/Roll"
def run(self, logdata):
self.result = TestResult()
self.result.status = TestResult.StatusType.PASS
# TODO: implement pitch/roll input/output divergence testing -
# note: names changed from PitchIn to DesPitch at some point, check for both
# what to test for?
# - only analyse while we're airborne
# - absolute diff between in+out?
# - accumulated diff between in+out?
# - slope diff between in+out curves?
# - roll/pitch over max in non-acro modes?
# - if direct control use CTUN roll+pitch, if auto mode use NTUN data
# figure out where each mode begins and ends, so we can treat auto and manual modes differently
# TODO: fill in all known modes here
autoModes = ["RTL","AUTO","LAND","LOITER"] # use NTUN DRol+DPit
manualModes = ["STABILIZE","DRIFT","ALT_HOLD"] # use CTUN RollIn/DesRoll + PitchIn/DesPitch
acroModes = ["ACRO","SPORT"] # ignore data from acro modes
autoSegments = [] # list of (startLine,endLine) pairs
manualSegments = [] # list of (startLine,endLine) pairs
orderedModes = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(logdata.modeChanges.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
isAuto = False # always start in a manual control mode
prevLine = 1
for line,modepair in orderedModes.iteritems():
mode = modepair[0].upper()
if mode in autoModes:
print "On line %d mode changed to %s (AUTO)" % (line,mode)
if not isAuto:
print " Previous manual segment: " + `(prevLine,line-1)`
isAuto = True
elif mode in manualModes:
print "On line %d mode changed to %s (MANUAL)" % (line,mode)
if isAuto:
print " Previous auto segment: " + `(prevLine,line-1)`
isAuto = False
elif mode in acroModes:
raise Exception("Unknown mode: %s" % mode)
prevLine = line
if isAuto:
print " Previous auto segment: " + `(prevLine,logdata.lineCount)`
print " Previous manual segment: " + `(prevLine,logdata.lineCount)`